Saturday, August 18, 2018

8-15-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

8-15-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is such a pleasure to be with you once again. And wow, we feel your hearts and we feel the Love resounding in them. And we see on your planet just how much the LoveLight has been penetrating the consciousness of so many people. 

And yes, there is this war going on in the mainstream media between the believers of this group called “Q” and the people that run the mainstream media which we see mostly as CIA operatives. And they have quite an influence over the mainstream media. And all of these talking points are given to those commentators. And they have to do what they feel is their job or else they’ll be without a job. 

And again and again, the Truth is twisted and spun in a way that may not end up resembling the Truth whatsoever. But as in that famous movie about a gangster who said, “I tell the Truth even when I’m lying.” This is the mindset of a lot of people in power in the mainstream media and in your government because they just want to win. They are desperate right now because they feel that things are happening to them that never happened before, that the Truth has become transparent where no one used to talk about pedophilia rings and black ops missions. And now it is all over your Internet.

And people are feeling one another’s hearts when they allow themselves to awaken to these stories that resonate with them as the Truth. And yes, there are many commentators making videos that interpret what this group “Q” calls their bread crumbs, and they’re leaving a trail. And supposedly this trail leads to your liberation. Well, it is really a matter of all of you using your discernment because what you feel in your hearts as the Truth, it is the Truth for you. 

But yes, Dear Beloved Ones, it takes courage to live a Heart-Centered Life, to trust in those feelings. And to let go of the rhetoric of all of the negative programming that has been perpetrated upon you. Because you know what reality those thoughts that are based in fear and the lower vibrations will create, just more of the same, lack and suffering and separation. And that’s not where your Power is. 

Your Power is in Unity Consciousness, with feeling connected heart to heart and being able to express your Love and your Light by being centered in your heart. And this is a Magical Gift that all of you have. And each of you have that Internal Guidance System that tells you when you’re out of sync, when you’re out of whack, out of alignment with that discernment, when you are off your Path because it doesn’t feel good any more. 

Ah, the energies are coming into your planet. They are so exponentially uplifting and powerful. And we ask you to use your Creativity and your Imagination in connecting up the dots at this time, to create your reality, to tell your stories so that when people ask you, “Well, why is this happening? Why do I get this feeling that we’ve been through this over and over again? And why do these shootings keep on happening? And it seems like we never get ahead. And our money just keeps on shrinking in value. And we keep on having to pay more and more for healthcare.” 

And yes, this is your opportunity to tell and to share heart to heart from what you know deep within your being, from all of the messages that you’ve gotten from doing your research, from doing your Meditations and being connected to your I AM Presence and Guidance Teams. You can see patterns that have been unfolding during all of your life. And the main thrust of the energy has been in you being able to love yourself, to be that Love and Light that you are. This is where the real Power is. 

And when you start sharing from your heart that Love that you are, in your words and the Truth, when you’re connecting up your dots and telling your stories, people will feel this high vibe of the LoveLight coming through you. And they will be able to give it up to your words, to your feeling, to the vitality of your Spirit. And you’ll be like the Pied Piper. 

And the closer that we get to this point of saturation where this Beloved Cosmic Blast will come in, the more and more you will see this dynamic unfold. And you will become a player in it. And yes, all of you First Wavers are here basically as teachers, even though many of you will not want to get on a podium or in front of a camera to do YouTube videos. What you will do is one-on-one, take a person aside and answer their questions, whether it be a family member or somebody you may meet in a grocery store or on the street or in a park.

And you will have a heart to heart with that person and you will get them started in the right direction. And in many cases, we suggest to you that this will be your Soul Contract, a meeting of the hearts and minds. And we say to you that when you’re Heart Centered, you can start to see and feel how everything is in Divine Order and in Divine Timing on your planet.

Ah, well it’s like we’ve been saying for awhile now, when we look down from the ships onto your planet, we see the fireworks. We see the degree of change in the vibration that has been going on. And after these eclipses and the Lion’s Gate, it has only intensified more and more. So we say to you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, don’t despair. Please don’t be weary. Take heart that the energy is up. As they say, “The surf’s up right now.” 

And the more that you allow yourself to open your hearts and connect with your Guidance and your I Am Presence, your Godself, the easier that it becomes. So please practice this routine of connecting with your Godhead to give yourself strength and momentum at this time of great change on your planet.

We love you so very much, far beyond words, verbal expression of any kind.  And Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good night. Thank you so much. 


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