Friday, November 12, 2021

11-10-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-10-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, we feel this Oneness with you, and with all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, as this phenomenon of hearts opening in realization, in the awakening of what is transpiring, on your Beloved Planet and raising the levels of consciousness, of awakening to this knowingness, that it is time for each and every being to make their voice heard, to shine their Love and Light out to the whole, and know that we are all going through this together, and that there is no separation. 


The dynamics of the control systems, that you have been negatively programmed with and imprinted with, Beloveds, have been lies, deceptions, and trickery to keep you in low vibration, so that at this time of the end of this Beloved Cycle in Duality, that you would not rise up. But here you are already having passed the Markers for Ascension. And you are in this very seminal and potent portal of the 11-11, assimilating and integrating these higher Light Encodements, as you see this Cabal fall.


Yes, their energies are imploding. Their narratives are not getting them through any longer. Because too many people are questioning the reality, that is transpiring right before their very eyes, and the feelings that Humanity is having in their heart, and when they hear the stories of so many people dying from this bioweapon. 


Beloveds, it had to come to this moment of Truth, for your whole Beloved Planet, for the Collective Consciousness to wake up, and rise up in the level of vibration, to raise the level of consciousness, and transmit this knowingness of the Oneness, that there is no separation. That we are all here in this Beloved Now Moment, in Mission for the same reason, for Ascension to bring about the changes on this Beloved Planet, that will institute the implementation of NESARA, as the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality.


Beloveds, we ask you to imagine in your meditations, how you will create your reality in the 5th Dimension, where there will not be any of these lower vibrations, where there will not be any negative energies to feed off of you, because none of them will be able to exist in these high levels of the 5th Dimension. And you will have Divine Governance, a new love-based financial system based on Truth and Equality. And you will have, and be in Unity Consciousness.


The Crystalline Grid will be activated. Advanced technologies will be disseminated, and all that we have worked for over the course of these thousands of years, of being on this timeline, in this cycle will reap the rewards, that we have been looking for, Beloveds. Where we could access this Oneness, and the Power of Love transmit into the hearts and souls of everyone, all of the Kingdoms of Gaia, and into Mother Gaia herself. 


Victory is yours, Beloveds, and ours! Victory in the Light and Love of the Truth of who we all are as One.


Namaste and good night.


And now, my Beloved Sananda will come in.

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