Sunday, May 2, 2021

4-28-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-28-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come into your circle tonight, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. And asking you to focus once again with your Intentional Requirements on shining your LoveLights, onto all of the places of darkness, on your Beloved Planet. 


All of the governments, who have leaders that have given away their souls to these dark energies, for what they were told was immortality and unlimited wealth and power. They allowed themselves to be seduced, rather than give up their lives for Truth and Freedom.


Whereas so many on your Beloved Planet did just that. They could not stand for the lies to be told anymore. They could not stand for all of the suffering, that they knew was needless. And they knew it was a time for change, so they gladly stood up to the forces of the Cabal. And it cost them their lives.


And now, that dynamic is coming to an end because, Beloveds, the Truth is coming out. The people that have lied and deceived you, in so many ways, and have stolen the children, stolen the election, and used their perceived power against the Will of the People, they are all going to be revealed. And so many already have.


So many have been taken to military tribunals and tried. But many more need to go through the same process. Because, Beloveds, all over your planet, it is necessary to show the Truth to all of the people, for them to know how they have been enslaved and manipulated, by the illusions of curses and spells placed upon Humanity, all of this black magic MK Ultra encoding in the mainstream media, in the movies, even on radio, and the Internet.


All of this, Beloveds, is coming into the Light. Now is your time for taking these higher-Light Encodements into your heart, allowing yourself to be in great Peace, Harmony, and Joy. Breathing into these energies. Knowing we are One with you all throughout Creation.


The Light is being shined on Mother Gaia for your Liberation, for the completion of your Ascension Process, in taking back the 5th Dimension. Feel these energies come in. And allow yourself to know that every conscious breath is a part of this meditation, in you creating your 5th Dimensional world of Heaven on Earth, Beloveds.


It is within your realm of Power. It is within the realm of the Power of the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds, to shine your LoveLights with your Intentional Requirements, to manifest this 5th Dimensional world of Divine Governance, of Peace, Harmony, and Joy.


My Beloved Mary’s come into your circle, and once again offer you the Kumara roses in many spectrums of colors, that are not native to your Beloved Planet. Take as many as you like, Brothers and Sisters, into your heart. And let these energies shine within the four bodies of your being, in Divine Harmony and Oneness, with all of us Mentors, with all of the Company of Heaven.


You are loved ever-so much, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

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