Thursday, April 19, 2018

4-18-2018, Mary Magdalene

4-18-2018, Mary Magdalene

Dear Beloved Ones, 

It is so wonderful to be back here again, to be able to talk to you and to feel the loving energies in all of your hearts. And once again we want to focus on the Love and Light that we are. Because no matter what the challenge is, no matter what Life Contracts that we find ourselves moving through and having to deal with day to day, whether it be health wise or with relationships or concerning money and just simple survival, we bring forth the knowledge that the True Power lies in the Power of Love. And this means allowing ourselves to be Heart Centered, to use our tools throughout the course of the day, whether it be spinning our chakras, praying, moving forth in nature, doing sports, or going bike riding. 

All different ways we have to move the energy to let go of the mind and truly allow ourselves, by being Heart Centered, by being inside of our bodies, to really let go to being in this Now Moment. Because, Dear Beloved Ones, this allows us to be at Zero Point. And this is the place of our Power. This is the place where we use the Power of Attraction all through the dimensions, it can be, to rise right on up and make that connection with Creator Source, and allow ourselves to stay in those high vibrations, to feel the Oneness with all of the higher aspects of our being, and to make manifest our intentional requirements for what we desire in this moment. To bring it forth, whether it be for ourselves, for the planet, for our families, for Mother Gaia, for her kingdoms, for our pets. These Divine Aspirations help move all of us forward and upward into the 5th Dimension. 

And we feel that you have all come to the realization that this is why you are all here: To manifest that part of yourself that is God, to let it grow in strength and solidarity with Mother Gaia to fulfill this Mission of Ascension.  And knowing that every time you come together in Communion of your Hearts with one another, such as on these meditations, and in other mass meditations on the internet, or even just with your family and friends in your living room, that you’re not just doing it for yourselves, but you’re doing it for the whole of Creation. And so much Power is to be felt. And every time we do this, we’re empowering ourselves more and more to spread the LoveLight all over the planet and all over Creation.  

Because the time of the darkness has been a long time, and now the Light is in the forefront here and directing the momentum on your planet. And it would not have come about without all of you being here and intentionally requiring to work on yourselves and raise the level of your vibrations so that these changes could start to manifest. And here we are in the Alliance and the unions of all of these different groups of Light Workers that have come together under the tutelage of teachers, of channelers, who are channeling members of the White Brotherhood, angels, specific Ascended Masters, or like Susan was, an open channel. 

And there has been so much that has been learned since the time of the Harmonic Convergence, so much more than what was previously known through Divine Books, such as the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad-Gita. These have a certain amount of Truth, but when you can get a channel that has like 97% Truth coming through them, it creates a whole different dynamic. It resonates throughout the higher vibrations and the higher dimensions and creates a force field of Love in and of itself. And that is why we as Mentors persist in our meditations, in our channels, because we know that you are hungry for not only the information coming forth, but the vibrations that come forth, the degree and level of the Love and Light that is made manifest heart-to-heart when we talk to you. 
And this dynamic has been powering your meditations and helping you to go through your daily grind in dealing with this survival game and survival dynamics and the density of duality for so many years now. And we know that you have grown to love us. And our love for you is truly exponential and beyond all expression of words. The feeling becomes so much deeper and stronger day by day, Dear Beloved Ones, that even though we can’t give you a date, we can give you a concrete assessment of where we are in the Now Moment of bringing in the Cosmic Blast and the Announcements.  

We just see it moving more forcefully and stronger, and the vibrations of the Light becoming that much more dynamic, and exponentially affecting your reality in a most wondrous way.  And it is so joyful for us to behold because we too, us Mentors, have been on this meditation with all of you for so, so many years of your time on this planet. 
And we, as Mother said, we truly love you and are in awe of you and admire you for your commitment, because as you know, you didn’t have to be here, but you wanted to be here.  It was in the spirit of Love, of Oneness, of knowing that you are a part of God and empowering yourself once again to rise up into being in the 5th Dimension and ascending that you came here at this time. And all we can say is that you won’t be disappointed in how it feels as you continue to go forth.
We love you, Dear Beloved Ones, and we honor you for your meditations tonight and all of the work that you do on yourself.

Namaste and Good Night.

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