Thursday, December 13, 2018

12-12-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

12-12-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Wow! Once again, we are together and feeling this high-vibration that Mother has helped to bring you into and allowed us all to feel your Intentions for bringing about Ascension on your Beloved Planet. And yes, we’ve been working for this for such a long time, all together making Soul Contracts that would enable these energies to come into your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, it has been quite a long time that this dynamic has been raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet more and more. And you are at that place, knocking on the door, to finally open it up to allowing this Cosmic Blast to come down on your planet through the portals of the Central Sun, through the Solar Sun and to shine on Beloved Mother Gaia and into all of your hearts at the same time. 

And it is so wonderful because of what we see during the course of this year that is very fast approaching its end. And we don’t give any dates. You know that. We just see that you have taken off. You have caught the wave. And you are just rolling right through it to your destination. And each and every one of you are playing your part here. 

And those that haven’t awoken yet, they, we see, are very much teeter tottering right on the cusp of it, on that cusp of bringing in those energies which will finally allow them to jump into their Ascension Process and to make this connection fully into their Heart Centers that allows them to connect with those higher aspects of their being so that they may realize that they are an integral part of the Godhead; and Love and Light is who they really are, and that is what matters.

And we were trying to get, as best we could with our sermons, our miracles that we performed in Yeshua’s lifetime, and they did have an effect. But a lot of the healings came after it was said that he ascended. And we made-- We didn’t leave the planet, we just left that area of Jerusalem. And we branched out into the Middle East, into Asia. And then I went back into Europe and worked with many Beloveds there. And that is where I ascended. And yes, your opportunity is right before you. And we see each and every one of you making the most of it.
And we would like you all to take a long, deep, slow breath into your hearts and feel us, the Mentors, shine the LoveLight into your hearts. And sending this energy around your circle, allowing yourself to expand this LoveLight all through the circle, all throughout your Beloved Planet. And sending it up into all of the ships of the Beloveds from the Star Nations that have been sending you the LoveLight for these many years to aid you in your quest for the completion of your Soul Contracts of allowing this Beloved Planet to ascend and all of the Beloved Beings on it to reach full consciousness in your physical bodies, complete awareness.

And yes, you’ll be able to manifest instantly. This is what Ascended Masters are able to do. This is a place of no limitation, no barriers, but that expansiveness which is Universal, Unconditional Love. And we shine it into your hearts with the Intention that these Holy Days are a springboard into even higher dimensions of realization of who you really are and the Power that each and every one of you possess in your hearts to make these connections to raise the level of the vibration continuously, more and more to accelerate your Ascension Processes.

We honor you and we love you so, so very much, more than we can possibly express in any verbal expression of who you really are and the great efforts that you have all made to bring about Ascension on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and Happy Holy Days. 

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