Saturday, November 6, 2021

11-3-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

11-3-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. Once again, I am with you, with an update about the energies, that are coalescing and moving to completion on your Beloved Planet, because they encompass the Plans of NESARA, to catapult you onto the 5th Dimensional timeline in a very beautiful way with Ease and Grace.


But where you are at on this shift, from the 3rd Dimensional timeline, into the 5th Dimensional one is that we are seeing the 3D Matrix, that has been propagated over eons, from this Artificial Intelligence, which has cast ill-intent upon your reality, with their institutions, with the way that they continuously lie, and deceive, and create chaos, and confusion with their narrative.


So, Beloveds, it is up to each and every one of us to enable our own Inner Truth, to come up with our own narrative, about what resonates with us, what we desire to give our energy, to create the reality, that we are calling forth for the acceleration of Ascension on your Beloved Planet. There is Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization at work in every moment with every breath.


And if you could imagine, that all you are seeing play out, not only in the main stream media, but with the updates from this Truther Community, or you call them the Citizen Journalists, where they are charting all of the different activities of this Cabal, and the events that are coming forth, as more and more people rise up, and know in their hearts, that they are being manipulated, and that this war between the Light and the dark has reached a maximum boiling point, you would say, where Beloveds, something has got to give. 


And instead of being afraid of new situations, because you understand that this is the way, that your negative programming has set up your individual imprints, not to welcome new opportunities and situations. Beloveds, we say that the opposite is true at this time. Because these new opportunities, to make your reality in a high-vibrational way, will be the bridge into the 5th Dimension. 


There are many Beloveds, doctors, and lawyers, and people of every walk of life, who have had their livelihoods threatened, by these so-called vaccine mandates. And we do not call this shot a vaccine by any stretch of the imagination. The dynamics of what is in that shot are harrowing and diabolical, Beloveds. And for us to take that knowingness into our hearts, and to find deeper levels of Compassion for ourselves, and all of the Beloved Beings on this planet is what we see the focus of our meditation tonight.


Beloveds, we are at this time, whereby so many of the dark players are being rooted out. And they are being held responsible for their lies and deceptions. And they have been given every opportunity to come forth, and to go for the Light, to state the Truth of what they have been involved in, who they have been doing it with, to help the Forces of Light, to root out all of the evil, so that the Forces of Light do not incur mass casualties, and that these very dark forces are brought to justice in a way, that does not incur mass violence, such as civil war.


And if you look at all of the events, that have happened during this 2021 year, then you will see, that there have been many different layers to the story lines, that have been unfolding, whereby Beloveds have risen up against the mass manipulation of the governments, and the institutions, and, of course, big pharma.


So, Beloveds, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else’s hand on this call. And breathing into our hearts, relaxing, letting go. And sending the energy around, from the left, to the right in a clockwise direction. And spiraling this energy, from our center above, to our center below. 


And bringing in these high frequencies of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, and the Diamond Lights, the Blazing Blue Swords used as lasers, the Violet Flame, and the Violet Torch. Combining our field of energy and expanding it, we send these energies from our heart, down through the bottoms of our feet, below the surface of Gaia, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling her Love, her Compassion, her centeredness, her high-vibrational consciousness, in each and every Now Moment. And we send her our Love. 


And we rise on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, and into our hearts. And sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around, and through in our energy field, as we rise on up off of the surface of the planet. With the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, rising up through the layers of the atmospheres.


And coming upon multitudes of ships that are making themselves visible. And I am honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we all rise up, hovering in the air lock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And yes, it’s safe to touch down now.


And we are making our way to an open elevator, all getting in at the same time. And I’m pushing the button, to take us on up to the top floor here.  Feeling our hearts rise in vibration and frequency, as we jet right up to the top. And now, we come to a stop.


Opening up the door, and all exiting this elevator, to the welcoming smiles and greetings of the Beloved Mentors, the Commanders, the Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who have bilocated their consciousness, from other star systems and ships. And yes, your ancestors are here, and perhaps you from a previous incarnation or two.


We are walking on over into the middle of this room where the Master Crystal sets on top of our Altar, our Crystalline Altar. And we are forming our circle with the Mentors, directly forming their circle in back of us, and all of the Beloveds, who are forming their circles. And breathing into our hearts, sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, into the outer circles. Spiraling it from the floor to the walls to the ceiling.


Absorbing the higher frequencies of Love and Light, that are represented through all of the dimensions, that have been absorbed into these crystals, and of the consciousness of all of the Beloveds Beings, who are joining in on this meditation tonight; many of whom are bilocating from their homes. Feeling our hearts beat in the rhythm of carrying us deeper and deeper into this Now Moment, into this place of consciousness we call Zero Point. Calling forth answers to our questions. 


And we ask you Beloveds, who are on this call, to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you desire to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, in your own personal journeys, whether it has to do with your relationships, the health and well-being of your families, having this very-strong heart-centered connection, that allows you to know the Truth, and to discern it, and to disseminate your narrative. Expressing from your heart, being in the Power of the Love and Light, that you are, being at the core essence of your being. Beloveds, whatever it is, call it forth in your heart, and send it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth Peace and the Divine Understanding of what has been transpiring on your 3rd Dimensional timeline, while the Beloved Human Species is playing out the intensities of duality, over the course of many thousands of years. We call for the Truth to be made known, to be disseminated to the masses, all over the world, so that each and every being, who hears these transmissions of the Truth, will open their heart, and remember who they truly are, in every Now Moment, from now on. And be willing to take responsibility for the changes, that are needed to fully ground us into this 5th Dimensional timeline.


And with the implementation of NESARA, and the release of advanced technologies, nothing will remain as it was. You are moving forward in the Light, Beloveds. You are so loved and supported by the Universe. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.


And now, shining our Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, from the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of Gaia, and underneath the surface, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. We are radiating this Love and Light, all of the rays we have called in to all of Humanity, all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia.


We are going into the DNA with the legions of angels spinning counterclockwise, to remove all of the negative programming, all of the obstructions, the filters, the blockages, the devices, and delivery systems, such as diverters, and coil binders, plasma energy making proxy bodies, and sheafs all designed to syphon off the high frequencies of Love and Light. And to go for low vibrations for this AI, and the Cabal, to feed themselves, to sustain their darkness and their evil on this planet.


We call forth the end of this dynamic, and enabling this heart-centered reality to transmit to the hearts, and minds, and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, removing anything less than Love. Removing all of the negative dendrites, and all of the behavior patterns, that serve the low-vibrational stories of victimization. We call for each and every Beloved Being to empower themselves with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


Now, spinning your energy fields in a clockwise direction. Spinning the energy field of Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of the Beloved Beings on this planet. Calling forth this feeling of Oneness, with all of the Universal Laws being adopted, being understood, being used to bring about this Liberation of Mother Gaia, and all of the Beloved Beings on her.


Over and over, breathing into the heart, bringing in any polarities, any low-vibrational thoughts, any tension. And blessing them with this Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 


And now, we scan all over Beloved Mother Gaia for all of these log jams of energy, where there are cartels of Human trafficking, extremist groups, terrorism, if you will, CIA operatives doing the work of the Cabal. We shine the LoveLights into their hearts, for them to let go, for them to realize, that the time for them to decide, whether they want to go for the Light, or to be enslaved for thousands of years more. This is that moment in time. And they are responsible for the choices they make.


We are shining our LoveLights on all of the Beloved Children, no matter if they have happy homes, or have been tortured and estranged, or taken from their families and enslaved, by Human traffickers on the surface, or underneath the surface of the planet. We are shining our LoveLights, spiraling their energy fields, with the highest frequencies of Love and Light.


And shining our LoveLights into all of whom we call the Peacekeepers, who have been rescuing them, and arresting members of this Cabal, and who have been keeping the Peace on Planet Earth, so that, yes, all of us reap the benefits of the implosion of all of the institutions, of this 3D Matrix, that has been powered by Artificial Intelligence, with the intention of rising up in frequency and vibration into the 5th Dimensional timeline, and liberating Beloved Mother Gaia.


Adhering to the Universal Laws, activating the Crystalline Grid, and feeling this Oneness from heart to heart and soul to soul of all of the Beloveds on this planet, and to all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia.


Beloveds we love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.


And now, Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.

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