Thursday, November 11, 2021

11-10-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 11-10-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Mother Sekhmet. I am here on this Beloved Call, with all of you, once again.


Ah Beloveds, it is in the energies of this 11-11 gateway portal, that we feel your energies tonight. And yes, these energies of the 11-11 have been coming in for about the last ten day. And you can see in your material reality certain things are transpiring, to let the population know, that the wheels of justice are turning, that some things cannot be denied any longer.


And it has come to this place, where the people are speaking up, and holding the line in such a way, that they are making their choices known, about how they are using their discernment, to find out that these mandates are not legal. That there is no way that they, the government, and businesses, can justify forcing them to take these very deadly, physical indoctrinations of transhumanism, we would call it. Because this is not a vaccine at all, Beloveds. It is designed to control the genetics of the Beloved Beings who are taking it, and to shred their immune systems. We do not say this from a place of fear mongering for the Beloveds, who you care about so deeply, as your family and friends, because it is up to them to wake up, and to know that they will be able to detox from the effects of these jabs, or you would call them shots.


And that this place of transmitting this knowingness into the Collective Consciousness is growing, day by day, with more of the Beloveds on your planet waking up, and taking actions, which disseminate the Truth to the others, who have been trying to hold onto that same old narrative of the mainstream media, and the institutions, and trusting in the process that has got us to this place, where so many people just unquestionably did what they were told.


But that can no longer stand, Beloveds, as you are seeing. Because along with the Truth coming out, about these conditions around this bioweapon, all of the other parts of the matrix are imploding upon themselves, also. The financial system, the human trafficking, the rush on the borders is all showing the people, that are paying attention, that the same dynamics, the same narratives are being used to justify their actions. But the reality is quite a different thing.


And Beloveds, it is this knowingness we are all One. And this is diametrically opposed to the narratives, that we are being given by the institutions, and mainstream media, and the politicians. They all act as one force in collusion with these Satanic factions, that we call the Cabal, powered by an Artificial Intelligence.


This is pushing humanity to the brink, Beloveds. And you are rising up collectively, raising the level of your consciousness. And now, we see so many taking action, filing suits in court cases, to hold those accountable for forcing these conditions of this mandate upon them. And again and again, the media gives us one story to describe what is happening. But it is not the Truth. Such as certain airports being shut down, because there’s not enough pilots that are willing to fly. There is not enough pilots to get this jab after it’s become common knowledge, that some of their brethren have died in mid-flight from the effects of the jab. So, this is all playing out day by day.


And yes, now you have a strike going on. And how that plays out, it is up to us to be the observers. And to ask for guidance in our meditations, about what we need to do to protect ourselves and our families, to create a reality that is in alignment with our true, sovereign nature.


Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And you reaching around for someone else on this call, forming our circle. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, heart to heart. And spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below, bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, and the Platinum Ray.


And sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling her Compassion, her Wisdom.  Feeling the Oneness with her, and being in Mission with her, to liberate Beloved Earth. And letting go of all of the lower vibrations. And knowing this Miracle of Liberation is playing out in Divine Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization. And sending her our love.


And now rising up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our heart centers. And sending it around, from the left, to the right, these high frequencies and rays of Love and Light. And spiraling from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction. Lifting ourselves up off of the surface of the planet through the layers of the atmospheres, going ever higher. Coming upon multitudes of ships in the higher dimensions.


Honing in on my Beloved Ship the Niburu. And I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are rising up, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way back to an open elevator, and all of us getting in. And I am pushing the button to close the door, and pushing a button, to take us on up to this top floor. This is our Crystal Healing Room we are going to. And letting go with our breathing, as we rise on up ever-so rapidly, coming to a stop now.


Opening up the door, and making our way out amongst all of the Beloveds. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels, and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, orbs who have bilocated the consciousness of Beloved Beings from other planets, and other ships. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two, Beloveds.


And now, we are walking on over into the middle of this room, circling around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. Sending the energy, around from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through in our inner circle. And sending it to the circle directly in back of us, which consists of the Mentors, and to all of the other circles that have formed with all of the Beloved Beings in this room.


And spiraling this energy in a clockwise direction, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Observing these high frequencies of high-dimensional energy. All of the dimensions of Creation are represented here in the crystals, and in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings joining in with us on this meditation. Opening our hearts, feeling this Oneness, these high frequencies of the Love and Light we have called in, these shining rays.


And we ask you now, Beloveds, to make your Intentional Requirements, on this call, for all that you would like to create, with these energies of this meditation tonight, in your own personal journeys. It could be having stronger, clearer communications with the Beloveds in your family and your friends. Having clearer communication, and clarity with the higher aspects of your being, such as your I AM Presence, and Guidance Teams. And being able to express from your heart these feelings of Love and Joy, and being in the higher dimensions; to the Beloveds around you, when you see them going into low vibration, worrying about what is transpiring in the material reality, to remind them of the Power of the Love and Light, that they are. Beloveds, whatever it is, shine it in through this Master Crystal on our Altar.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we require that all of the Plans of NESARA be made known, that the Truth of what has transpired, that has been covered up, and kept secret for far too long, is revealed. And that all of the members of the Cabal have been taken off the stage, and dealt with, to be held accountable for Crimes Against Humanity, for Treason against the Constitution. That they will no longer be creating the reality on your Beloved Planet. And that all of you Beloveds are victorious in the Light, with the implementation of NESARA being the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality.


And shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through it tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru.  And spiraling it through the layers of the atmospheres, onto the surface of your planet, below the surface, once again into Gaia’s Crystalline Core.  Radiating this LoveLight to all of Humanity, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. 


Going into the Collective Consciousness, and raising the level of the vibration. Going into the DNA with the legions of angels working with these rays, and the Blazing Blue Swords as lasers, the Violet Flame and the Violet Torch, as well as the Christ Consciousness Energy of the Golden White Light, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights. 


And spiraling counterclockwise to sever all connections with this 3D Matrix, to remove all of the encoding of the negative programming, all the devices and delivery systems, that have perpetrated these negative programs upon your Collective Consciousness, all of these mind control devices, and delivery systems designed by the Artificial Intelligence, to hold the energies of this matrix, to keep all of you Beloveds weighted down in the density of duality in survival regimens, that would not allow you to rise up in frequency, and transmit the Love and Light, that you are, from the higher dimensions for so very long. 


But now, this 5th Dimensional timeline is gathering in momentum, in the level of high consciousness that it arises to, with the integration and assimilation of these higher Light Encodements, coming in from the Galactic Center. From Beloveds opening up their hearts and showing others who are downtrodden, and having a hard time, at these very monumentally-overwhelming times of change, on your Beloved Planet, that they are loved and supported, not only by them, but the whole Universe.


And shining the LoveLights into the Collective Consciousness, to raise that level of awareness of the Power, that each and every one of you have, as co-creators, using the Law of Attraction, understanding these Universal Laws, integrating with the power dynamics of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 


And we call for the dissemination of the Truth, so that all of the Beloveds all over the planet can see that it is real. That what they have been calling forth, in their meditations, for so very long in knowing, that all of Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, basically. That the Human Spirit has risen up, and taken control, and rooted out the evil, allowing us once again to be in the 5th Dimension. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And yes, you have been in this First Phase of Ascension for over a year and a half now. And you are ready for the next phase. And we are shining our LoveLights, along with you, to accelerate this process, with this knowingness of the Power of Love. And transmitting it into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings. Calling forth the Liberation of the children, all over your planet. 


Sending all of the Beloved Children Love and Light, those that have happy homes, those who have been estranged from their families, those who have been stolen from their families, and enslaved, either on the surface, or underneath the surface. We are shining our LoveLights into their hearts, honoring them for fulfilling their Soul Contracts, for being here at this time of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.


We are One, Beloveds. Victory to the Light!


Namaste and good night. 


And now, Beloved Maria Magdalena is going to come in.

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