Friday, May 28, 2021

5-26-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-26-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, here we are again, and so much is happening on your Beloved Planet. This election has been unfolding in these six-plus months, since it happened. Beloveds, the Truth is coming out, about how mechanisms of altering the votes were perpetrated upon all of you, Beloveds, in the United States. And this is indicative of how other elections, all over your planet, have been stolen.


Beloveds, any time there are companies, and institutions, that award licenses and levels of indoctrination, and certificates of expertise, and what have you, that place them above the laws of your Constitution. And make them very accessible, for these minions of the Cabal, to alter the results of elections with advanced technologies, and paying off the people, who count the votes, to alter the paper ballots.


Beloveds, the Alliance knew that this was going to happen. They put safeguards in place. And now it is time for the results of states’ elections to be decertified. Beloveds, so you know what that means, is that there is a sea change happening, because the Truth of how this was done. And that it was not just one party, but it was other nations that were a part of this Act of Treason. And we would even go so far as to call it a Crime Against Humanity, because these players have been perpetrating all sorts of Crimes Against Humanity. 


And by stealing this election, it enabled them to do all of their nefarious deeds, for a greater amount of time, and to make their control more iron clad over your Beloved Planet. Or at least they thought that this is the way that it would be. 


But Beloveds, more and more of you, on your Beloved Planet, and not just in the United States, but all of the countries all over the world, have been waking up, and seeing how what has been happening in this last Presidential election, in the United States, corresponds to their situation with their governments, with their institutions, and the global corporate elite structures, that they have to deal with in their countries.


Beloveds, we have been in Mission with you for eons upon eons. And my last lifetime, where I ascended with my Beloved Mother Mary, and my Twin Soul, Maria, we were planting seeds for this transition, that you are experiencing now. Because we were shining the Light on that level of corruption, on the lies and deceptions perpetrated against the Beloveds, at that time.


The Truth is setting you free, Beloveds. And yes, you have had to learn more and more patience, of letting go of attachments to outcomes, and just being in the Now Moment at Zero Point. And shining your LoveLights, radiating these high frequencies into the 5th Dimensional timeline, into your Collective Consciousness, and remembering that what you experience in your physical reality is an illusion. It is a hologram.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. And now my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle with the Kumara roses. Offering them to you, to take into your hearts, representing all of the frequencies of the higher dimensions, all of the color spectrums, many of them that you have never seen before on this planet. Take them, as many as you like, into your hearts. Empower yourself with the beauty of Truth, with your knowingness, that we are all One, Beloveds, and that you Ascension Process is accelerating.


Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

5-26-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 5-26-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I too am so very happy to be with you here once again.


And the question I ask you tonight is that, when you wake up in the morning, and you feel the heaviness of having slept in the night, and being at this same moment in time, you have been for so many moments in your life, where you are coming back online, call us in, Beloveds. Call in the Love and Light that you feel right now, with all of us joined together heart to heart, and soul to soul.


And truly remember who you are as a Divine expression of the Godhead, all joined together in the Oneness of all of Creation, in the Truth of who you really are, and not the limitations of this density, that you feel when you wake up in the morning, and have to resolve your plans for another day, as this 3rd Dimensional timeline is eroding. And you are giving your energies into the upliftment of consciousness in the 5th Dimensional timeline.


Yes, we have done the meditations with you, given you the Kumara roses into your hearts. And Beloveds, we see you doing your meditations, and other Beloved Acts of freeing up the energy, of expressing from your hearts, of making initiations with one another, to disseminate your Truths, to give you those experiences, whereby you are able to radiate more and more of your LoveLight out to the whole. And this is so very wonderful.


Because more and more on your Beloved Planet are waking up. And as they do so, they are ever-so-much more receptive, to feeling those vibrations of Love and Light, and to having you share from your hearts, and them sharing from their hearts with you. This is the Divine Communion, that was not happening on your planet hardly at all for a very, very long time, because of the limitations placed on you by your institutions, your religions, your workplaces, and having so many people be so afraid of being judged.


Well Beloveds, when you do not judge yourself, it is easier not to judge others, as you have been learning. And when you let go of the judgments, the comparisons, the qualifications, and have the courage to feel into your hearts, to bring in more and more of this Love and Light, this is where your True Power is. 


This is where we love to be with you, to feel your hearts, to feel your empowerment, whereby you radiate this Love and Light, and learn how to be of service to others with your acts, with feeling confident in the choices that you make, because you can feel how those choices resonate with yourself.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are with you, as the changes unfold, as the bumps in the road become ever more choppier. We are here to remind you of who you truly are, and the power that you have, when you breathe into your hearts, and radiate your LoveLights, expressing the Truth of your love with one another.


Namaste and good night, Beloveds. And now, my Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

5-26-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-26-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I come again into your conference call, into your hearts, communing with your hearts in these very-high vibrations, at this time of the eclipse and the full moon. And it is a wonderful, joyous expression of Love, celebration, that we are feeling tonight here up on the ships. 


Ah, yes, Beloveds, the saga is playing out. The stolen election, the last gasp attempts of this Cabal to right the ship. But Beloveds, they do not have any power anymore. The plans of the Earth Alliance have taken away their last vestiges of power, and have now leveled the playing field, whereby your Beloved Sacred Divine document of the U.S. Constitution, channeled from Beloved Saint Germain, is coming into play in a most Beloved and awe-inspiring way, we would say.


Because it was designed to give the Power back to the people. And no matter how hard the Cabal, and all of its minions, and the AI, and all of the Satanic factions have tried to control your resources, the money supply, and brainwash all of you Beloveds into a safe space, where you were enslaved. It is all coming undone. Because you each and every one of you are of the Godhead. And each and every one of you are equal. The lies of elitism of these factions, of all the off-worlders, who came here to your planet to control you, and its resources, have played out.


Yes, they helped you to have experiences, whereby you reincarnated time after time to learn life lessons, to have Soul Contracts where you explored the depths of this density, in the 3rd Dimensional timeline. And you have come into your mastery, by waking up, and remembering who you truly are, and finding ways, Beloveds, to be in Mission, to be of service to others, by radiating your LoveLights out to the whole of Mother Gaia, into the Collective Consciousness, to wake up others.


Beloveds, let us join together once again, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle. Sending the energies from our hearts, around from the left, to the right, in a clockwise direction, spiraling from the center above, to the center below, raising the level of our vibration, calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights. Expanding our field of energy, breathing into our hearts. And spiraling it up, down, and around and through.


And sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface of Gaia, into her Crystalline Core. This is her heart, Beloveds, as it rotates ever-so rapidly, holding all of the energies on your Beloved Planet. She is in the 5th Dimension and beyond. She has weathered all of these storms with us. Breathe into her heart, feel her Unconditional/Universal Love, and Compassion, her Wisdom, her Understanding, her Clarity of Purpose. Yes, we are in Mission with her, and the Divine Love, that we have for her and each other.


And now, sending her our Love and rising on up back to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts. And sending this energy around from the left, to the right, spiraling it. Lifting up off the surface of the planet, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, up through the many layers of atmospheres, into multitudes of ships, honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And as I open the landing deck, in the belly of the ship, we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, while this landing deck closes beneath us. And now, we touch down.


And we move on over to this open elevator, that beckons to us, all getting in at the same time, with our circle unbroken. And now, I am closing the door, and pushing the button, to take us on up to the top floor. We are zooming right on up. And now we come to a stop, opening the door. 


Feeling all of the Love and energy of all of the Beloveds assembled here tonight, the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, Angels and Ascended Masters, orbs who represent the consciousness of many Beloveds, who are bilocating from other ships, other planets, other star systems. And your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. We are walking into the middle of this great hall, where our Master Crystal sets on top of our Altar.


We are forming our circle now, as the Mentors form their circle around us.  And all of the other Beloveds form their circles. Breathing into our hearts, sending this energy around the circle, to the outer circles. And spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through expanding our combined field of energy.


Feeling all of the higher dimensions represented in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here tonight. And of course, feeling these high-vibrational and dimensional energies in the crystals themselves, that have assembled from all over Creation. Breathing into our hearts, resonating in these high frequencies. Imprinting them into our consciousness.


And letting go in this Beloved Now Moment, we ask you to intentionally require of the Universe what you would like to create in your Beloved Lives with the energies of this meditation tonight. Beloveds, it can be for the health and the wellbeing of yourselves and your family, to have greater Love and intimacy with your Loved Ones, to have more financial abundance, and prosperity, to have clearer communications,, and more understanding with your friends and family. Whatever it is, Beloveds. Now shining it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, joined together heart to heart, and soul to soul, we call for the Beloved Truth to inspire the hearts and psyches of all of the Beloveds on your planet, for them to see how the dots connect. How all of these events, false-flag events, designed to keep us in fear and separation, how they have been perpetrated upon you.


And when the Truth comes about, when the people see the dynamics, that have been used against you, to keep you in low vibration, to keep you enslaved in that conditioned programming, all based in fear and separation, you will have the courage to rise on up, all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, in such vibrations of Compassion for life itself, for each other, and yourselves, to now make choices based on your Truths, your discernment, your knowingness. And emanate them forth with your heart, your sound expressing from your heart the Truth of who you really are, as conduits into the Godhead, in this Oneness of the Dance of Creation.


Bringing it forth to bring in more Love and Light, to empower all of the components of NESARA in the Now Moment. And to make this your foundational reality in the 5th Dimension, to empower and accelerate all of your Ascensions. Shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, ever-so quickly, from the layers of the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, into Gaia’s Crystalline Core, and radiating it out to the hearts and psyches of all the Beloved Beings, on your planet. Transmitting these high vibrations into their cellular structure, enlivening them, revitalizing their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, with these high vibrations of Love and Light. 


Beloveds, going down into the DNA of all of Humanity, and all of the Kingdoms. And activating these strands of the DNA, all of them, Beloveds. So many of them have been dormant. And removing any of the conditioning, the devices and the delivery systems, that have mutated the DNA, from its original Adam Kadmon Blueprint. Removing any ill intent, any etheric and physical structures, that have prevented the activation of all of the strands of the DNA. Removing anything less than Love.


And now spinning in a clockwise direction, bringing in these high frequencies. Transmuting all of the lower vibrations into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And spinning the energy field of yourselves, Beloveds, and transmitting this cleansing, this activation to all of the Beloveds on your planet. Bringing in these high vibrations, dissolving all of the negative dendrites, all of the dendrites, that have held and contained trauma, that has kept you in low vibration for these eons, these many reincarnations on Beloved Mother Gaia.

Freeing up the control systems of this Cabal, and shining this high-vibrational Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into all of the cells of your being, into your energy field, your energy body, and into the DNA. Transmitting these high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, let us radiate these high frequencies into the hearts and minds of all of those members of the Cabal, that are still holding on, that are said to be still active in trying to perpetrate the illusions of control and separation, in the governments, in all of the institutions on your Beloved Planet. Shining these high frequencies of Love and Light into their hearts with the Intentional Requirement, that they too can wake up, and come to the Light, and make choices that empower all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, recognizing the Truth of who they are, and all of Creation as One.


And shining our LoveLights to all of the Beloved Children, who have been trafficked, who have been enslaved, who have been used for nefarious purposes on the surface, and underneath the surface in deep underground military bases. And all of the Peacekeepers, shining our Love and Light into their hearts, radiating this LoveLight all throughout the planet, into the hearts and psyches of all of the Peacekeepers, the children as the Peacekeepers liberate these bases, and revive, and resuscitate the children. Giving them back their lives, enabling them to live on the surface, some of them for the first time going to the surface.


And reclaiming the absconded wealth, the secrets of rituals, of artifacts.  And then destroying these bases, so they will never be used against Humanity again. Shining our LoveLights to all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia.


And to all of you on this call, we celebrate you in your Mission as the Ground Crew, the commitments that you have made. And we are so very happy to be with you, at this place of the turning point into the Light, into the 5th Dimension, bringing it about on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste and good night. And now Maria will come in.

Monday, May 24, 2021

5-19-2021 Sananda by Eli Galla

 5-19-2021 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come in once again, as you are still assembled in your circle on this Beloved Call.


Feeling our hearts in the Oneness of this Now Moment, expanded in these high frequencies of Love, and Joy, and Harmony, and Understanding. Beloveds, you are gifted in the Now Moment with these higher Light Encodements, as so many on your Beloved Planet are waking up. And you are taking the initiative in your meditations, some of you in mass meditations, besides this one.


And radiating this LoveLight out every time you are in Bliss, or laughing or letting go in the Now Moment, and are rising up above the energies of your negative imprinting, of these negative programs, and devices, and delivery systems of the 3-D energy matrix. Beloveds, you are being in high vibration.  You are being in Mission with us, to radiate this LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness. Shining it forth for all of Humanity, and, yes, all of Creation. Because all of Creation is feeling your upliftment into the higher dimensions, in how you are initiating with us the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia.


It is such a marvelous story, that is unfolding on your Beloved Planet. And yes, you see the turmoil being perpetrated by the mainstream media, by politicians, by their same rhetoric. And every day it gets thinner and weaker. And their lies become more transparent.


Take it to heart Beloveds, the work, that you have done in this lifetime, has brought you in Oneness with us. You agreed to be the Ground Crew, and in Mission with us, in your Soul Contracts, as you came into this lifetime. And now, you are putting your best foot forward with Faith, with Joy in your hearts, in knowing that we are victorious in our Mission, victorious in the Light. 


The dynamics are changing. And we realize that many of you feel, that they are not changing rapidly enough. But Beloveds, when all is said and done, you will be where you intended to go, before you came into physical embodiment in this Beloved Lifetime.


And you will see how all you have been through, all of your experiences and relationships, enable you to pass through that level of upliftment into your Ascension Protocols, enabling you to have full consciousness, while still embodied in physicality. And resuscitating and reviving Beloved Mother Gaia into the Garden of Eden, the Paradise that she was always intended to be, Beloveds. We are in Joy, in being united heart to heart, in our communion with you.


Now my Beloved Marys come into the middle of the circle once again, offering you the Kumara roses in high frequencies, that haven’t been available on your Beloved Planet, in colors of this LoveLight. Take them into your hearts. Let them shine forth in the mastery of this rainbow light, in the highest frequencies from all over Creation.


Beloveds, we are One in every Now Moment. We are with you every step of the way. We feel such overflowing Love in our hearts and radiating it forth into your hearts and psyches.


Namaste Beloveds. And good night.

5-19-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-19-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Feel the Power of Love in the Oneness of our hearts coming together, not just on this call, Beloveds, but all over from points off planet, and on your Beloved Planet, from the ships into your hearts, into your psyches, with the knowingness, that the Love is the most important force in all of Creation.


And whenever you breathe into the heart, and empower your Truth, speaking from your hearts, allowing yourself to let go in your meditations. Being at this Now Moment. Being in Zero Point, allowing this LoveLight to come in, and its wonderful force permeating every cell of your body, enlivening your heart with these higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center.


Feel the strength of our Oneness, Beloveds. The Truth unites us in this Now Moment, radiating our LoveLights forward, all over your Beloved Planet.  Radiating it out from your planet, to all of Creation. This is where the Power is, Beloveds, up in the higher dimensions, where this feeling of Oneness informs the Truth of who you really are, as a conduit into the Godhead, all of us equal in this Love and Light, that we conduct and radiate forth. In knowing that in your 3rd Dimension, you have participated in this experiment of testing out duality in this hologram, that you have set up in your Collective Consciousness. 


And now you are freeing yourself from the 3D Matrix, and rising on up into this 5th Dimensional timeline, in such a wonderous and marvelous way. Bringing in more Love and Light. And letting yourself rise up above the structures of the 3-D matrix, and all of the negative programming, that has been designed to magnetize you in fear and separation, to these lower-vibrational thoughts.


Now, Beloveds, let yourself feel the Truth of the Love and Light that you are in harmony and in Oneness with all of us. Beloveds, all of the beings, who are sending you Love and Light, who are empowering you, as your Ascension Process plays out, in every Now Moment, with every breath. Yes, there is much going on, on the Beloved Planet. 


And as we say, we are all victorious in the Light!  The Power of Love in the 5th Dimension, and the higher dimensions rules. And you are seeing this as you are being prompted with the tests and challenges, that come forth in your daily regimens, to hold the line, and to stay in these high vibrations, to step into your mastery in doing so, in speaking your Truth.  Beloveds, we are One in every Now Moment.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Sananda is coming in. 

5-19-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 5-19-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am with you once again on this splendid call, joining together our hearts in communion with one another, as we are coming together, feeling these very-high vibrational energies once again, as they continue their process of bringing your Beloved Planet, more and more of these higher Light Encodements into your Collective Consciousness.


Beloveds, it is by your Intentional Requirements of raising the level of vibration, within yourselves, and for the Collective Consciousness, shining it out, radiating it, you being the Beloved Beacons of this Light, to help people to stay in high vibration, while all of these changes on your Beloved Planet are playing out.


And yes, we know with the advent of this vaccine, that there is much confusion around this, and also much heartbreak in families. But Beloveds, the first rule that we ask you to focus your attention on, that this is all a hologram. And this is a Free-Will planet. And you have the Power, Beloveds, of choice, in every Now Moment, with every breath that you take to be in high vibration, to override all of the devious plans of this Cabal for their de-population programs, for controlling the planet, and keeping you locked into the 3rd Dimensional timeline. 


As you can see how this saga of the stolen election, and the vaccine, and other parts of the very nefarious plans of the Cabal have been playing out, while the Earth Alliance also carries out their plans. As of yet, there have not been significant amounts of bloodshed.


And more and more people are seeing very transparently that the people who have stolen the election are not forthcoming in having the results audited, or changing any of their narratives, even though that the facts support, that they have not been telling the Truth. And this will play out more and more.  And you will find more and more people assembling peacefully in mass numbers, to bring about, and give energy to the Truth, as speakers set up in many cities around the country for these next three or four months, as this continues to play out, Beloveds.


It is not over. There is what we perceive to be a dual Presidency. And as long as this continues, the Truth will come about more and more. And when the Truth in its fullness is disseminated, over the Star Link System, and it cannot be tampered with, you will see change of public opinion. And yes, there will be some staunch diehards, that hold the party line and are unwilling to change whatsoever.


But the magic number of people awakening on your Beloved Planet will turn the tide, Beloveds. We have no judgments on the people holding on to their negative programming, and the way they have been imprinted to believe what was true. This is a Free-Will planet


And all of you Beloveds have been learning in a very-intense way about your choices, and being the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, and how you have been co-creating your reality. And now, Beloveds, you are stepping into your Mastery as these last stages of the Ascension, in the first phase of this Ascension Process, comes to a close. 


Let us assemble our circle, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle. Sending the energy, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Raising the level of our vibration. Expanding our field of energy. Feeling our hearts in communion with one another. And sending this energy down to the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface of the planet, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Breathing into her heart, this core, where she holds all of the energies of the planet. Feeling her Wisdom, and her Compassion, her Strength, her Knowingness of the process, that we are all going through together as one. And we are sending her our Love.


And now rising up to the surface of the planet, through the bottoms of your feet, into our Heart Centers. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right in our circle. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, as we rise up off the surface of the planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts. Powering up through the layers of atmospheres, rising up into multitudes of ships.


And honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. Rising up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we are making our way to an open elevator, that beckons us to come on in. And all of us getting in with our circle unbroken. And I’m pressing the button to close the door, and to take us on up all the way to the top floor here. 


And breathing into our hearts, feeling the Joy of this Now Moment as we come to a stop, opening up the doors and walking out into this magnificent crystalline hall, where so many Beloveds, all of the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, orbs that represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings, from other planets and other ships. Your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Making our way through all of these Beloveds, into the middle of the hall.  Circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And as we do so, the Mentors form their circle around us, supporting our energy, as we send it around, from the left, to the right. And all of the other Beloveds are forming their circles.


Sending the energy from our hearts into the outer circles. And spiraling it, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. By sending these higher Light Encodements, representing all of the dimensions of reality, from the consciousness of all of the Beloveds assembled here, and from the consciousness of the Crystals, that have absorbed those dimensions also, all throughout Creation.


Breathing into our hearts, spiraling it up, down and around and through, in this clockwise direction, bringing in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, and the Platinum Ray. Focusing on this Now Moment, and this feeling of Oneness, of heart to heart, and soul to soul, in our Divine Communion.


Beloveds, we ask you to form your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, for yourselves, for your family, to envision your role in the 5th Dimensional consciousness, that you are elevating and evolving into, whether it has to do with relationships, having Abundance and Prosperity, developing your gifts and talents. Beloveds, shine it forth into our Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call, we call for the Unity of consciousness, for speaking forth our Truths, for all of you Beloveds on your planet, to stay in high vibration, so that you may awaken others with the level of your vibration, and disseminate your Inner Truth, as this beacon of Light, that you are. Lifting up into the higher dimensions, feeling the Oneness with your I AM Presence, Guidance Team, and Ascended Masters.


And radiating this LoveLight energy forth, giving support for the Truth being disseminated, for all of the old structures of the Cabal, all of their institutions dis-incorporating. And for new systems coming about per the Plans of NESARA, where the Truth shall set all of Humanity free. Using the model of your Beloved U.S. Constitution, ensuring the rights of all of Humanity. Allowing yourselves to rise up into Unity Consciousness, into the 5th Dimension in a very beautiful, all-encompassing way. And accelerating your Ascension Processes.


Shining our Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. And shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia, from the atmospheres, to her surface, underneath her surface, into her Crystalline Core. Spiraling it into the DNA in a counterclockwise direction, to remove anything less than Love, any ill intent, any encodements that have mutated your DNA, and cut off connections into the right lobe of your brain, into your energy field, to dissolve all negative dendrites, that hold trauma from the past, to allow you to incorporate new perceptions, and to re-program, to bring in this Love and Light.


And to reach for the higher positive thoughts, using your Power of Co-Creatorship with your I AM Presence. Using your imaginations to put forth your ideal domiciles and routines in the 5th Dimension, as all of these Plans of NESARA have been enfolding, in the Now Moment. And spinning in a clockwise direction on your energy field, and into your DNA, transmuting all of these low-vibrational energy encodements, that we have been removing, all of the negative programs. Transmuting them into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. Spiraling them up, down, and around and through. 


And merging your energies with all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, transmitting it into each and every one of their hearts, via their DNA.  Sending this message of Love into their consciousness, via raising their hearts up into the higher dimensions in their sleep states, into shining this LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness, so that everyone may be sparked with that “ah-ha” moment of the pieces of the puzzle coming together for themselves, to enrich their narrative of what has been going on, to allow them to connect up the dots, and find this place of Peace, Harmony, and Joy. Rising above the contrived structures of fear and separation of the 3D energy matrix. Shining their LoveLights into the Collective Consciousness with the Intention of empowering the 5th Dimensional timeline.


And radiating this LoveLight into all of the leaders on your Beloved Planet, all of the ones who have been hoarding the wealth, and the power of the mainstream media to perpetrate their narrative of separation, manipulating the Truth. Shining our LoveLights into their hearts, with the Intentional Requirement of telling them that their time is up. And it is still not too late for them to come into the Light.


Radiating this LoveLight into all of the places on your Beloved Planet where there is turmoil, where there are energies, that are still holding on to the power of the Cabal, as it erodes, as it fades, as the Truth comes into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds, that are waking up.


And sending our LoveLights into all of the Beloved Peacekeepers, all over the planet, who have been rescuing children, either on the surface, or underneath the surface, in the military bases deep underground. Resuscitating and reviving them. Unearthing all of the secrets, that have been hidden away from the surface population, that have ensured for eons upon eons of time, that this Cabal has been reviving themselves in their Satanic practices with the help of Artificial Intelligence.


Removing all of these devices and delivery systems from the deep underground military bases. Taking back the wealth, that they have stolen from the people, all of the ancient artifacts. Liberating everything that can be used on the surface. And destroying these bases once the battle has been won, so that they may not use these structures any more, to have any power whatsoever. And to eliminate their Satanic practices, and their darkness, from Beloved Mother Gaia once and for all.


Shining our Love and Light into the hearts of the children, who entered these lifetimes knowing that they would be severely tested, but still they honored their Soul Contracts. And now they are being given back their lives, as the models of Faith, Truth, Freedom, and Justice, and the Liberation Process going on your Beloved Mother Gaia. Beloveds, shining our Love and Light into all of the hearts, of all of the Beloved Peacekeepers, all of the patriots, who have been putting their lives on the line, by disseminating the Truth, by holding the line and keeping the momentum going for the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia.


And you Beloveds on this call, we are one with you every step of the way.


Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

 Sananda, 5-12-2021, by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I, too, am so very happy to be with you.


It is in the strength of you feeling, and breathing into your hearts, these high frequencies of Love and Light. And letting go of the low-vibrational thoughts, that keep you tied down to survival dynamics, trying to protect yourself, thinking that maybe, you are the targets of being cheated and hurt, and emotionally transgressed upon.


Beloveds, it is time for all of the fear and separation to dissolve, by allowing yourself to rise up in these high frequencies with us in this Beloved Now Moment. And feeling the Purity of coming together, with our circle still joined, our hearts joined with this Intentional Requirement of being at Zero Point. To feel all throughout the systems of your body, within your hearts, radiating all throughout the four bodies of your being, this moment of attainment of the Truth, of knowing who you are as Divine Beings of the LoveLight, always connected into Creator Source, always conduits into the Godhead. 


You have come to this place, Beloveds, whereby you can see and feel the control mechanisms, the rhetorics of control, of spin doctoring, of contrived dogmas and narratives, to keep you in low vibration. You do not have to labor over the blame. You do not have to carry the pain of being enslaved, in your hearts, any longer. 


You are all free in the Now Moment in these high vibrations of Love. Knowing we are all One, knowing that everything, that you have called forth, in your many years of working on yourself, in all of your personal meditations, mass meditations, all of your prayers. All of your Intentional Requirements  imploring us, to send forth more Love and Light, onto your planet, to wake up all of the Beloveds, to raise the level of consciousness so that, once again, you can be in the playground of Paradise, of the Garden of Eden, in the 5th Dimension.


And calling forth your Ascensions, while you are in physical embodiment to have this full consciousness, so that you can create the Miracles in your each-and-every Now Moment, with this Strength of Purity, of Divine Love, of Connection, of this knowingness of the Power of the Law of One. We are all derived from the same Source, Beloveds.


No matter what techniques, what philosophies we have used, to allow ourselves to jump up into the higher vibrations, through the higher dimensions, into this Now Moment, into this place of Zero Point, to fill ourselves up with these high vibrations, so that we may radiate it forth, into the Collective Consciousness. And collectively grow stronger so that, yes, all of the Plans of NESARA can come about, in this Now Moment. Whereby all will be forgiven, and the great Gratitude of us having done this all together, can raise us up, into that place of the 5th Dimension, to enable the 5th Dimensional timeline to take over the Conscious Reality on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we are with you, in Mission with you. We are victorious in the Light, and it is ever-unfolding. No dates, Beloveds. Patience is a Virtue. And the Power and the Strength of your Love is carrying you forward, into this place of Ascension.


Now my Marys come into the middle of the circle. And they offer you the Kumara roses, as a symbol of the Love and Appreciation, for you being in Mission with us, to create Ascension on your Beloved Planet, in a most-miraculous and harmonious way. Take as many as you like into your hearts.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

5-12-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-12-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again. 


Ah yes, we come in at this time of having just celebrated Mother’s Day, whereby many, many people have felt their Love and Appreciation for their mothers, and who have radiated the Love into their hearts. And knowing, and giving, full attention to the Miracle of Life, as the springtime unfolds on your Beloved Planet.


But, Beloveds, it is the Miracle of the Truth unfolding, also at this time.  Because the plans for the liberation of your planet, for reactivating your Beloved Mother Gaia, in the 5th Dimension and beyond, have been in play for such a very long time, even before that last lifetime, when I was on your planet with Beloved Sananda. and Mother Mary. and all of the other Beloveds. And many of you, I would say almost all of you, were there with us. playing out your roles at that time. And it took hold of most all of the consciousness.


And this is what it has evolved into, Beloveds, as you are in this first phase of Ascension. And these plans, these scenarios, that are making it abundantly clear, that there has been this nefarious Cabal, with its institutions and constructs of Ritual Satanic Abuse, to further their power, to control your Beloved Planet. And it has just been at that top place in the pyramid, of just a few thousand people being in the very upper echelon, that have been in league with this Artificial Intelligence, to control you, and your Beloved Planet.


But they have never controlled your hearts, and your minds, once you have awakened to the Truth of who you are as Divine Co-Creators of your reality, as conduits into the Godhead, having the Power to be connected to your I AM Presence, to continuously be in high vibration, and bring forth your plans in league with us, the Mentors, and the other Star Seeds, on your Beloved Planet, for Mother Gaia’s liberation, to once again be in the 5th Dimension in high vibration, to be in the spirit of play, without being in survival mode. And knowing, that you are loved and supported, by the Universe, in a very Divine Far-Reaching Way.


And that each and every day, this Love and Light, that is raising you into this 5th Dimensional timeline, whereby soon, you will see your planet change in a very amazing, wonderful way. Whereby all of your survival needs will be taken care of. Whereby you will empower each and every one of yourselves, with the Truth and higher-vibrational technologies, to once again be in this 5th Dimension, and transmit this level of consciousness all throughout your planet and bring about your Ascensions, not just for yourselves, but for all of Creation.


And this, Beloveds, has come to be what the Plan is. And it is evolving in a most-beautiful way, in a most-powerful way. Because we can see, that the Love in the 5th Dimensional timeline is becoming stronger and stronger, and attracting so many Beloveds, to raise the level of their vibration, to let go of all of the lies of control and domination. And to use Forgiveness and Gratitude, to stay in these high vibrations, sharing heart to heart, and soul to soul with each other and with us.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. We are always here with you, in Mission to bring you into Ascension, and the liberation, to realize the liberation of your Beloved Mother Gaia, with the Truth unfolding in a very Divine and miraculous way.


Namaste, Beloveds. We love you ever-so much. Good night.


And my Beloved Sananda will come in.

5-12-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 5-12-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


I am so very thrilled to be on this call, once again, to shine forth the LoveLights of us Mentors observing all of the goings, on your Beloved Planet, from our ships. And shining the LoveLights into your hearts.


And yes, the level of consciousness on your planet is rising. And it needs to keep on rising. But everything, Beloveds, is in Divine Timing, and Synchronization. And it is playing out in a very wonderful, seamless way.


So yes, you are in this process, in the mix of your Ascension, the unfurling of it, the unfolding of you processing these higher Light Encodements, of using them to master your tests and challenges at this time. And a lot of mastery revolves around the Art of Patience, which basically is to allow yourself to be in the Now Moment, in this place of nothingness, of Buddha Consciousness, or some call it Zero Point.


But it is a feeling where your heart is open, and attuned, to the higher dimensions, whereby you can let the Love fill you up, into your energy fields, into your energy bodies. And feel this Oneness with the higher dimensions, and call forth your Intentional Requirements, at this time.


And yes, all of us have been working with the Intentional Requirement of bringing forth, implementing, announcing NESARA, and all of its components. Beloveds, it has been your Master Plan to take you into the 5th Dimension, and to allow your Ascensions to happen seamlessly, with Ease and Grace. And yes, this Solar Flash is part of the equation also, Beloveds.


But as you can see, with the way the changes on your Beloved Planet are happening, where the Truth every day is becoming more transparent. And whereby more and more people are waking up, and transmitting that Truth heart to heart to one another. Because they know how important it is at this time to rise up, to take responsibility, and not to be silent. Whereby they are observing these dark forces making their last-gasp attempt to completely wrestle away control, and eliminate massive numbers of the population.


So Beloveds, now more than ever, your mastery, what you have learned in all of these years, is coming into focus for each and every one of you. And you are aware of your own individual Powers. You are aware of how you have been connecting up the dots, to use in your narrative, to share with others, to disseminate this Love and Light. And yes, you will be tested more and more.  And this refinement process ends with you, and all of us, being victorious in the Light, Beloveds.


Let us form our circle with me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around, with your other hand, for someone else on this call. And sending the energy from our hearts to the left, around the circle, and back into our hearts.


And spiraling the energy from the center above, to the center below, expanding our field of energy. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Raising the level of our vibration with the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights. And sending our energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, all the way into Gaia’s Crystalline Core This is her heart, Beloveds. This is where she holds all of the energy of your Beloved Planet. And at this time, her heart is overflowing with Love, and Light, and Compassion for all of the Beloveds, all of the Kingdoms on her planet. 


And being in this rhythm of unfolding this Ascension Process, breathing into our heart. Feeling her Compassion, her Wisdom, and her Understanding; the Clarity of Purpose, that she has in each and every Now Moment. And sending her our Love. 


And rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet into our hearts. And sending the energy around from the left to the right once again.  And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, spiraling this energy in our circle.


Rising up off the surface of your planet, up through the many layers of atmospheres. And coming upon multitudes of ships. And we can see them, Beloveds. We are uncloaking them with our Cosmic sight. And I’m honing in my beloved ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the belly of our ship, which acts as the landing deck. And we are rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing closes beneath us.


And now, it is safe for us to touch down and move on over to this open elevator, which beckons us forth. All of us getting in at the same time. And I am closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up. And breathing into our hearts, relaxing with the rhythm of this elevator, shooting on up through the many floors, up to the top floor of our Chrystal Healing Room. And now we come to a stop. The doors open.


And the level of the vibration is so very high, filled with wonderous amazement and merriment. And all of the Beloveds, the Mentors, the Commanders from the ships, all of the Beloved Beings. The Arcturians are here, the Praying Mantis, and orbs who are representing the consciousness of Beloved Beings, who are bilocating from other planets, other star systems, and other ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and your ancestors, Beloveds, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. And feeling their energies, opening up our hearts even more to these high vibrations. And walking on into the middle of this room, circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets.


And the Beloved Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form circles. And sending this energy from our hearts, from the left, to the right, around our circle, into the outer circles. Spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Reaching into these higher vibrations of consciousness represented in the crystals, all through the higher dimensions, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here tonight, representing all of the higher dimensions throughout all of Creation.


And yes, breathing into our hearts, expanding our field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Feeling ourselves relax into this Now Moment, with these higher Light Encodements coming in. 


Beloveds, we ask you to intentionally require, what you desire, to come into being for yourself with the energies of this meditation tonight. And yes, it may have to do with raising the level of your consciousness, feeling more Love and Light in every Now Moment, feeling more supported by the Universe in a monetary way, or being able to just talk from your hearts, and express yourself clearly with your Beloveds. Whatever it is, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, shining it forth into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we ask for discernment in the hearts and the psyches of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, for them to use their discernment, by feeling into their hearts, feeling into their bodies, letting go of anything less than Love. Allowing themselves to be free of worry, and all low vibrations, all negative programs, all thoughts that do not serve their highest and best interests. Allowing themselves to bring in more Love and Light. And to have the courage to create their own narratives, when they feel that they have arrived at this point of Truth.


And this is enabling them to bring in more Love and Light, and have the confidence to share it with like-minded beings, to resonate in the higher vibrations, and raise the level of consciousness within all of the Beloved Beings of the Collective on your Mother Gaia. And of course, it resonates all throughout all of Creation, to bring in higher vibrations for everyone also.  This is so much in alignment with the Law of One, Beloveds. 


Feeling these energies take us up higher and higher, and more into this Now Moment, of feeling this Oneness, this heart-to-heart connection. And radiating it into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of Nibiru. And spiraling it down, from the atmospheres, to the surface, and underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


Going into her subatomic particles, into the DNA. Awakening, activating all of the strands of the DNA, by reverse spinning in a counterclockwise direction, to remove any and all of the negative encoding, that has caused mutations in the DNA. Releasing, removing, making inoperable all obstructions, all devices and delivery systems, that have created resistance,, to bringing in and optimizing these high vibrations of Love and Light. 


We Intentionally require for all of you Beloved Beings to be at Peace in this Now Moment, to let the Truth of who you are as Divine Co-Creators of your reality, as conduits into the Godhead, always connected into Creator Source. And the Power of Love, that you possess within your hearts, to shine it forth in every Now Moment. And knowing you are loved and supported by the Universe. 


Re-encoding your DNA to activate all of the strands. Spinning in a clockwise direction, for transmuting these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. And going into all of the energy fields, of all of the Beloveds on your planet. Removing, breaking down, unknotting all of the negative dendrites, all of the trauma, all confusion, anything less than Love, that is pulling these Beloved Beings down into low vibration, and not allowing them to be in the Here/Now, to bring in higher vibrations of the Love and Light, at this Now Moment.


Breathing into their hearts with the message of Love being the most-powerful force in all of Creation. The awakening of all of the circuits in the right lobe of their brains connected into the DNA, Akashic Record transmissions.  Activating all systems and circuits within the four bodies of their being.  Connecting into their I AM Presences.


And shining their LoveLights, radiating it out, all over your Beloved Planet.  Sharing it with each and every one. Shining into the Kingdoms of Beloved Mother Gaia. Shining it into Mother Gaia’s heart. Feeling this Now Moment of being connected in the Oneness of the All That Is. Allowing yourself to stay in these high vibrations, and frequencies, of Love and Light.


And now, going into the hearts of all of those, who have been playing with the dark energies, who have given their allegiance to these entities called Lucifer, Satan. And the pervasion of the Artificial Intelligence, that has enabled them to control this planet for thousands upon thousands of years, as they have done in other star systems, in other Galaxies. But now that stops Here Now, in this Now Moment, Beloveds!


Because the light is empowering all of you, waking up all of those dormant places in the consciousness, and bringing it, raising it up higher and higher, into these frequencies, whereby the Truth is enabling you to be the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, to be in this place of Conscious Awareness, in the Now Moment. And to be a shining beacon of Love and Light in your daily routines, in every Now Moment.


In your sleep states with the Beloved Beings working on you on the ships, and transmitting this Love and Light out to the whole of the Collective Consciousness, to wake up more and more of the Beloved Beings. To shine the Light on all of these bad actors, who have aligned themselves with the dark energies. Telling them that they are forgiven, if they come into the Light, and they allow themselves to see all that they have been through. And that it has come down to this Now Moment of realizing, that Love is the most powerful force in all of Creation.


And that Love is always aligned with the Truth. And the Truth is the Force of Empowerment, of letting go, of liberation, of bringing everything to Zero Point, of Forgiveness and Gratitude, in the Now Moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And shining our LoveLights out to the Peacekeepers once again, as they are in Mission to liberate all of the children, in deep underground military bases, all throughout your planet. These are combined forces of the bravest of the brave, Beloveds, who have put their lives on the line, some of them for many years now, to bring the children back, to resuscitate and revive them, back to the surface, and to reveal the secrets of these deep underground military bases. To liberate what has been hidden there, that will help all of Humanity, whether it was absconded wealth, or advanced technologies, or written, or video, or audio proof of their dark, ritual Satanic practices. Their philosophies, their plans, all of the secrets being unveiled, and taken from these deep underground military bases.


And once everything has been liberated, to destroy them, so that the dark forces will not be able to repopulate them ever again. It is an on-going procedure, Beloveds. The Light is winning! We are all victorious in the Light! 


We urge you to keep on meditating and staying in high vibration. And shining your LoveLights, as the Loving Beacons of Truth, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, that you are.


We love you ever-so much, all of you Beloveds. Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

5-5-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 5-5-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your circle, joined together heart to heart with you in high vibration, as you have completed a meditation with Sekhmet, and have heard my Beloved Mary come forth.


I suggest to you, Beloveds, that this element of the Power of your Choice is so very important right now. Because now more so than ever before, it is up to you, in each and every moment, to be the Compassionate Observer of how you feel, when you are exposed to certain energies in the environments you are in. Or whether you are in your room in meditation, and observe what thoughts correspond to the feelings that you have. 


Beloveds, it is the feelings, that are ever-so powerful. And to allow yourself to feel this Unconditional/Universal Love in the Here/Now Moment, allowing yourself to open your heart, and be in connection with your I AM Presence, with the realization, that you are a conduit into the Godhead. And your I AM Presence is the bridge into this connection to Creator Source, all up, and through the higher dimensions. 


Beloveds, it is with your thoughts, that you choose your words and actions, to bring forth more Love and Light. This is your Mission, Beloveds, to bring forth this Love and Light, and radiate it, with the purity of being heart centered, of your Intentional Requirements, to bring in the 5th Dimension. And in the Now Moment, to create your reality in the 5th Dimension.


Calling forth the connection with all like-minded beings, who are of the same Mission in being here, at this time to bring forth Ascension, to bring forth this 5th Dimensional reality enabled by NESARA. To bring forth more and more of this Love and Light, to wake up all of the Beloveds on your planet, so that you will feel this Love and Support, to be who you truly are, the magnificent, shining light of Unconditional/Universal Love, and radiate it forth.


This is the game changer, Beloveds, to wake up all of those in the Collective Consciousness, so that they too start their process. And yes, much of the heavy lifting is being done right now, to bring forth these Plans of the Alliance to completion.


But it is you, Beloveds, shining your Love and Light, letting go of all worries and doubts, all of the lower-vibrational thoughts, that enable the 5th Dimension new timeline to become stronger with each and every breath. And to bring your Mission to completion with Ascension, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


And now, my two Mary’s come forth into the middle of you circle. offering you the Kumara roses. Beloveds, take as many as you wish into your heart. They are a linkage into all of the higher dimensions of reality. with their divine color spectrums, representing all of Creation, representing all of the higher dimensions. Feel this energy in your heart.


And know, Beloveds, we are all One in Mission with you, on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste and good night.