11-22-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla
Ah, Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for allowing us to be here tonight once again to share
in these most-festive vibrations seeing that tomorrow is a really big holiday
with where some of you, or most of you, are in the United States. And it is a
wonderful time of year for you where families gather together, and you feel the
Love you have for each other heart to heart.
Well, let us feel our Love for each other heart to heart right
now by forming the circle and sending it around from the heart in the left
hand, around the circle, having it come into the right hand. And with our
breathing multiplying these energies within the four bodies of our Being and
raising the level of our vibration up into the 5th Dimension and way
Ah, in bringing in more and more of this Golden White Light of
the Christ Consciousness Energy, and yes, this is a milestone on your Beloved
Planet. Because, yes, tomorrow marks fifty-five years since your Beloved
President was assassinated or everybody thinks that he was. But no, we see that
it was a clone and he’s still up with us on the ships. And (laugh) yes, that’s
going to be a surprise for a lot of people, but it doesn’t make it any less
true. And he has been an inspiration to us and been doing the work with us in
relationship to raising the level of Love and Light on your Beloved Planet for
such a long time now. And also his Beloved Son has been doing that too, Junior.
And yes, they talk of Camelot.
But right now what we feel is the 5th Dimension on
your Beloved Planet taking shape and all of the plans of the Alliance coming
together to fully liberate all of the peoples of your Beloved Planet. And yes,
we can’t say exactly when that is going to be. But in the course of this year,
we have come much, much further than we started out at. And we hope that you feel
this same amount of Joy, of understanding that everything is in Divine Timing
and Divine Order on your Beloved Planet.
Because, ahh, yes, it is such a freeing feeling when we come
together heart to heart to share our Love with one another. Because, yes,
that’s who we really are. That’s where our Power is. And these negative
programs that we have all been in (or you have all been in), they cut down your
Power. Because, yes, your DNA was mutated also way back when. And you’ve gone
through this whole cycle of reincarnating and losing the continuity of who you
really are when you’re over on the other side and what your Soul Contracts are
and relationships that you’ve had with all the Beloved Beings in your life that
you’ve made Soul Contracts with in this Beloved Lifetime.
So, ahh, yes, feel this feeling of Peace come into your heart,
the Mentors are shining it now into your Heart Centers. And they’re telling me
that you are so very loved for all what you do, for being here and being the
spearhead of raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet and in
doing so, for doing it for all of Creation. Because all of Creation at this time
looks to your Beloved Planet to see what progress you guys are making every
day. And that progress centers around how much you are able to lift the
vibration higher and higher through the dimensions. And yes, it is such a wondrous
feeling to come together heart to heart with you all of these Beloved Times and
to see the progress that we are making altogether.
And yes, we know a lot of you look at the news to look for signs
that the changes are happening. But you can take it to heart that the real change
is happening within you. And the energies that you are attracting onto your Beloved
Planet from the Central Sun and into the Solar Sun and right onto your planet
and into each and every one of your hearts. That is where the real Magic in all
of this is happening.
Because, yes, you’re dealing with the 3rd Dimension
of linear time, and these plans of the Alliance are flawless, and they’ve taken
so much into account. And let it be said that the real opponent here in delaying
the 5th Dimension into coming into your planet isn’t one person or
one faction, but it’s this Artificial Intelligence because where do you think
these beings centered in darkness, pulling from these dark realms of the 4th
Dimension, are really getting their knowledge from? And it is from the AI, so
(laugh), there’s no mystery in that. And yes, on other galaxies, this AI was
able to wipe out complete galaxies.
But you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, by reincarnating all of
these different times and working with us and the rest of the Beloved Mentors
have let the level of Love and Light on your Beloved Planet rise to such frequencies
that they dominate now. And so many people, day after day are waking up and
starting to put the dots together with these high vibrations that are coming
through into their hearts, into the Crowns of their head. And that becomes
their focus just like it has for each and every one of you for so many years
now. And so, believe us when we say that the Calvary is here and that
exponentially, the level of Love and Light is racing into your planet. And do
not lose heart.
And please, realize just how much you have changed your Beloved
Planet from being one locked down in darkness to one where the fireworks have
begun and where there’s such beautiful colors emanating from your Beloved
Planet. We love each and every one of you. And we thank you so much for all of
your efforts, your Meditations, your clearings, prayers and exercises.
Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And good night.
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