Saturday, May 8, 2021

5-5-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 5-5-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your circle, joined together heart to heart with you in high vibration, as you have completed a meditation with Sekhmet, and have heard my Beloved Mary come forth.


I suggest to you, Beloveds, that this element of the Power of your Choice is so very important right now. Because now more so than ever before, it is up to you, in each and every moment, to be the Compassionate Observer of how you feel, when you are exposed to certain energies in the environments you are in. Or whether you are in your room in meditation, and observe what thoughts correspond to the feelings that you have. 


Beloveds, it is the feelings, that are ever-so powerful. And to allow yourself to feel this Unconditional/Universal Love in the Here/Now Moment, allowing yourself to open your heart, and be in connection with your I AM Presence, with the realization, that you are a conduit into the Godhead. And your I AM Presence is the bridge into this connection to Creator Source, all up, and through the higher dimensions. 


Beloveds, it is with your thoughts, that you choose your words and actions, to bring forth more Love and Light. This is your Mission, Beloveds, to bring forth this Love and Light, and radiate it, with the purity of being heart centered, of your Intentional Requirements, to bring in the 5th Dimension. And in the Now Moment, to create your reality in the 5th Dimension.


Calling forth the connection with all like-minded beings, who are of the same Mission in being here, at this time to bring forth Ascension, to bring forth this 5th Dimensional reality enabled by NESARA. To bring forth more and more of this Love and Light, to wake up all of the Beloveds on your planet, so that you will feel this Love and Support, to be who you truly are, the magnificent, shining light of Unconditional/Universal Love, and radiate it forth.


This is the game changer, Beloveds, to wake up all of those in the Collective Consciousness, so that they too start their process. And yes, much of the heavy lifting is being done right now, to bring forth these Plans of the Alliance to completion.


But it is you, Beloveds, shining your Love and Light, letting go of all worries and doubts, all of the lower-vibrational thoughts, that enable the 5th Dimension new timeline to become stronger with each and every breath. And to bring your Mission to completion with Ascension, on Beloved Mother Gaia.


And now, my two Mary’s come forth into the middle of you circle. offering you the Kumara roses. Beloveds, take as many as you wish into your heart. They are a linkage into all of the higher dimensions of reality. with their divine color spectrums, representing all of Creation, representing all of the higher dimensions. Feel this energy in your heart.


And know, Beloveds, we are all One in Mission with you, on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste and good night.

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