Saturday, May 8, 2021

5-5-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 5-5-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I too am so very thrilled to be once again with you on this Beloved Conference Call. 


These times, Beloveds, are so very stimulating for all of us, because so much is rapidly unfolding. And yes, we realize that these instances of the Truth being unveiled. With the narratives that are coming about, from your citizen journalists, and those insiders are very revealing in the level of corruption that has been encountered. And that is being overtaken by the Plans of this Earth Alliance, to institute the Constitution of your United States, via the delivery system of NESARA, all over your Beloved Planet. 


This has been a very long, drawn-out Mission, Beloveds. But it has been one, that is enabling the Divine Truth to come out. That will create this reality of being in the 5th Dimension, whereby these bad actors, and negative energies, and this level of Satanic corruption will never be able to exist with you, because you will be in the 5th Dimension.


And you will not be magnetized any longer, by these low-vibrations, delivery systems and devices, manipulations, tactics, MK-Ultra, Manchurian candidates.  All of these systems that have sought to control you, confuse you, and keep you tethered to the survival game, and the plans that they have put forth to control your Beloved Mother Gaia.


You can see, Beloveds, especially in this last year, how their control is eroding. They no longer control the money supply. They no longer control the true narrative of the facts of what has transpired on your Beloved Planet. 


And many, many are waking up each and every day to this Truth, which is so opposed, diametrically opposed, to the narratives of the mainstream media.  The dynamics of how you have been controlled with the negative programs, with the mainstream media being the mouthpiece of this Cabal, of these illusions, that have tricked you over and over again with False Flag Events.


But now, so many have awakened. So many realize that they are Star Seeds, and that they are here in Divine Mission for their spiritual evolution, not only of themselves, but of Mother Gaia. And that what happens on this Beloved Planet, being in high vibration. Overthrowing the control systems of this Cabal, and the AI, will transmit to allow many other races, from many galaxies, to rise up in high vibration. Because there will be a higher standard of Ascension, in overthrowing the power of this dark energy, these dark under-world forces, with the Light shining ever brighter, into each and every one of your Beloved Hearts.


We are with you, Beloveds, every step of the way. We are shining the LoveLight right there with you, to dissolve the control of the mechanisms of this Cabal. Yes, it takes your Patience, your Courage. But as Mother has pointed out, this is enabling you ever-so much more, to step into your mastery, and accelerate your Ascension Process.


We love you, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.


And now, my Beloved Sananda will come in.

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