Saturday, May 15, 2021

 Sananda, 5-12-2021, by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I, too, am so very happy to be with you.


It is in the strength of you feeling, and breathing into your hearts, these high frequencies of Love and Light. And letting go of the low-vibrational thoughts, that keep you tied down to survival dynamics, trying to protect yourself, thinking that maybe, you are the targets of being cheated and hurt, and emotionally transgressed upon.


Beloveds, it is time for all of the fear and separation to dissolve, by allowing yourself to rise up in these high frequencies with us in this Beloved Now Moment. And feeling the Purity of coming together, with our circle still joined, our hearts joined with this Intentional Requirement of being at Zero Point. To feel all throughout the systems of your body, within your hearts, radiating all throughout the four bodies of your being, this moment of attainment of the Truth, of knowing who you are as Divine Beings of the LoveLight, always connected into Creator Source, always conduits into the Godhead. 


You have come to this place, Beloveds, whereby you can see and feel the control mechanisms, the rhetorics of control, of spin doctoring, of contrived dogmas and narratives, to keep you in low vibration. You do not have to labor over the blame. You do not have to carry the pain of being enslaved, in your hearts, any longer. 


You are all free in the Now Moment in these high vibrations of Love. Knowing we are all One, knowing that everything, that you have called forth, in your many years of working on yourself, in all of your personal meditations, mass meditations, all of your prayers. All of your Intentional Requirements  imploring us, to send forth more Love and Light, onto your planet, to wake up all of the Beloveds, to raise the level of consciousness so that, once again, you can be in the playground of Paradise, of the Garden of Eden, in the 5th Dimension.


And calling forth your Ascensions, while you are in physical embodiment to have this full consciousness, so that you can create the Miracles in your each-and-every Now Moment, with this Strength of Purity, of Divine Love, of Connection, of this knowingness of the Power of the Law of One. We are all derived from the same Source, Beloveds.


No matter what techniques, what philosophies we have used, to allow ourselves to jump up into the higher vibrations, through the higher dimensions, into this Now Moment, into this place of Zero Point, to fill ourselves up with these high vibrations, so that we may radiate it forth, into the Collective Consciousness. And collectively grow stronger so that, yes, all of the Plans of NESARA can come about, in this Now Moment. Whereby all will be forgiven, and the great Gratitude of us having done this all together, can raise us up, into that place of the 5th Dimension, to enable the 5th Dimensional timeline to take over the Conscious Reality on your Beloved Planet.


Beloveds, we are with you, in Mission with you. We are victorious in the Light, and it is ever-unfolding. No dates, Beloveds. Patience is a Virtue. And the Power and the Strength of your Love is carrying you forward, into this place of Ascension.


Now my Marys come into the middle of the circle. And they offer you the Kumara roses, as a symbol of the Love and Appreciation, for you being in Mission with us, to create Ascension on your Beloved Planet, in a most-miraculous and harmonious way. Take as many as you like into your hearts.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

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