Saturday, December 15, 2018

11-27-18 Ashtar Legacy Call Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

~ Sekhmet ~

"Nobody Is Judging Them"

“Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Once again it is most wonderful pleasure for us to be here tonight with you! And, ah yes, it’s just a little while ago it seems like since we’ve had this wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving, where on your Planet we saw so many people opening up their hearts to one another, and so much LoveLight energy coming into your Planet. And this helps to push our Mission forward, does it not? Because every time one of you or any of us on your beloved Planet raise the level of your Light into higher frequencies, it raises the level of the vibration not just for your Planet, but for all of Creation!  

“And that is a most wonderful phenomenon for us to partake in, because, yes, we are under the spotlight for what is going on, on your beloved Planet because, you know, all points lead to that place of Ascension. And that is the reason why all of you have come in, to bring this little game of duality to completion, in a most wondrous way, of course. We wouldn’t want to do anything boring or mundane, now would we?

“So, you know, this is our opportunity once again to feel our hearts with one another as we join together in the ethers and, yes, me bi-locating a paw to each and every one of you, and then you taking your other hand and joining with somebody on this call, and just breathing into your heart center here, and with our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down and relax - and to be in this now moment.

“And with the power of our thoughts, sending this LoveLight right around our circle, we start from the left, send it out from our hearts through the left hand and around the circle and bring it in through the right hand, and lifting ourselves off of the surface of your Planet, jettisoning ourselves up through the atmospheres and coming upon the layers of ships and coming upon our ship, the Niburu. And I’m opening up the belly of my ship here, and we’re popping through this landing deck, which is what it becomes, and we’re hovering in the airlock here while it closes beneath us. 

“And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the elevator, and all getting in at the same time with the circle unbroken, for it’s magic – we can do that – and pushing the button and going straight on up to the top floor here.  And now opening the doors and coming out and, yes, feeling all of these beloved energies of the Mentors, many different Beings of the LoveLight all over the Multiverse, and so many beloved Commanders from their ships and so many of your Ancestors. And, yes, there may be an incarnation of you from a previous lifetime that wouldn’t miss this for anything, so feeling maybe a little whisper or a tickle here from them, your Ancestors, to let you know that they’re right with you doing this meditation.

“And now assembling in the middle of my beloved Crystal Room around the Altar, all of us, and assembling around us in the outer circle are the Mentors.  And then from there, it’s all the different Beings, other Ascended Masters, Beings from the ships, Ancestors. And sending the energy in the same manner through the left hand out into the circle having it come back into your right hand, sending it out to the outer circles, and then all through the room, from the floor to the walls, to the ceilings, spiraling it up, down, around and through and multiplying these inter-dimensional energies in a most marvelous way to bring in more Love and Light and to bring us closer to one another heart-to-heart by allowing ourselves to feel all of the energies in this room as One.

“And now shining this LoveLight into our beloved Master Crystal sitting on our Altar, and I’m asking you to make your personal intentions for this meditation, whether it has to do with finances or your health or relationships, or just being able to buy some presents for your kids and play Santy Claus, whatever you give your conscious intents to, your requirements for creating. 

“Of course, you’re creating it in the higher dimensions in this now moment, and just breathing into it, sending it your Love and your Light to activate it. And of course, letting go with your breathing, breathing into the heart, feeling these high vibrations, reminding ourselves who we really are. At the core essence of our being, we’re all Love and Light.

“And yes, our intentions of announcing NESARA, of bringing Prosperity and Abundance to your beloved Planet, of bringing Peace and Justice by taking off these dark players and replacing them with beloved leaders who are pure of heart and centered in the Fifth Dimension in this now moment. 

"And now, altogether, shining our LoveLight into the Master Crystal and shooting it out up into the top of my ceiling here in the Niburu, and feeling it go out in the opening of the ceiling and down into your beloved Planet. And we’re going to spiral it all up, down, around and through, just breathing into its energy.

“And yes, this happens very quickly because it permeates exponentially to every subatomic particle on your beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, into the surface and underneath the surface, sending it down there into the beloved Brothers and Sisters underneath the surface in these colonies that have been there for a long, long time, raising the level of their vibration on your Planet. In Ascension mode they have been from way back when, since the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis, those Golden Ages, and exhibiting their consciousness down underneath the Planet and their cultures.

“And one day very soon we will all meet together, us off-worlders from the ships, the underneath the surface colonies, and you people on the surface. And yes, that will be a wonderful party! So with our hearts open to one another and feeling the Oneness, spiraling this energy up, down, around and through, again and again, reaching into the hearts of all the beloved Brothers and Sisters on your Planet and into the beloved Kingdoms. 

“And multiplying the energy by shining it into all of the Crystals that have been activated on your planet over the years now. And into those special spots of the ley lines on your beloved Planet to exponentially let these LoveLight energies, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness energy, multiply exponentially, lifting up, raising the level of the consciousness on your beloved Planet so we can wake up all of those who have been asleep until this beloved point, and have them to start to feel their Hearts.

“And bring in these high-vibe messages of Love and Light into their conscious awareness. And to inspire them to live this heart-centered lifestyle because, yes, that takes a little bit of Courage, because you’re still going to find people that are in such a survival mode that don’t want to hear about anything - that’s going to help everyone at the same time to be in the Fifth Dimension where there is no polarity, and where we can really accelerate our Ascension process - because, yes, everybody on your Planet is going to be able to ascend. That’s no mystery!  

“We’ve been working for that for many, many years now, but this past year that’s almost at an end, things have risen, the energies have multiplied so exponentially. And I can only feel that you are pretty enthused and excited about how much progress we have made, and how good it feels when you do your meditations and your exercises, because more and more we are feeling more connected, each and every one of us, into your – all of the different Beings on your beloved Planet.

“And now, we’re going to shine the LoveLight into Washington D.C. here, because we see a lot on the horizon here. We see people testifying and we see, possibly, the truth coming out. Now the truth is such a beautiful thing, because when the truth comes out, there are certain dynamics at play which can’t be scoffed at or put down. And they teach us so much when people open up their hearts and they go into a timeline and they say, ‘Yes, at Point A this happened, at Point B, and it led us up to Point Z here, where we think we know who did what, for what, and what the motivation was. And now we see how things have to change.'

“And so, let us open up our hearts to all of the beloved Beings in your Washington D.C. who have a chance to make their voices heard, and to leave no doubt that they have been coming from their hearts, and that they truly believed and supported the original Constitution of the United States, and that they have a vision for Freedom and Justice and Truth on your beloved Planet.

“Although many of their brothers and sisters sitting right next to them do not, who have given up on that dream and given up those oaths that they’ve taken to protect your beloved Constitution, and for whatever reasons  – power or money or what have you – they’ve gone astray. Well, we send the LoveLight into their hearts, too, because they can always come into the Light.

“You know, nothing is written in stone here. It’s all very fluid. And really, when you come right into it in the higher dimensions, there is no time and space. So, we’re shining this LoveLight into all of those beloved leaders, into their hearts, into their minds, for them to open up and to assess what their truth is, and not to be afraid of it, because nobody is judging them. Not when it really counts, not when you get to the other side. 

“You, joined with the higher aspects of your Being, are the only ones that are doing the judgment when you’re looking at those tapes of what you’ve done in this lifetime. So hey, might as well make it as good as possible, right? Just breathing into their hearts, spiraling this energy from the atmosphere to the surface, and then under, into the underground bases, you know, all over this area in and around Washington D.C. There’s plenty of that underground action happening in that part of the country.

“And now, taking a little trip into the rest of your North American hemisphere, starting in Mexico, going down into the elevators there, and accessing these underground networks, and in a horizontal spiral, going through the tunnels, the honeycomb chambers of the underground bases, up, down, around and through here, all the way through the United States into Canada and back again, up and down. And just breathing into it, getting into a rhythm here of bringing this LoveLight into all the subatomic particles here of all these beloved places where this cabal thought they could hide all their secrets from us, and deceive us, and hide the A.I. there. 

“Well, no, that hasn’t happened because now, it’s more like they’re just sitting ducks, for these high vibrations to expose them very transparently about what they’ve been doing - all of their ritual sacrifices, their hoarding of arms and gold and art treasures, and you name it – advanced technologies. Well, all of that’s going to come out. And slowly, slowly the Alliance has been penetrating those bases and the truth has been coming to the surface.

“And now just shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the beloved people who have agreed in their Soul contracts before they came in, to serve these dark Beings down in these underground chambers, these bases.  “And, yes, they have been slaves. And some of them are children who have been abducted and made to do some very dark things. But we shine them all the Love in our hearts and we say to them, ‘You are not forgotten. We know just how special you are for playing out your roles, and you have had an integral part in raising the level of the LoveLight on the Planet, and soon the Ascension shall be yours!

“And we thank you so much for joining us tonight on this meditation. Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and good night!”

Transcription by Marta.
Given through Eli Galla on Ashtar Legacy Family Call, November 27, 2018
Copyright Eli Galla 2018 - All Rights Reserved.

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