Monday, May 24, 2021

5-19-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

5-19-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Feel the Power of Love in the Oneness of our hearts coming together, not just on this call, Beloveds, but all over from points off planet, and on your Beloved Planet, from the ships into your hearts, into your psyches, with the knowingness, that the Love is the most important force in all of Creation.


And whenever you breathe into the heart, and empower your Truth, speaking from your hearts, allowing yourself to let go in your meditations. Being at this Now Moment. Being in Zero Point, allowing this LoveLight to come in, and its wonderful force permeating every cell of your body, enlivening your heart with these higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center.


Feel the strength of our Oneness, Beloveds. The Truth unites us in this Now Moment, radiating our LoveLights forward, all over your Beloved Planet.  Radiating it out from your planet, to all of Creation. This is where the Power is, Beloveds, up in the higher dimensions, where this feeling of Oneness informs the Truth of who you really are, as a conduit into the Godhead, all of us equal in this Love and Light, that we conduct and radiate forth. In knowing that in your 3rd Dimension, you have participated in this experiment of testing out duality in this hologram, that you have set up in your Collective Consciousness. 


And now you are freeing yourself from the 3D Matrix, and rising on up into this 5th Dimensional timeline, in such a wonderous and marvelous way. Bringing in more Love and Light. And letting yourself rise up above the structures of the 3-D matrix, and all of the negative programming, that has been designed to magnetize you in fear and separation, to these lower-vibrational thoughts.


Now, Beloveds, let yourself feel the Truth of the Love and Light that you are in harmony and in Oneness with all of us. Beloveds, all of the beings, who are sending you Love and Light, who are empowering you, as your Ascension Process plays out, in every Now Moment, with every breath. Yes, there is much going on, on the Beloved Planet. 


And as we say, we are all victorious in the Light!  The Power of Love in the 5th Dimension, and the higher dimensions rules. And you are seeing this as you are being prompted with the tests and challenges, that come forth in your daily regimens, to hold the line, and to stay in these high vibrations, to step into your mastery in doing so, in speaking your Truth.  Beloveds, we are One in every Now Moment.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Sananda is coming in. 

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