Saturday, November 6, 2021

11-3-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 11-3-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am with you once again, on this Beloved Call, in the communion of our hearts with yours.


Oh, there are so many instances, whereby the Truth is being made known on your Beloved Planet. And each and every day, Beloveds are waking up, because they feel this point of Truth, whereby they are willing to change their belief systems. 


Whereby all of a sudden, they know that this is it, that they have come to this place, where they will not support, what they have been told by governments, and all of its institutions. That they know, by breathing into their hearts, by allowing themselves to let go, and be conscious, in the Now Moment, what the Truth is for them, and how to implement it, to make choices, that will create a reality that will be in alignment with their integrity, and the manifestations of their desires, for their Liberation, for Truth, Freedom, and Justice for themselves, and their Beloved Children.


When they come to this place of awakening, they will realize what has been off, how they have been manipulated with lies and deceptions, bullying tactics, events that were shrouded by secrets. And how so many, who were courageous and brave enough to speak the Truth, had their lives taken from them. Beloveds, this, on your planet, is this moment of mass awakening, because these two timelines are playing out. 


And yes, we come in meditation with you, to raise the level of vibration, to empower this 5th Dimensional timeline, by calling forth for the Truth, enabling NESARA to be implemented and announced, so that you will have a foundation whereby your 5th Dimensional reality will be strong, and tethered up through the highest dimensions of reality. One with all of us using the Universal Laws to your favor, and becoming a Galactic world, to join these Federations, whereby you will no longer be a prison planet. 


You will know and be the Love and Light, that you are. And you will realize the Power of Love, in calling forth your creations, in empowering yourselves, on this 5th Dimensional timeline, in Unity Consciousness, Beloveds. To exhibit creations that are one with this Power of Unconditional/Universal Love.


Beloveds, we are One with you. We are observing you from the ships, sending the LoveLight down into your hearts, as these Higher Light Encodements come in, from all over the Cosmos, through the Galactic Center.


And yes, we ask you to intentionally require for you to come up to the ships, where the technicians will work on you in your heavy dreaming states. And actually, this is an out-of-body experience, that you can utilize to your benefit, as these times continue to be very intense, and call forth many tests and challenges, for each and every one of you.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and good night.

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