Friday, December 28, 2018

12-26-18 Mother Sekhmet By Eli Galla

12-26-18 Mother Sekhmet By Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Thanks for bearing with us tonight, because we could see that there’s been some glitches here into getting to this place where I could come in and deliver what I feel will be a joyous channel tonight, because of the energies that we see being manifested on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, yesterday was your big Feast Day and so many hearts joined in the Truth of the Oneness of who they are. And this, we would say, is a miraculous feeling being felt all over your world even in those places that don’t celebrate this Feast Day. What we feel is this coming together, this coalescing of many different energies on your planet. And you could think of it again as the timelines coming together. 

But it really all boils down to the fact that you’re moving closer and closer with all of these different energy upgrades that you experienced over the past year to this place where the awareness and the transparency of the reality that is being created upon your planet is starting, along with everybody else, to really see more in detail what the lies and the deceptions are creating within your reality. 

And so, this place of being the Compassionate Observer, this is where we feel it really comes into its own, in its apex at this time because, yes, the energies are really high vibrational. And the more that you could stay neutral and be this Compassionate Observer, and then offer you insights from your Heart Centers to the people that may have questions or that you feel are ready to hear some of the Truths that you have to offer. 

This we see was what transpired to a certain level and degree as it had never before in frequency yesterday where the conscious people in the families were able to talk a little bit more about who they are and what they really believe is happening on the planet and the Human Condition which your religions have this really, we would say, twisted idea of what the Human Condition is and what the really important things are in your experience here in this 3D hologram.
So, you know, we are so grateful for all that we have come to experience with you. And we see you experiencing with other people outside of the people on this call; all of the different clearings and meditations and just talking to people from your hearts, whether it be your family, complete strangers on the street or your friends or your partner. Because more and more that you do this, you’re raising the level of the vibration for everyone. Because for far too long the Truth has really had to take a backseat on your Beloved Planet. And now so many of you, because you are in higher vibrations, are hooking up the dots in, we would say, a more complete, Heart-Centered Way.
So with this, let us join hands together and me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you and forming our circle. And yes, just breathing into the Heart Center, sending it from your heart to your left hand around the circle and back into your right hand and to your heart. And allowing yourself to feel this place of Peace, of Joy, of Gratitude, of Forgiveness. And with the Power of our Thoughts, rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, into these atmospheres and different layers, up through the layers of the ships to my ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the bottom of the ship and popping through. And it becomes a landing deck as we hover in the airlock here. And now touching down and going back to the elevator and we’re going in all completely connected in our circle. And we’re in. 

We push the button and we rise on up to the top floor here. And opening up the door and all the Beloved Beings and, yes, your ancestors are here. And they’re glad to see you, and they may be giving you a little nudge or a tickle and/or some music that you identify with and identify them with. And making our way through the very many spirits assembled here on the ships, from the ships, the Ascended Masters, & the Mentors. And forming our circle around the altar in the middle of this Healing Room. And now sending the energy into the circles that have assembled around us, the Mentors, other Ascended Masters, the beings from the ships and your ancestors. 

And sending it from the floor to the wall to the ceiling, up, down and around and through. And taking in all of the higher-dimensional energies that are represented in this room within the consciousness of the beings assembled here and also within the crystals that amplify that consciousness from all over Creation. And just feeling this Love and Light that we are and sending it around again, all through the room in a spiral, up, down, around and through.

And now, sending your Intentional Requirement for what you would like to receive or create for yourself today from this Meditation, whether it be in terms of finances, healing, relationships, or just creating the space of Peace within the four bodies of your being and balance also.
And now shining our intentions for the Announcements to come about through all of the different plans that we see unfolding in this Now Moment to bring these plans to completion having to do with finances and government, to allow this 5th Dimension to come in more and more and the higher-vibrational energies coming from the Central Sun through your Solar Sun onto your planet, into each and every one of your hearts.  And just breathing into that feeling of downloading all of these energies all over the cosmos that are being sent to us to accelerate your Beloved Ascension Process. 

And now, shining this energy into the Master Crystal in the middle of our altar here and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of my ship and down onto your planet, following it down. And now spiraling this energy all over your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface and encompassing every subatomic particle on your Beloved Planet, shining it into the Heart Centers of all the Beloved Beings and all the kingdoms on your planet, up, down, around and through.

And now, we’re going to go over to this area of South America and also the Antarctic. Because yes, wouldn’t you know it, there’s underground bases in this area. And these places have so many secrets to tell us. And they also have these hidden installations that pretty much serve the same purpose as the network in North America of the underground tunnels. 

So, we’re shining the LoveLight on them with the Intentional Requirement of exposing all of these secrets and all of the secrets hidden underneath the ice in Antarctica because this is a Divine Part of this story about your origins. And you will learn so much from this, this unveiling of the Truth in this specific area. 

And also by the Truth coming out, these beings who have controlled the energies down there will now be powerless to do so. So that means that the vibration will rise very exponentially in this area. So spiraling it down from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the ground and to these underground bases vertically going up, down, around and through. 

And feeling the LoveLight lift up the vibration into the higher frequencies of Love and Light. And feeling in the Now Moment all of these secrets exposed and breathing into the Heart and feeling this place of Peace, of Understanding and Compassion for all of the Beloved Beings who thought that they were on the right path and they were tricked. They were promised things that could never be delivered, and so they have lived their lives with very much stress and a lot of guilt and fear. So shining the LoveLight into their hearts –

And now going up into North America here, into Mexico, going down into the elevator and entering the tunnels. And spinning in a spiral, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy in a horizontal way all through the tunnels, into all of the underground bases from Mexico, through the United States, through Canada, up, down, around and through. And allowing for these high vibrations to penetrate all of these hiding places where underground rituals, blood sacrifices have been performed for really long periods of time and exposing them. 

And at the same time, freeing all the Beloved Beings that have been held against their Will and allowing them to feel this place of Freedom, of Compassion, of Justice, of Liberation in this Now Moment. And we see it as already done, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, because every day these Truths are being unveiled through the various outlets on your Internet, through seminars, webcasts, you name it. 

The feeling of being up in these high vibrations and experiencing the Truth is what you are re-imprinting at this time. And this, the more people that do it, the stronger that we all become and to attracting this 5th Dimensional energy through the Central Sun and your Solar Sun onto your planet. 

And shining the LoveLight into all of the beings who have been conscripted and been made slaves in these underground installations. And we say to them. “We honor you. We love you so very much and pretty soon, you will feel your Freedom and you will feel your Ascension. And you will know it has all been worth it.”

And we say to everyone on this call, thanks for hanging in there with us and for all of the Beloved Work that you do in your prayers, meditations and exercises and your Commitment to the Truth of being the Love and Light that you are. 

Namaste and good night.

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