Saturday, August 18, 2018

8-15-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-15-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is such a pleasure to be here once again to do our Meditation, to be in Communion with our hearts with one another at this very wonderful time when the energies are just cascading down into your planet in really high vibrations. And this is the photon energies that is coming in with where your Beloved Planet has gone within its course in its travels in this Beloved Galaxy. 

And yes, it is wonderful for us to experience what you are going through from the ships looking down on your planet and seeing the high vibration that it is now in. And it seems like every day there are surprises and Magical Gifts happening on your planet. And yes, last week was, what I like to call, my Feast Day, the Lion’s Gate. And it really brought in a lot of energy. And we will continue to feel this for quite some time. And it will only rise in frequency. 

And another big day on the horizon this year, there’s going to be a triple eleven because this is an eleven year and when we get to November 11th, whoop-de-do, we expect a lot of energy to be coming into your planet then and it is each and every day leading up ‘til then, Brothers and Sisters. That gives us a great opportunity to do wondrous things with this energy that is coming in to your planet because raising the level of the Love and Light is basically our only Mission in being here. Because yes, all of the other puzzle pieces will fall into place the higher up in the dimensions that we find ourselves.

And yes, that Cosmic Blast will come in when enough people are of a high enough vibration within the consciousness, collectively, on this planet. And we have been working toward this for such a long time. And no matter what you hear on your main stream media, and it should become increasingly clear that the rhetoric, the talking points that they use are becoming so redundant and are so steeped in the density of duality. And that doesn’t have to be anyone’s reality right now. 

I mean all you have to do is to breathe into your Heart Center and allow yourselves to slow down and relax. And yes, all you guys on this call are First Wavers. But if you have occasion to tell members of your family who have not awoken or friends who have not awoken yet that all they really have to do when things seems to get too overwhelming for them is just to set their Intention to sit down, be quiet and to breathe into their Heart Center. And you know, if they have a crystal, to breathe into that and to feel that energy to help them to ground. And of course, all of these other things like spinning their chakras with the Six Tibetans or doing the Path of Sananda, all of these things help. And of course, being out in nature helps too. And right now, it’s such a wonderful time of year.
So, Dear Beloved Ones, let us join our hands together, and I’m extending and bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And let’s form our circle. And breathing into the heart, sending this energy of Love and Light from heart to heart and with the Power of our Intentions rising up with our breathing off of the surface of your planet through the different layers of the atmosphere, through the layers of the ships until we reach my Mother Ship, the Nibiru. 

And now I’m giving the instructions to open up the landing deck, and we’re popping through and hovering in this airlock as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down and walk on back to our elevators there and walk into one of them with our circle completely intact and pushing the button, rising on up.

And now opening this door and feeling the energy of all of these Beloved Beings of the Light here to greet and meet us. And yes, your ancestors are here to, maybe yourself in a previous reincarnation. And maybe you could feel a little nudging or a whisper or a tickle there to let you know that they are right there with you.
And assembling in the middle of this Crystal Room around our Beloved Alter with a humongous crystal there and feeling the energies of all of these different beings, the Mentors, many of the commanders from the ships and other Beings of Light from all over the multiverse. Because it’s these beings in the know, that have the same Mission as us, who have been working on this Mission for a really long time to help all of you on your planet to ascend. 

And they are more than aware of the difficulties that you have been going through this last 50, 60, even 70 years. And the whole attitude is one of optimism, because all of us can see how the energy has shifted on your Beloved Planet. And we can feel that when we come together to do these Meditations, that the energies exponentially rise because your planet is very receptive to these high vibrations of Love and Peace right now. And this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness is paramount in raising those energies to the highest vibration & frequency.

So now let us spiral this energy around our inner circle here to the outer circle, to the Mentors’ circle and the ones in back of them and all through this Beloved Crystal Room from the floor to the ceiling, up, down, around and through, spiraling this Beloved Energy, going heart to heart in the circles. And just breathing into it, Brothers and Sisters, and allowing yourself to get deeper into this feeling of Peace and Awareness of being in this Now Moment with your breathing, with the rhythm of your breathing.
And now let us focus our intentions and shine them out from our hearts onto the altar into this Beloved Crystal, whether it be to fulfill any sort of personal type of goals or just to bring about the Announcements of NESARA and the unveiling of Truth on your planet on the Emergency Broadcasting System by us. We’ll be a part of that procedure. And yes, we also will contribute tapes and recordings, video recordings with audio, of course, of all the Beloved Events that you have been kept in the dark about: Of your species origin, of the origin of wars, all of these Black Ops’ Missions and weather warfare and all of the ritual sacrifices and things that the sleeping giants on your planet who have been called the sheeple will soon be made aware of. And yes, we will be there along with you to support all of the people who have been asleep. And we are helping to plant seeds on your planet every time we do one of these Meditations. Because, Dear Beloved Ones, we get into the unconsciousness of each and every person on your planet entering through the Collective Consciousness. 

So, one more time, taking a long deep, slow breath into the Heart Center, and now shining it into the crystal. And having this crystal propel its energy in a thick beam up through the opening in the ceiling of my ship. And then cascading it downward through all the layers of atmospheres and ships. And spiraling it from the North of your Beloved Planet to the South, all up, down, around and through from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath, permeating every subatomic particle of your Beloved Planet. And shining it out into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, all of the kingdoms, the trees, the minerals, all of the Beloved Animal Kingdoms.
And just breathing into it, spiraling this energy with the Intention of waking people up to the realization of the Power in their hearts to connect with that part of them that is God, to rise up higher and higher in vibration and frequency with each and every breath. And to give Intent for creative change, for the end of the false survival trip on your planet, for the fulfillment of all of our Birthrights, for the manifestation of Prosperity and Abundance to fulfill these Birthrights. And for the release of all of this high-vibrational, high technology that will change your reality and help to firmly anchor in the 5th Dimension.

And now once again, let us go over to this beloved state in North America of the United States of California, because they are still feeling the effects of this weather warfare that has caused several fires. And some of them have wiped out complete towns. And no, it’s not your usual type of fire. So, we’re going to shine the LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy to turn these weather patterns around. 

And we’re going to get inside of the cells in the atmosphere here. And we’re going to do a little hocus pocus here, reversing spins and getting down into subatomic particles to let go of the current pattern and start with one of raising the humidity into a density where raindrops will have to fall. And we’re envisioning the whole of this state, because yes, we’ve heard that there’s some fires, we see them, down in the Southern part of the state and it’s not just the Northern part.
And just spiraling this energy in the upper atmospheres here. And feeling this different dynamic happening with the humidity and the density of the clouds. And now feeling these raindrops fall in torrents, in waves and splashing down. And feeling the mud with our feet in it and seeing all of the ashes. And of course, smelling the smoke that now is of the kind where the fire has gone out. 

And now let us go to Washington, DC, one more time and to your Capital Building and all of the Beloved Players there. And such a high percentage of them know that the jig’s about to be up. Oh yes, some of them are still in denial, but as they say, the writing is on the wall, Brothers and Sisters, because their secrets are coming out almost on a daily basis. And we can see by how many of them that are resigning and not choosing to run for office again, that there is something different happening these days in the halls of Congress. And that this Beloved President, while you may not love him so much, but we see that he’s on a Mission with many players of the Alliance to get out all of the henchmen of the cabal.
And right now we want to cascade in a spiral this LoveLight from the atmosphere to the surface and even down underneath in the underground bases of Washington, DC, this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. Because yes, we want the last vestiges of all of this dark energy to be unearthed, to be brought to the Light. And we ever so much want these players that won’t go to the Light to be taken out of the picture, to be taken off the stage. And they will choose their own reality from that point onward of where they will go next and what will happen to them. But it’s up to them. And feeling the Joy of this LoveLight spread.

And now, we’re going to spread it all through the tunnel system in North America. And we’re going to start spreading it vertically from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the ground into the bases, in the tunnels and the honeycomb chambers. And oh yes, it’s a wide area starting all the way from Mexico, through the United States and up and into Canada.  And just spiraling this energy, feeling all of the secrets rise up onto the surface now. Finally all of these dark energies being exposed, being taken away because the 5th Dimension will not allow them to be rooted underneath the ground anymore, these places of hiding and these places of separation from the rest of Humanity. 

And now, let’s spiral from a different direction, going horizontally and starting say from Mexico and spiraling the energy from underneath the ground all the way through the tunnels, all the different bases. Yes, there’s hundreds of them. And up, down around and through all of these different layers. And there’s so, so many people underneath the ground in these underground bases. There are treasures there of artwork, of gold, of fiat currencies. And there’s spas where the ritual sacrifices take place and orgies and all dark dealings that have been going on for a really long time.

And now let us shine the LoveLight into all of these Beloved Beings who have been the servants of the cabal. They have been made to be slaves to the Cabal’s carnal passions, to the Cabal’s lust for power and greed. And we shine the LoveLight into the hearts of these Beloved Beings.

And we say to them, “You are not forgotten. We love you so very dearly. You have done the greatest services for all of Humanity in helping us to expose these dark players. And you will be rewarded with your Ascension. And we don’t see that you’re going to have too much longer to wait. And some of you will even be rescued out of there. And your families will be ever so happy to see you once again.”

And just breathing into their hearts and feeling their relief and feeling such Compassion for them for the choices that they have made to be of service to Humanity.

And we thank you so much, Dear Beloved Ones, for allowing us to come together and do this Meditation tonight. Job well done! Namaste and Goodnight.

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