Saturday, August 11, 2018

8-8-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

8-8-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am so very happy to be with you tonight on this Lion’s Gate and to feel the energy from heart to heart with all of you. This is a most marvelous time of the year for us here over on the other side, because it’s for this moment in your time when the energy allows you to go up through the dimensions and to feel the possibilities of using these energies to create what you truly desire for yourselves and your planet. And yes, in a few days, on the 11th with where most of you are or actually all of you are, in North America, is going to be your partial solar eclipse. And I believe it’s a new moon too. And so this is another marvelous time to put forth your Intentions and to create the reality that you truly desire.

And of course we come together on these calls to do the Meditation with Mother and also to open up our hearts and shine the LoveLight to create this new reality to attract these high vibrational energies and raise the level of the LoveLight on your planet to this tipping point where this Cosmic Blast will come in. And all of a sudden, you will be there. You will be firmly anchored all the way into the 5th Dimension. And you’ll never have to go back down into the lower dimensions, the lower vibrations and play out duality again. And this is what we have all been working for. 

And when we come upon a day like today, we just can’t help but really feel so much Love in our hearts for all of you and for all of Creation and feel so much gratitude in all the experiences that we have had that have brought us to this point. Because we know that there has been a great shift on your planet. And this in your time has been happening for about the last six years from when you reached that marker in the Beloved Year of 2012. And before that you had 25 years from the point of the Harmonic Convergence to 2012 and passing the marker for Ascension. And right now you are in full throttle here to bring about this Ascension on your planet in such a mass way. 

And yes, all of you are first wavers in this progress. You are the wayshowers. You are the teachers, if you will. And the possibilities are limitless in this Now Moment for how you do this and the experiences that you have that will bring you into these Beloved Light Chambers where you will ascend. 

So, Dear Beloved Ones, it is a most marvelous time. And on days like today, we ask you to exercise your imaginations in such a creative way because the energies exist there for you really to learn how to do this more and more when you are heart centered. And we also ask you to be aware of the connections that you have with your I AM Presence and your guidance team because on a day like today, it is easier to connect and to feel these nudgings that they give you and any messages that may come through them too, to help you to accelerate your Ascension Process.

Because yes, this is the reason why all of you have come into this lifetime and none of you had to. Of course, you wanted to accelerate your spiritual evolution but the rigors of being in the 3rd Dimension and having to deal with duality as you have had in each of your lifetimes has been very trying to say the least. And it has tested you in so many ways. And now, we see that testing is finally coming to an end.
And it’s days like today, which perhaps give you a foreshadowing of what your future will be not too long from now, where by it’ll be so much easier to create your reality with these high-vibe heart-centered thoughts. And to truly feel your creative powers and to develop them on a real broad spectrum and really perfect them for the benefit not only of yourselves but for all of Creation.

And so Dear Beloved Ones, we say to you we love you beyond all verbal expression. And we thank you so very much for being here on this call and for you exercising your power to create these high vibrations that bring us closer to anchoring in the 5th Dimension on this planet and bringing the Mission to the next phase of its completion.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good night.

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