8-22-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Once again, we are here to focus on doing a Meditation for the
benefit of your Beloved Planet and each and every one of you to raise the level
of the vibration at this most auspicious time in your planet’s herstory. And we
are carrying it forward tonight and seeing that there’s quite a bit of
commotion going on underneath the surface of your planet.
And as we’ve been nudging Eli to be aware of this because he has
several people that he is close to on/in Hawaii and in/on the West Coast and
what they call the Ring of Fire. It seems to really be in play right now
because of a large earthquake and actually a cluster of earthquakes that
precipitated a large earthquake a few days ago and on last Saturday. And the
possibility exists for a larger earthquake to even happen. But the next three
or four days should tell the tale. So that is one of our focuses tonight.
And also the fires that have been unleashed on Northern
California continue to be of a concern. And it is not so much that they are out
of control at this point, but that people really recognize the Truth of how
they happened and who precipitated, perpetrated these fires on the public, on
your Beloved Planet, on Beloved Mother Gaia for their own needs, if you will,
their own ulterior motives.
And again we see the Truth becoming transparent on your planet,
because of the way the mainstream media does not recognize certain stories, such
as this earthquake the other day. There was either no mention or we’re
venturing that there was hardly a mention of it at all and what it might
portend for the future. But the ongoing media wars of manipulating public
opinion and playing politics go on and on, because the people that pay the bill
want it to be so. And we see that more
and more people are getting wise to this, and they’re connecting up the dots
for themselves. And we cheer. And we say “Hooray!”
And so, on that note, let us join together, me bi-locating my
paw and you reaching out one of your hands. And let us form our circle. And
breathing into the Heart Center and with the Power of our Breathing and our
Intentional Requirements rising on up off of the surface of your planet,
through the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships. Yes, we’re really
quick because the Power of Thought, our Imaginations, allow us to do this. And
isn’t that wonderful?
And now we’re coming to my ship. And I’m opening up the landing
deck, the belly of the ship. And we’re going right on through. It is a wide
area. We don’t have to alter our circle. We’re intact. We’re hovering in the airlock
as the landing deck closes. And now we’re touching down, and we’re walking on
back to this elevator that we usually use. And we’re going with our circle
intact into the elevator and pushing a button there and rising right on up
through all the layers of my ship. And we’re getting to the top, opening the
And the party has already started, Beloved Brothers and Sisters.
And you are welcome and the guests of honor, to be sure, here tonight. And
perhaps you feel some of your ancestors giving you a little nudge, or a whisper,
or a tickle there to let you know that they are right here with you doing this
Meditation. And for sure, there is no separation between you and them.
And all of the Beloved Mentors are here, many of the Galactic
Federation from the ships and other Ascended Masters who assemble here because
we’re all on the same Mission here, Beloved Beings. And when we get together,
we exponentially fortify the magic and expand the energy to create this return
to the 5th Dimension on your planet.
But like we’ve been telling you for quite some time now, when
you all return to the 5th Dimension, it’ll be a different experience
because of all of the things that you have encountered and mastered within the
playing out of this 13,000-plus year duality cycle that you have been in the thick
of for, oh yes, for all of those years. And in a way that wasn’t projected upon
when it was first orchestrated because these dark beings wreaked havoc upon
your DNA and upon the surface of your planet.
So, we’re taking care of that with the Alliance and all of the
plans are in motion, and just breathing into the Heart Centers cheering this
LoveLight. And we say extend it to the left, through the palm of your left
hand, out to the circle, to the inner circle, and the outer circles, and
spiraling this energy all through the room from the floor up to the walls, up
to the ceiling, feeling all of these high vibrations, and the crystals that
comprise the structure of this Beloved Crystal Room, because they represent
dimensions all over Creation. And allowing yourself to feel the Joy, the true
Bliss of being altogether with all the Beloved Beings in this room and the room
itself with this Beloved Crystal Kingdom.
And now, taking a moment here to set your Intentions for this
Meditation on a personal note besides what we’re going to focus on when we get
to your planet. And we’re also asking for prayers tonight for one of Eli’s
clients, this little girl named Maya and her mother who have gone through quite
a bit of a challenge together. And we would appreciate sending the Love and
Light and any prayers or energy work that you would feel free to bestow upon
them at this time.
And now shining the LoveLight into the crystal, all of us
together in this room, awakening the magic of the crystals here. And shining it
into our tractor-beam crystal on this Beloved Altar in the middle of the
Crystal Room. And shooting its energy in a burst of high-vibrational Golden
White Light of the Christ Consciousness through the opening in the ceiling. And
cascading it down onto your Beloved Blue Orb of Mother Gaia.
And spiraling it now from the North Pole to the South Pole, from
the atmosphere to the surface and down and into every part of your planet, up,
down, around and through. Spiraling this energy up and down a few times here,
raising the level of the vibration. Feeling how all of the energies on your
Beloved Planet are connected, all of the kingdoms, all of the Beloved Humans. And
feeling this connection in our hearts with all of the beings on your planet.
Giving the Intention to raise the level of the vibration so that
we will reach this tipping point and exponentially expand these high vibrations
to firmly anchor us into the 5th Dimension once again, bringing
about this Cosmic Blast that will be the high point of this procedure that finally
anchors in these high-vibrational energies and higher dimensions on your planet.
Because this is what is needed, to be in these high vibrations, in order for
all of you to be able to accelerate your Ascension Process. So this is a most
wondrous time of bringing this Mission to the place where this Intention for
the Announcement of NESARA and the Cosmic Blast will manifest.
But first, we need to clear up some physical difficulties that
are happening in the tectonic plates here. And this is affecting the whole Ring
of Fire right now. So this first swarm of earthquakes started near the Fiji Islands,
Vanutu, and Indonesia. And we’re going to see this whole area spanning the West
Coast of South America, going up through the West Coast of the United States,
through Canada and all over through Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and the
Hawaiian Islands. And we’re going to start from the atmosphere way above it and
go down onto the surface and then below into the tectonic plates. And we’re
going to send this LoveLight right in there.
And we’re going to do a reverse spin, Beloved Brothers and
Sisters, because we want to slow down this process. So we’re going up, down,
around and through to this whole area of the Pacific. And we’re breathing into
it through our hearts and sending the Love and Light with the Intention of
these changes manifesting without the damage to the lives and the people
inhabiting these areas, without any tsunamis, but for the balance to be
maintained on your Beloved Planet, underneath it, underneath the surface.
And we keep on breathing into it and feeling the changes
manifest and the plates fall into place the way that they need to be, the lock,
the hum, the settling in, the shear magic of the ease, grace and joy assisting
in this process. The angels, all of the Fairy Kingdom, performing their magic
here and the grace at which they’re doing it, knowing that so many people’s livelihoods,
their lives, their children will be affected if a major earthquake happens on
one of the land masses here. And even in the sea, it may affect the land masses
by way of a tsunami. And we don’t want that to happen either.
We want it to be smooth, a smooth transition here, Dear Beloved
Brothers and Sisters, into rising up into the 5th Dimension and
beyond. And yes, Mother Gaia needs to make her changes, but through our
Intentional Requirements we can greatly assist her at these times. And now job
well done!
And now we’re going over to Northern California here because we
still have some of the fallout happening from these manmade fires. And we’re
going to concentrate all over the Beloved State, wherever there’s a fire,
sending it from the atmosphere to the surface and down below, underneath. We’re
going to ground this energy and raise the humidity. And we’re going to make
those clouds dance and boogie and shake it loose and put the sizzle out. And
the smoke that’s going to happen is from the smoke of the fires being
extinguished. And so it is.
And now, let us focus on the underground networks one more time.
And let us do a horizontal clearing tonight at whatever point that you want to
start at, whether you want to start from the East or West of North America or
down in Mexico where the tunnels start or even North in Canada. But just pick a
spot and horizontally go in underneath the surface of the planet. And spiraling
this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in a clockwise
direction here, up, down, around and through all of these tunnels, all of the
bases with their honeycomb chambers.
And yes, this is quite a large area but with the Power of our
Thoughts and breathing into our Heart Centers, the magic endures. And it
exponentially grows and shines the LoveLight in all of these hard-to-reach
places that they don’t want us to get to. They still want their secrets, but
now that isn’t happening anymore because the level of the consciousness is
being raised exponentially by the Power of the LoveLight on your planet, the
Intentional Requirements of the Beloved Beings such as yourselves doing these
Meditations, and raising the level of their vibrations, and also as part of the
Divine Decree with the photon energy coming in from the Central Sun, into your
Solar Sun, and then going right down into and down into your planet, and
affecting all of the DNA, all of the subatomic partials with this
high-vibrational energy.
Ah, and so Dear Beloved Ones, let us just acknowledge and send
our LoveLight to all of the Beloved Beings who have been made slaves of the
cabal to carry out their nefarious plans underneath the surface of your planet,
whether it be the children or certain beings that have spent most of their
lives down there doing the dirty work for the cabal to take care of these
installations. And feeling their hearts,
and we’re telling them that they are not forgotten, that they are loved so
dearly by the Company of Heaven, that we are all One, and soon they will ascend.
And they will feel the Magic of Heaven and this will all be of nothingness to
So, Dear Beloved Beings, we thank you so very much for your participation,
for your commitment to the Missions that you are carrying forth on your Beloved
Planet. And we say Namaste and good night.
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