Saturday, November 17, 2018

11-14-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

11-14-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, yes, it is a real treat for us to be here with you tonight. We feel the energies of the triple eleven still coming in. And yes, it won’t dissipate. We are working our way up toward this Beloved Winter Solstice. And there is so much LoveLight coming into your Beloved Planet. 

And we ask you all to take to heart that Now is the time within each and every one of you to make this connection with the Higher Aspects of your Being by allowing yourself, as much as a you feel comfortable with, each and every day, to breathe into your Heart Centers, to raise the level of your vibration into the 5th Dimension and beyond and make connection with your Intentional Requirements, to all of the Higher Aspects of your Being and asking for more connection. 

And asking for us, the Mentors, to come in with you also. Because now is the time when we can take these high-vibrational feelings and expand on them and reach up ever higher into higher vibrations and spread them out to all of these Beloveds on your planet that haven’t woken up yet. Because the higher that we rise up in frequency, the more that we broadcast these frequencies throughout the totality of your Beloved Planet.

And yes, not just into the hearts and minds of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters all over Mama Gaia, but to every particle of the atoms, all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet, raising them up so that it becomes so transparent what the Truth is about, each and every one of you being Interdimensional Beings of Love and Light and being an integral part of the Godhead.

And yes, it takes courage for people who have been conditioned all of their lives to think that God was their savior and their master and that they are not worthy to create a reality of high vibration, of instant manifestation, of being connected in their hearts to the hearts of everyone else on your Beloved Planet. But this is where our Meditation is taking off and leading us to, to this Beloved Space of connection heart to heart with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And yes, this time is Now. 

And there is a Plan in place and this Plan is unfolding for the Announcement of NESARA. But the engine that drives the release, the Announcement of NESARA, is this LoveLight being, shining, being focused in a very concentrated way into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet so that the ones that are receptive will allow themselves to rise up and be ready for the changes, and also for this Cosmic Blast, and the anchoring in of the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet. And of course, this is a precursor to your Beloved Ascensions.

And so, now is the time not to hold back with your Joy, with your ability to celebrate these high vibrations that are coming in, but to breathe into your Heart Centers and really take into every Beloved Atom of your DNA the realization that Now is the time for this unfoldment of the Plan to realize your Divinity in your physical, material reality. And by doing so, you will transmit this to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, raising the level of vibration not just for yourselves, but for the total consciousness of all of the beings on your planet and for Mother Gaia herself and all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia.

So, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We thank you so much. We honor you so for your commitment in being here and doing the work, in caring the way that you do for one another and your Beloved Planet.
Namaste and good night. 

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