Saturday, August 25, 2018

8-22-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

8-22-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am so happy to be joining you once more on this call. And tonight, I would like you to recognize that you are all flowers. You are blossoming forth at this time in the Miracle of the LoveLight that you have been raising to manifest that part of you which is God.

And you are sending forth these rays of the LoveLight to help the rest of Creation become that part of them that is God. And so what is felt is this Oneness of all of Creation up to the highest of dimensions and vibrations. And pouring forth this LoveLight and bestowing these gifts of acceptance, of compassion, of bliss, of kindness, of tenderness in your thoughts, words and actions for the whole of Creation.

Because yes, your Ascension Process doesn’t just affect the Beloved Beings, and Kingdoms, and Beloved Mother Gaia herself on this planet, it affects the whole of Creation. And you have been given this Divine Decree for a number of reasons. And one of them is that by your ascending this way that you will affect the whole of Creation in such an exponential way that it will be a time of upliftment for all of Creation and its vibration. And it will be the start of this happening on other planets by you all having done your work; having had the faith, the love, the perseverance, the presence of mind and the ability to nurture your hearts with one another and with us, and other Mentors, Ascended Masters, angels, your Guidance Team, your I AM Presences to do this work, to make it this Intention of being in these high vibrations and these higher dimensions happen once again.
And we are showering you with the magic right now of you experiencing this at this Point of Zero and all of the Gifts of Creator Source coming in to help you feel Peace. We are gifting you in this Now Moment the magic, which all of you so truly treasure as feeling this Divine Connection with Creator Source, having no separation whatsoever throughout all of the different dimensions, through this place, these organizing fields, where the wave becomes the particle, Dear Beloved Ones, this place of manifestation. And feel the veil disappear now and feel all this Love come in.

We know you could use some inspiration at this time. And so we are sending around your circle this wave of the LoveLight, this fullness of expression of who we really are, joined heart to heart together from the other side. And now there is no side. And there is only One. And we just want you to breathe into that and let it wash through all of your subatomic particles, into your DNA and to bolster the effectiveness of the connection with your hearts and your Pineal Gland and your Pituitary Gland to manifest your realities, to manifest your creation of bringing more and more LoveLight onto your planet and to accelerating the Ascension Process on your planet. So this feeling of Peace and Oneness is instrumental in doing that. Because of course, the foundation for that is feeling Unconditional/Universal Love and also Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.

And we are so ever grateful for your efforts; your commitment, your caring for yourselves, for your families, for one another in this group, and all of the other beings that you participate with that you send the LoveLight to, that you have all of your interactions with, whether they be of a positive or negative nature. It is all part of the dance that you are all going through to get back to this place of the 5th Dimension to make sure that these Announcements finally happen and that this Cosmic Blast comes in which will shake up the foundations of your planet’s reality in such a high-vibrational way. 

And there will be so much Joy to be had at that point, but it will take the expression of you, who are the First Wavers and your teachings, to help people anchor in this Beloved High-Vibrational Energy in a way that they can fully understand and accept and let go to. And you will do that by helping them to let go of the past and any low vibrations, that they still may be hanging onto and any attachments that may be holding them back. Because yes, Dear Beloved Ones, you are the ones that have been doing the work, doing the Meditations and many of you have the insights and the knowhow how to express them to other beings who are just starting to wake up on your planet. 

So, we thank you ever so much for being on this call tonight. We love you beyond all verbal expression.  And we say thank you very much. Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. 

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