Saturday, November 6, 2021

11-3-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

11-3-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be with you on this call once again, feeling all of your hearts be in communion with ours, in these high frequencies of Love and Light, that are bathing your Beloved Planet, coming from the Galactic Center, representing all of the higher dimensions of reality, and these Encodements, to take you through the protocols of Ascension. Bringing you more and more into the Now Moment. Helping you to feel the Power of the Love and Light, that you are, your infinite energy, your eternal, Divine Nature. 


And for you to remember that this is all a hologram. And you are being tested and challenged. But the payoff, Beloveds, is mastery of your life lessons, that is enabling yourself, and the Collective Consciousness, to rise to a level of vibration and frequency, to raise the level of consciousness, to become self-aware, to take all of you Beloveds onto the 5th Dimensional timeline, where the ensuing stages into your Ascensions will occur.


Beloveds, you are awaiting this announcement of the Truth. You have been told, that you will have days of darkness. But that out of this will arise the implementation of NESARA, and the Truth being made known, to purify the intentions, the knowingness of purpose of each and every one of you, who are choosing to ascend. Beloveds, we see this as a victory into the Light. 


We see, from our perspective of being able to go into the timeline, to see how these changes on your Beloved Planet have catapulted Humanity forward, into high vibration and frequency. Whereby this Cabal, it’s Artificial Intelligence, all of the minions of these Satanic factions, will not be able to exist in these high vibrations. They will have no low-vibrational energy, no drama, no loosh to feed off of anymore. There will be no lies and deceptions.


Beloveds, we keep on telling you this, to inspire you, because we know it has been hard for you on Earth; a very long time of you pouring out your hearts in prayer, and your incantations, your mantras, and your meditations, and allowing yourself to rise up in frequency and vibration, and to feel this Oneness of connection with us. You are doing a marvelous job!


We love you ever-so much. We are with you in all of your meditations. And you can call us forth any time you like, to feel our Love, and the magnanimity of all of the Mentors’ vibrations, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. 

Beloveds, namaste and good night.


And now my Beloved Sananda, my Twin Soul, will come in.

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