Saturday, September 15, 2018

9-12-18 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

9-12-18 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, I thank you so very much for joining together in this Meditation heart to heart tonight on the call. Probably you can feel the energies once again are soaring. And they are leading us into this time of the Equinox.  And in North American, it is your Fall or Autumn Equinox. And we have just had some very dynamic energies come in over the past couple of months. And it continues to be that way.

And yesterday is what we are calling a gateway, this 9/11. Because when it happened some 17 years ago created a change in the timeline that you have all been working to heal so diligently. And this has become a major part of our Mission because, as probably all of you know, that was the day that it was planned upon by the Alliance that NESARA would be announced. But of course, the cabal had other ideas going on like an interminable war using their tricks, their bag of tricks to convince and hoodwink, basically the whole world that this nefarious terrorist attack was perpetrated upon New York, Washington, D.C., and other places in the United States were at risk also.

But of course, we know that it was an inside job and that it allowed, because of this false-flag event, it allowed a war to be perpetrated in its name. And this war, well you know, this is where we say it’s all smoke and mirrors.  Because the real reason for the war, of course, is to gain more power and control over certain areas. And the cabal is always thinking of their, ah, black ops and all their little secret business ventures, such as the drug trade. And guess what? That’s where it thrives is in Afghanistan, and that’s where one of the wars was held. And of course, oil played a part in that too. And there were very many lives lost. But of course, these Dark players, they don’t really care about that or they haven’t.
And now the game has shifted, because it is becoming more transparent each and every day about who these dark players, these dark forces on the earth, who they are, what they do and the powers that they have manipulated and wreaked havoc upon our reality for thousands of years. And we see this as being a time of completion. And of course, we can’t say the date of when this is going to actually come about, but believe you me, we see that it’s already happened, and that you all are feeling the energies rising so exponentially at this time.

So, on that note, let us once again do our Meditation to expedite these matters into creation, into manifestation on your Beloved Blue Orb. And let me extend to you and bi-locate my paw. And please reach ahold of another person, of their hand, and let’s form our circle here. And breathing into the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and to feel the joy of being in our Oneness together heart to heart and the true Magic of Love that exists in every breath, in every moment. 

And with our thoughts, our intentions rising up off the surface of your planet up into the atmosphere at the speed of thought and going higher and higher through the atmospheres, through the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ship, the Nibiru, opening up the underbelly here which becomes our landing deck, because we’re rising up into the air lock as the landing deck closes. 

And now we can touch down safely and walk on back to the elevator here. And opening the door and popping through with our circle intact. And zooming right on up to that top room there where the Crystal Room is. Now opening the door of the elevator and feeling all of the Beloved Beings of the LoveLight and their wondrous energies here in this Now Moment greeting us. And of course, you might feel that little nudge or whisper or tickle from your ancestors letting you know that they’re here and very glad to see you.

And ringing around the altar with our group here, because we’re going to be right in the inner circle. And feeling the Mentors ring around us and then all the Beloved Beings from the ships, the other Ascended Masters and Angels who are with us right now in this room. And sending this LoveLight from our hearts to the left, out to our left palm and around the circle, to the inner circle to the outer circles and all through the room from the floor to the ceiling, up, down, around and through, assimilating all of the energies of the crystals in the very high dimensions and all of the higher dimensions of reality are represented here.

So just spiraling it again over and over for a while up, down, around and through into our hearts, around the circle again and through the room. And allowing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy to multiply exponentially now into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. And now focusing our own intentions, our own personal requirements of what we want to develop from this Meditation, of what we want to Manifest in our Reality.
And now sending the LoveLight around the circles once more and focusing it right now on our Beloved Crystal which acts as a tractor beam; and shooting this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy up through the hole in the ceiling here and down through the atmospheres onto your Beloved Planet. And spiraling it up, down, around and through from the atmosphere to the surface and then underground there. Every particle, every subatomic particle being affected, raising the level of the vibration into the highest of frequencies of Love and Light. And doing this over and over again and sending it into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on your planet.

The Love is so deep, it is so wide, and it affects the consciousness of everyone, these high vibrations. And our Intentional Requirements are that of Peace, of an end of all warfare, including weather warfare, including deception and lies and violence of all kinds, verbal, physical, sexual abuse and violence. Peace Now, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters.

And feeling the stillness of our Love as a radiant beam shining out all over Creation now, raising the level of the vibration. Because yes, there are many planets within the scope and range of the multiverse that are still in lower vibrations of a 3rd Dimensional dualistic time. And we’re shining the LoveLight onto them too. There is no separation. 

And now, we’re going to go over on top of the oceans here in the Atlantic.  And yes, we can see that there’s some storms a-brewing. And we’re going to breathe into them this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and we’re going to reverse the spin. And we’re going to take out those factors that are causing these storms to escalate. We’re going to reverse spin them to chill them out.  We’re going in a spiral all over these areas. So maybe you have a few different spirals going at the same time here. And up, down, around and through all of these clouds down to the surface.
And going down into the tectonic plates here because these last few weeks have seen an exponential rise in earthquake activity. And there is still heavy alerts for very many areas on your Beloved Planet for earthquakes. So going down into the plates, reversing the polarities here, doing a little anti-gravity hocus pocus. And continuing to breathe into our hearts, Dear Beloved Ones because this is where our connection with the higher dimensions, the higher vibration is with this purity of the LoveLight that we are. 

And now going over to the other side of America to the other coast, to the Pacific and going down – Well, first starting from the atmosphere and going down onto the surface of the oceans and then to the land too into all of the faults that affect this Beloved Ring of Fire. And sending this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy all up, down, around and through the plates and reversing the spin here, reversing the polarities and just breathing into it up, down, around and through.

And there’s certain areas, such as Fiji and Vanuatu in New Zealand area where these quakes have been very deep, about 600 kilometers deep. And this is affecting the plates for such a large area of your Beloved Planet right now. And feeling the Peace, the Joy, the Serenity, the Calm of knowing that all is in Divine Timing and Divine Order.

And now let us go above the land mass, and shine the LoveLight from the atmosphere, to the surface, to underneath the ground here into this network of the tunnels and the underground bases. Because yes, Dear Ones, a lot still has to be exposed. A lot of these dark players are hiding out down there.  And yes, they’re in a type of Shangri-La. But we’re shining the LoveLight on them to expose them to such high vibration that they will want to get out of there. And they will be exposed, and they will be brought to these Martial Courts, which will levy accountability upon them.

So now let’s start from above the surface from this area from Mexico through the United States through Canada. Spiraling this energy vertically, up, down and around and through this network of the bases from the surface and underground, over and over again. Feeling this Golden White LoveLight penetrate every pore, every subatomic particle of these underground structures that have been used against us to keep this evil secret from us which has perpetuated the power of this cabal for oh, so long. Because yes, some of these structures are very new but some of them are very, very old also.
And now let us go horizontally and pick a part, a spot on the compass here to horizontally go underneath the ground and shine this LoveLight, spiraling it through this underground network of tunnels and bases. And yes, at the speed of our thought impregnating all of these dark energies with this brilliant LoveLight, raising the energies into the 5th Dimension and beyond. And disabling their dynamics of control down there in these underground bases. 

And we require that all of the dark beings be brought to the Light in this Now Moment and that all of the people who have been slaves, who have been the objects of ritual sacrifices, who have been targeted, that they are all free in this Now Moment. And we say to all of these Dear Beloved Beings who have agreed to a Soul Contract of being in this situation of playing out this reality, that they are so loved, because they have been bringing attention and focus to these dark players, to the human trafficking, to the human sacrifices, to the pedophilia that has run rampant within all of the different levels of this cabal.
And we say No More! We say Now is the time that everybody takes ahold of their sovereign being, of their Love, and their Light and rises up into the 5th Dimension who wants to, to accelerate their Ascension Process.

And so, Dear Beloved Ones, once again we thank you so very much for allowing us to come in and to facilitate this Meditation with you.

Namaste and good night. We love you so much beyond all words.  

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