Saturday, November 27, 2021

11-24-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-24-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloveds, it is I, Maria Magdalena. Once again, I am thrilled to be on this conference call with you all, to commune with your hearts, to be in this Now Moment. And share with you these feelings of Gratitude that is the eve of your special day tomorrow, Thanksgiving. Beloveds, you, and all of us, have so much to be thankful for, that this shift in your reality into the higher vibrations and dimensions is continuing, we would say, in full force. 


Beloveds, there is so much happening underneath the surface. So much that your media will never admit to, that is transpiring to change the dynamics of the control systems on your planet, whereby the people are taking back their rights, that they have been guaranteed to receive with this Divine Document of your United States Constitution. And as we have said before, this was not just for the United States. This was a document to be the standard bearer for all of Humanity in fulfilling their sovereignty and birth rights, and enabling the structures of your reality to create a bridge, once again, into the 5th Dimensional timeline.


Beloveds, the Power of Love is enabling so many at this time to do the right thing, by breathing into their hearts, and enabling a narrative that is based on their own inner Truth. And standing up to these institutions that have been, and this negative programming of the 3D Matrix, that is designed to keep you in fear and separation in the lower vibrations.


And now, you are busting through those barriers, those filters, those obstructions, and all of the resistance, that you have been imprinted with to realize, to participate, and to accelerate the process of rising up in frequency and vibration into the higher dimensions, to take your Power back, as a free, sovereign Being. To know that all that you have experienced on this material plane is a hologram. So therefore, it is an illusion. And all of you designed this hologram, in the Collective Consciousness, to enable yourself to experientially, exponentially evolve.


And Beloveds, now you are rising above those limitations, that have been placed upon you with every incarnation, that you have come into since the Fall of Atlantis. You are able to see how you have been controlled, and the same narratives that play out in your media, over and over again, whom you call this mainstream media. While at the same time, Citizen Journalists rise up and contribute their information, and urge all of you Beloved Beings to do your own research, to resonate with what feels as if it is the Truth, and to develop your own narratives, so that you may explain these things to Beloveds who are just waking up. 


All of you Beloveds, on this call, are teachers. And you will fully come into the knowingness of that realization; the further along in your Ascension Process that you go. Right now, you are in this First Phase of it, and awaiting the Truth to be told, on your Beloved Planet, which will carry you into the next phase, moving forward, implementing NESARA, and creating this bridge onto the 5th Dimensional timeline, to accelerate your Ascension Processes, Beloveds.


We are so grateful for you being in Mission with us, for all of your contributions, for the way you have been raising the level of the vibration in your meditations and with us. We love you ever-so dearly. Namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved, Twin Soul, Sananda will come in.

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