Saturday, April 28, 2018

4-25-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

4-25-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones,

Good evening. We have a question to start off with. And it is about the Elohi and the Elohim and their relationship to one another, and that’s the first part of it that we see. And yes, the Elohi was the original grouping of this collective of spirits of most-high angels and celestial beings. And then at some point when the, you could say, that as realities progressed on your planet and other planets too, that some of the Elohi were seduced into this power of materialism and playing out certain contracts within the context of increasing their power by holding on to some of these dark energies. And even though it weighed them down in density, they felt that it was a very valid tradeoff for the roles that they were playing in moving the consciousness through these changes that they saw that it had to go through at these times and to also preserve and enlighten themselves into the nature of duality and the density of it. 

But as this time of Ascension is approaching, they too have to deal with the dynamic of releasing these dark energies and clearing them because it is the same thing for them that all of these things that need to be cleared are coming up for them, and they don’t want to remain in the darkness. They want to be evolving into the glory and the spirit of Oneness with Creator Source and just like the rest of us, their Godhead which they emanated from, from Creator Source. 

And so, that this is turning into a magical time for them. And it’s not so much about being caught up in the words of how people perceive what their role is, but it is to allow ourselves to feel that energy such as them. They are coming back on line and rising back up into the light to give this whole Ascension Process, which is the crux of our Mission of raising the level of our Love and Light to return to the 5th Dimension and to ascend, that they are in league with us now. And as we know with the rise of all of these very high-vibrational energies that are coming in, even as we speak tonight, that this is a very good thing.

And are there any more questions or is there any comments about the answer that I have just given?

DJ:  Hello, Mother Sekhmet, this is DJ.  I want to thank you.  I just want to clarify and see if there was just, an overlook of the presentation in the beginning.  If I heard it correctly, you were saying the Elohi were the ones who were tempted by the material.  I was perceiving that it was the Elohim.

MS:  Well, the Elohi were the original group, and then the Elohim split off from that.

DJ:  Okay. That’s where I wanted some clarification tonight.  It was a little fuzzy there.

MS:  That’s what I was trying to get across so thank you for bringing that up because maybe it wasn’t clear to others also.

DJ:  Well, I appreciate your covering this.

MS:  All right. Are there any more questions while we’re at it? And nobody is saying anything, so let me get on with bringing us into meditation here.

And as I was saying that the energies are really very strong right now. And a lot of this has to do with the timeline shrinking, if you will, and coming together because different elements of what are going on in your physical reality are progressing in harmony and Oneness with these high-vibrational energies that are coming in. 

And if you could think of it as every time that one of these measures that bring us closer to the Announcement advance and they start to take on a life of their own, it raises the level of the vibration of all of us and the Light and Love itself on the planet. And so, at the same time, we know that it decreases the power of this dark cabal that has up until this point controlled the resources and the dissemination of information, particularly by the brainwashing of the populous on their mainstream media. And for the most part, that has been the television for about the last, oh, 70 or so years.

So, we see these things progressing now. And even though, you know, some people like in your press, even Truthers, that decimate some of this information can be very skeptical at times, that really it is up to us to make the reality in the higher vibrations by letting ourselves envision what the 5th Dimension and the realization of it in this Now Moment means to us. 

And on that note, I’d like for us to join together and me bilocating one of my paws with all of you and you joining hands together to form our Circle.  And rising up with our breathing with the Love and Light in our heart being in communion with one another in the realization of the Divinity that we all are, One with Creator Source. And breathing into it, feeling ourselves being jettisoned into the atmosphere, through the layers of ships up and onward toward the planets here, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru, and opening up the bottom of the ship, popping through the landing deck, getting into that airlock, hovering above on it.

And now closing it and touching down and rhythmically walking back toward our elevator with our Circle intact. And all of the joy of it being here once again in these energies, opening the elevator, getting us all in intact in our Circle, and rising up, on above into the very top of my ship, the Crystal Room, opening the doors, seeing all of the familiar faces of the spirits of our ancestors, the Mentors, the Beloved Warriors of the Ashtar Command and ringing around in the inner circle, our Alter here, with our group and having the other Beloved Beings ring around us in outer circles.

Ah, and just breathing into the heart and circulating these energies from the left to the right here and moving them through the outer circles. And now spiraling them from the floor all the way up and through the ceiling and in and around and through all of the vibrations of the Beloved Beings of the Love Light in the outer circles and the crystals in our Crystal Room. And this takes us up and through all of the dimensions basically. And just allowing our hearts for a moment to ride these waves of really high-vibrational energy and feel the liberation there with the possibilities of things we have maybe never considered about Creation or ourselves. And all of these are very positive high-vibe information that is coming in simply because we allowed ourselves to open our hearts to it. And that is a dynamic that is going to continuously play upon your reality, and you rising up into the 5th Dimension, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters.

So, now focusing once again on sending these energies all throughout our circles, feeling the energies come back into us and sending the energy into our main Beloved Crystal here on our Alter and focusing on this Now Moment.  And bringing the gifts of NESARA, being in the 5th Dimension, clearing the planet completely of any of the lower vibrations, the negative programming, the black magic, the AI, that enables the strongholds of the darkness, the strongholds of the mainstream media and their brainwashing monopoly, completely focusing the Love Light on removing all of those energies, dis-incorporating them and transmuting them into the highest frequencies of Love and Light in this Now Moment. 

And now, moving this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness that is multiplied and intensified in our Dear Beloved Crystal, and shooting it straight up through the opening in my ship, through the ceiling and down into our Beloved Blue Orb of Mother Gaia.  And following it with our hearts and minds and our Intentional Requirements for Liberation.  And moving through the layers of the ships into the nearer atmosphere onto the surface, spiraling these energies in and around and through our Beloved Planet and going down into the crystalline core, going all the way through to the other side and spiraling it all the way up and down, around and through again and again. And just allowing this to happen for a few times to raise the level of the vibration on a subatomic level to get into the DNA of everything, because we want to do a thorough job here. And that’s what it takes really to make a positive effect of sending our LoveLight into everyone else’s hearts to affect some creative change at this time of great shift on the planet, Dear Beloved Ones.


And now, let us focus on Antarctica, just one more time here. Because we know that there are underwater bases here. And these bases house a lot of secrets about past Races who came here with advanced technology. And we know that the cabal have pretty much sequestered all of these artifacts that portend to the explanations of the roles that these Races played in our history. And they are very intent on keeping this information from us. But if you could think of this as being a key part of the Announcements, because along with all of the different provisions of NESARA, NESARA will mean the Truth, each and every one of us experiencing the Truth of our origins and of our roles in playing through the energies and being a part of the History of Beloved Planet Earth in these last 13,000 years of what we like to call the Duality Life Cycle.

And so, focusing on these energies that are being hidden away in underground bases, and some of them just simply under the ice because the energy is just too dense for anyone to penetrate without going through their roadblocks of very violent, um, what we call black-ops type mercenaries. And so, spiraling this energy from the surface all down and around and through, underneath the ground, underneath the water and into these bases. And unearthing with our LoveLights all of the secrets there and removing any of the negative intents to keep these secrets of advanced technologies and the story of our origins on this planet secret. Removing all of that, this controlling negative energy and transmuting it into the highest frequencies of Love and Light to rise up into the 5th Dimension and beyond. 

And so, Dear Beloved Ones, now let us go to the underground bases once again in North America, because still a lot of negative energy is being held underneath the surface in these bases all through the dynamics of the dark players being able to ferry around all of these different energies of armaments and monies and rare treasures and advanced technology through the tunnels of these underground bases. And it is a dynamic that up until this point has served them very well.


And now, just breathing into our Heart Centers again and spiraling this energy all over North America. That means up into Canada and even several spots in Mexico we’re seeing, and now from the surface onto the surface and underground into the network of underground bases. And now making our energies, transforming them from vertical into horizonal, as we enter the beginnings of this tunnel network and spiral this energy all throughout the tunnels, all throughout the underground bases. And with our hearts raising the level of Love and Light up and through the higher dimensions and spiraling this energy at the Power of our Thoughts to reach all over North America and having it spiral back again and affecting each and every subatomic particle of all of these different networks, the tunnels and their bases.

And of course, we know that the AI hides here, their dragon energies, their toplet bombs -- all of their power sources are here that they wouldn’t dare manifest on top of the surface because they’re so advanced and so high vibrational -- and break the mold of everything that they have talked about as being the History and the Truth of our being. And of course, these bases hold some very dark energies concerning ritual sacrifices, child trafficking and slavery, not just children but Beloved Beings who from childhood have remained slaves there to pretty much enable the comfort and safety of this cabal. 

And shining the LoveLight heart to heart to them in this Now Moment. And we intentionally require that they know in the depths of their hearts and souls that we consider them as heroes, as equals for the roles that they have played in these lifetimes. And we fully understand that they didn’t have to reincarnate at this time on the planet, but this is the way that they chose. They chose to come into this Ascension Lifetime and share their gifts with the whole of Humanity, with the whole of Creation to raise the level of the vibration on this Dear Beloved Planet and accelerate the Ascension Process.


So, we send them the LoveLight and a prayer for their liberation and for their imminent Ascension to go smoothly in this Now Moment, to all of these different Dear Beloved Ones, no matter what their age, their sex, no matter what roles they have had to play in these lifetimes controlled by the cabal.


So, Dear Beloved Ones, we are very happy once again to complete a meditation with you in our Communion heart to heart.  And we offer you our deepest Love and Gratitude.  And we say to you, Namaste and good night, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters.  Thank you oh so ever much.

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