Thursday, November 8, 2018

11-7-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

11-7-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for being here and some of you calling in even a second time, because there was a little bit of a glitch in the time. But now we’re here, and we have some questions to start things off. And Dorothy Joy is asking about Mother Sekhmet’s planet, or Mother Ship, and how it’s very close to the sun, she has heard. But she wants to know which sun. And we would say this is the Central Sun, because this is where we regulate the flow of energy coming in from all over the cosmos. And we want to make sure that everything is flowing in Divine fashion there. So that’s one of the reasons for us monitoring the situation at this present time. Because, yes, we’re reaching, you know, the finish line here and the, you know, the dark forces on your planet are inclined to make all sorts of tricky moves and be in allegiance with other forces of dark energies. And so we are making sure that nothing is happening that is going against the Divine Decree of you guys anchoring in the 5th Dimension and being able to bring about your transition into Ascension very expeditiously.

And another question is that in Ezekiel, the Book of Ezekiel, who was an Archangel and a prophet in the Old Testament, and what exactly are the wheels? He’s talking about the wheels, eyes on the wheels, and also who these beings with the four wings and four hands and four different faces and men and lion faces on the left side, ox and eagle on the right side. The wheels are huge and travel wherever these beings go. The wheel touches the earth.

And yes, you know, if you could understand that basically at the root of all Creation when the wave becomes a particle, that the pattern that unfolds is a spiral or a wheel. And that within your atoms, that’s basically the same configuration whereby all of these different parts of the atom circle the nucleus. And yes, this particular race developed this technology. And we would say they’re warriors. And they’ve come in at this time to make sure that, if need be, they will be able to hold the dark forces at bay and clean up everything that needs to be cleaned so that you will no longer be on a prison planet. And this is their strength of purpose. And these beings, you know, we would say that they are from ancient times on your planet. But they’re still very contemporary, because on that planet that they emanate from, that they originate from, yes, everybody is like that and everybody has these special gifts of having different parts of their being, because they are not human. They are a conglomeration of different parts that make them very powerful warriors. And so we are really glad to have them in Mission at this time. And let’s see what the other –

And she wants to know if there is any tie in, any significance to these beings in wheels described by Ezekiel in the last book of the New Testament, which is the Book of Revelations. And to come into effect in order to complete the Father’s Plan to forgive our debts, and that’s money debts, so this all has to do with NESARA. And yes, they’re helping to clean up the energy of these dark forces so that this saturation point and, of course, NESARA on your planet is a big part of that. But first, you know, all of these dark things, like they’ve been called toplet bombs, you know, and the underground bases and the energy sources of how the AI perpetuate their energy on this planet. Those connections need to be removed & transmuted into higher frequencies, so that these dark forces can’t continue this game any longer. And that is what we are working towards in the Alliance. So that is the significance of that in NESARA. It’s all going hand in glove here. So we thank you for the question and we hope that we answered it in a very efficient way for you.
And we would like to say that at this time with so many changes on your Beloved Planet that you are always supported by all of us Beings of the Light. So please don’t forget that no matter how much stress you may feel from things coming to completion in your reality at this time, because we feel that this is a time of contemplation and yet forward movement on your planet.  So please persevere in your energies about being the Love and Light that you are to bring all of these things that we’ve been asking for in our Meditations to completion.

And with that, let us join together and me bi-locating my paw out to you.  And with the other hand clasping the hand of someone else on this call. And just breathing into their Heart Center, allowing yourself to slow down and relax. And to feel the Oneness of all of our energies coming together heart to heart, sending it out from our hearts through the fingertips of our left hand and circling around and coming back through in our right paw or hand.  And just letting go and breathing into it. And with the Power of our Thoughts lifting up off of the surface of your Beloved Mother Gaia into the atmosphere, up through the layers of the ships and at the Speed of Thought coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. 

And I’m opening up the landing deck, the belly of my ship, the underbelly, if you will. And we’re popping through it with our circle completely joined together still and hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking back to the elevator once again. And we’re all getting in at the same time. And now that we’re in, we’re pressing our button and going right up really quickly to the top of my Beloved Ship and opening the door to the Crystal Room. 

And feeling all these Beloved Beings of the LoveLight. And yes, some of them are your ancestors. Some of them are you in previous incarnations. And you may feel communication with them in the form of a touch or a whisper or a song playing in your head and your heart. And allowing ourselves to feel these energies of all the Ascended Masters and all of these Beloved Beings from the ships and a lot of different beings of the LoveLight from all over the cosmos who are joining us together at this time for this Meditation. 

And forming our circle in the middle of the room around our Beloved Altar where the Master Crystal sets. And breathing into the heart, sending it around from the left hand and having it come in through the right hand and into the heart and then sending it around to the outer circles. And sending it around the room from the floor to the walls up to the ceiling, up, down and around and through. 

And letting go with our breathing and feeling all of these different dimensions of reality from all over Creation that are represented in the consciousness of the beings in this room and the crystals that have imprinted so much from all over the cosmos. And feeling this Power of Love come in into our hearts. And now focusing it on the Master Crystal with our Intent for our personal Requirements for this Meditation we are about to commence. And whether it has to do with finances, with health problems, with relationships, allow yourself to make your Intentional Requirements. And feel as if it is already done. And know that you can stay in the high vibrations to allow it to manifest within your reality.

And now we put forth our Intentional Requirement into the Master Crystal for Peace on your Beloved Planet. And for your planet and all the people in the consciousness, the Collective Consciousness, of all of the living beings on your planet and Mama Gaia herself to anchor in the 5th Dimension. So that, yes, you can all ascend and feel this Cosmic Blast that will give everybody on your Beloved Planet such a complete, umm, orientation into what the 5th Dimension is and who they are in terms of the Love and the Light that they are by connecting with their I AM Presence, their Guidance Teams and being able to ask questions of them to find out all of the missing information, such as, well, their Soul Contracts and information about all of the people in their lives right now and how it all fits. And if they are of pure heart in asking this, the answers will be given. 

So now, and also putting forth our Intentional Requirement for Peace, Understanding and Harmony on your Beloved Planet. And shining this LoveLight up through the tip of the Master Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship and then spiraling it down onto Beloved Mother Gaia, circling it around our planet starting from the North Pole in a spiral up, down and around and through from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath, affecting all of the subatomic particles. And doing this a few times, spiraling this energy to affect all of your Beloved Planet and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet by raising the level of the LoveLight with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And feeling these spirals come in waves and feeling the ebb and the flow, the bringing in and the release of everything that does not aid the Light in bringing in more of this Beloved LoveLight. And then spiraling it down into your planet into the consciousness of all of the beings, all of the kingdoms on your planet. And envisioning everybody being in the fullness and the wholeness of who they really are in this Now Moment as if the Cosmic Blast and their Ascensions have already happened. Because that’s the way we see it on our side.

And yes, coming over to North America here.  And we’re going to shine this LoveLight into the tunnels once again and the underground bases, because there’s so much energy and resources and secrets and deceptions being hid from us. And let us go down underneath the surface of your planet here into the tunnels. And spin in a spiral this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness horizontally all through the tunnels, starting from, ah, let’s say Mexico, all through the United States and up and through most of Canada there.

And spiraling it up, down, around and through in waves here back and forth, around and through. Purifying all of the energies here, raising them up into the 5th Dimension and beyond so that this AI and all of their secrets and their rituals and their attachments to the darkness and all of their Contracts with Moloch or Satin be completely, umm, put in a state of disrepair and the realization that their tricks will no longer work. So all of their contracts and attachments being cancelled and neutralized in this Beloved Now Moment. And again, up and down and around and through, spinning, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 

And now, shining into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings who have been slaves and have fulfilled their Soul Contracts by allowing themselves to be taken against their Will and placed down here in these underground tunnels to do the bidding of these dark masters. And some of them were sacrificed as children while they were very young and others have lived their lives all the way through to be servants to these dark beings to help them fulfill their plans. 

But now, all bets are off. And these Beloved Beings can feel that they are at the finish line. And we send them the Love and Light into their hearts to support them for how much ever longer that they have to play out this Contract. And we say to them that, “You are very, very loved, loved beyond all verbal expression and you are honored for your courage and for fulfilling your Soul Contracts. Because, yes, it was very hard to see all of these really heinous acts transpire and for you to understand that by playing out your roles, you are actually helping all of this to end. Because we were raising all together the level of the consciousness on the Beloved Planet for these nefarious acts to become transparent and for them to be reported on the Internet. And the truth is so very close to coming out over your mainstream media.” 

And all we can do is keep on supporting these Beloved Ones by raising the level of our Love and our Light. And that is what we’ve been doing tonight.

And we so honor you. And we are so happy to have been with you sharing heart to heart in this Meditation.

So Namaste and good night.

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