Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla
Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Ah, what a
joy it is for me to be here tonight with you because just as the lotus blossom
blooms and it encompasses such a wondrous feeling joy, of the promise of the
Love and the Truth of who we are, blooming and coming forth and spreading out. And
emanating that Joy over the entire Creation of the consciousness that sprang it
forth. That’s what we see and feel happening on your planet right now.
We see that
this is a time of flowering for you, a time of when the Promise of bringing
your planet back into the 5th Dimension, into that original place of
perfection and being in the Oneness of your Divinity; that is taking shape you
would call it, it’s coming into fruition where the fruits of all of your
Intentional Requirements are blooming and they are springing forth. And we can
smell that Divine Scent of Love, of Joy, of Peace and Harmony inhabiting your
consciousness and making itself at home in your hearts. And yes, you all are
the way showers. And you are the shining beacons.
And you
more and more will attract these Beloved Souls that are just starting to
awaken. And it is such a marvelous experience for us to witness this. Because
it has been thousands upon thousands of years where we have seen it slowly
coming into shape and taking form from a place of being totally dominated in
fear and having your DNA mutated. We see the LoveLight shining forth brighter
and brighter. And all of this information through the vehicle of your Internet
and books and DVDs, but particularly on the Internet and YouTube Videos and
webcasts, and even email has been a prime player in this with sending forth
channels and links where people would go to websites and they’d see updates and
reports. And it brought so many people together with the same information about
who you really are and what has been hidden from you for so long.
these dark players didn’t want you to know the reality of the past, of what
really transpired and why it happened. And for sure, they didn’t want you to
know the dynamics of how to play with the energy in such a way for you to
realize your Divinity. Because they just wanted you to be a slave to their
survival dynamics that they perpetrated on you with lies and deceptions, and
with turning the tables against you by controlling the money supply and
resources on your planet, and using institutions against you to make your lives
so complicated that basically you didn’t know if you were coming or going. Because
it was all a bunch of what has been called double-speak or forked tongue.
And now,
what we see shining forth is the Truth and you becoming well versed and very
adept at you using your Discernment. And we say keep on practicing that because
that is one of your greatest tools right now, along with Forgiveness and
Gratitude, to keep you in higher vibrations so that these dark players and the
foundations of their holographic reality do not drag you down into the tarpits
of the 3rd Dimension any longer. We see you lifting yourselves up
and we are a bit in awe. And we honor you and we celebrate you for the strides
you are making at this time.
And yes, we
shine the LoveLight along with you to have all of these changes on your planet
that the Alliance has set forth to come through in a very seamless, smooth
fashion so that everyone on your planet will be affected in such a positive way.
And that these dark players will exit and never come back to have any more
effect on your planet. And this has been the basis of our Mission for so long
now. Because when this happens, this will enable you to accelerate your
Ascension Processes. And we are here to work with you to do that, but you have
to be in the 5th Dimension for this to fully take shape. So that is what we are working on right now. And
you coming together, doing these Meditations, sharing your knowledge and wisdom
with one another heart to heart, truly expedites these changes.
So we say
to you, we love you more than we can possibly express with words. And we thank you from the bottoms of our
Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good Night.
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