12-19-18 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is such a pleasure to be with you all once again in this
Communion of our hearts, in this feeling of coming together to enable, these
plans, these desires that we have for everyone on the planet to have prosperity
and abundance and above all freedom; freedom to explore and to express, and for
each and every one of you to feel safe in being who you really are and sharing
that knowledge of you as an integral part of the Godhead with each other, all
continuously from breath to breath, in each and every breath, and not having to
do things for the sake of survival that negate and, we would say, rob you of
your Divinity, of your resolve to be an integral part of this whole scenario
that we would call the bigger picture.
Because yes, if you could think of it really, from our
standpoint up in the higher dimensions over on the other side, to us it’s one
thing. It’s one expression of, you would say, God or Creator Source or Source
Consciousness. And it is a wonderful
feeling to see people expressing heart to heart with one another on your planet
and lifting up the level of the vibration when they’re doing it. Because the
amount of light that comes with these efforts of people to express, to create
things that are based in the higher vibrations of Love and Light are truly
awesome for raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet and the
level of consciousness, because it starts to magnetize the people who are as of
yet unawake. And all of you have had really integral, meaningful, important
roles to play in this.
And we say to you that this year has been very dynamic in a lot
of different ways for the plans that we see coming together, but for the cycles
that have unfolded on your Beloved Planet with the level of Love and Light
coming in in very tight intervals. Because yes, it’s a sea of consciousness
that is coming through the Central Sun to your Solar Sun and then shining right
on into the hearts of every Beloved Being in all of the kingdoms on Mother
Gaia, your Beloved Planet.
And ah, yes, this is an optimal time at this time of the year
because this is a time that we focus on the Love that we have for one another,
whether you be family, soul family, friends, lovers, this is a time of coming
together and sharing from the heart and realizing how grateful we all are to be
together here at this time. Because we are allowed to express ourselves at a Soul
Level and feel each other heart to heart in the moments that we share together
during these Beloved Holy Days. And yes, we see this as being a springboard
into your upcoming New Year and taking it even higher and higher than we have
ever been before in terms of vibration, knowingness, being able to connect with
those higher aspects of your being.
Let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every
one of you and you reaching out your other hand to join somebody with their
hands on this call. And just breathing into the Heart Center and with our
breathing allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and getting into the rhythm
of the breathing. And with the Power of our Thoughts, rising up off the surface
of your planet, into the atmospheres, into the layers of ships and coming upon
my ship, the Mother Ship of the Nibiru. And opening up the underbelly here, which
becomes the landing deck and all of us popping through at the same time. And
now the landing deck closing beneath us as we hover in the airlock.
And now we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevator,
opening the door, getting in all at the same time with our circle intact, and
pushing the button and jetting right on up to this top floor. And this is the
Crystal Healing Room. And opening up the door and feeling all of the Beloved Beings
who are here to great us, to share with us their Love and their Light in
manifesting our dreams, desires, of fulfilling the Promise of this Beloved
Timeframe on your planet with the Announcements, with mass Ascension and Full Conscious
Awareness inside of your physical bodies.
So let us assemble ourselves around the altar forming our circle.
And yes, maybe we’re feeling our ancestors give us a touch, or a song, or a
chill at the back of our necks to tell us; yes, we’re here with you and we’re
loving you and supporting you. And we’re One on this Meditation with you. And
now just breathing into the Heart Center, sending it out through the left hand
and circling all around, coming back into the right hand and into the heart. And
with our breathing sending it into the outer circles and from the floor, the
walls, to the ceiling in a spiral up, down, and around and through. And
receiving all of the higher vibrations of all of the dimensions represented
throughout all of Creation here in this Crystal Healing Room through the
consciousness of all of these high-vibe beings who are joining you as well as
the vibration of the crystals, because they have been assembled from all over
the Cosmos. And just breathing into it, allowing yourselves to relax into this
feeling of Oneness, of Divine Unconditional, Universal Love.
And now, shining this LoveLight into the Master Crystal with
your Intentional Requirements for what you desire to create with this
Meditation for yourself in the Now Moment in your reality wherever you may be
on the planet. And our Intention is to raise the level of the LoveLight in the Collective
Consciousness to a level where it wakes up even more and more of your Beloved
People on your planet where the Truth becomes so transparent that they begin to
feel an empowerment, a Mandate to spread this Truth and to participate in the
unfolding of it. And to be aligned in their Integrity with their own inner
Truth. And yes, we’re calling for the acceleration of this process, the
fulfillment of the Plan to announce NESARA, to enable the energies to rush
right down onto your planet and enable this Cosmic Blast and Mass Ascensions
that will complement it.
And now, shining the LoveLight once again into the Master
Crystal, focusing it up through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship
and shooting it right down onto your Beloved Planet and cascading it in a
spiral up, down, and around and through your Beloved Planet. And shining it
into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, raising the level
of the consciousness into higher and higher levels, higher realms of
consciousness, into the higher dimensions, feeling the Oneness and feeling this
Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy permeate each and every
one of the Beloved Beings on your planet.
And shining it into all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet.
And again, up, down, and around and through, from the atmospheres, to the surface
and beneath the surface of your Beloved Planet, raising the level of the
vibration in each and every subatomic particle. And transmitting this LoveLight
into the hearts and psyches within the four bodies of all of the beings on your
Beloved Planet.
And now, shining this LoveLight over into Washington, D.C.,
because yes, there’s some business that is going on there. But of course, the
main stream media won’t tell you what the real business is, what is unfolding
and the different deals that have been made and the different levels of
consciousness that are coming into play now with the World Becoming One. Yes,
you heard that right. Because this is the first step on your Beloved Planet to
a total world participation and a feeling of Oneness with all of the Beloved
Countries on your planet. Because for all intents and purposes what is being
created right now is one financial structure that whereby everybody on your
Beloved Planet will be able to trade money and have money that is worth
relatively the same amount. And that really hasn’t ever happened before.
So, you know, along with the Beloved Crooks, the Cabal, the Deep
State, the players that have perpetrated this Fiat Financial System on you, all
you Beloved Beings, and all of the survival politics, such as Income Tax and
all of these different debt-slavery type machinations that they worked on you
for house loans and for credit card loans. Well that’s all going to be done
away with. And you on your Beloved Planet are taking your power back and
empowering yourselves.
So shining the energy down into the Congress, into the White
House, into all of those bastions of the alphabet agencies housed in and around
that area of the United States. And we’re going to shine the LoveLight on the Conscious
Intent that everyone come into the Light and make the choices for the highest
and best interests of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Because in
effect, this is what all of your leaders should have been doing all of the time
instead of making choices that benefited this less-than-one percent of the
off-worlders that were ruining your Beloved Mother Gaia.
But now we see that all shifting. And this is our Conscious
Intent to bring it all into motion, to raise the level of the vibration so that
all resistance to enacting this new financial system and announcing NESARA
evaporate, de-fractalize, are transmuted not with ill intent in any way, shape
or form but with the highest frequencies of Love and Light.
And now, let’s shine the LoveLight over into Antarctica because
as many of you have heard, there’s a lot of secrets that are stored over there,
but soon they shall be secrets no more. Because when Beloved NESARA is
announced, the Truth is going to come out. And when we talk about this, there
are many different aspects of this Truth being known because up to this point, so
much of the Truth has been covered up on your planet so that, yes, these Deep-Staters
could run their war economies and have all of their little secrets about the
financial system and controlling you on the survival treadmill that you found
yourselves on. So now that will all be gone. And you will all be enabled in the
5th Dimension to be the Love and the Passion of the gifts that you
were all given when you came into this Beloved Lifetime.
And the Truth will resonate with you on a higher level than it
ever has before. In other words, you’ll be able to see the dynamics of what
played out and resonate with how it is the Truth and that there is nothing at
all to be afraid of, because by hearing the Truth, by feeling the changes that come
over your Beloved Planet, because these Truths are being told.
And that secrets that enabled these Deep-Staters to deceive you,
to lie to you, to trick you, they will all be gone. That whole structure, or
that whole matrix will dissolve. So just breathing into it again with a spiral
from the atmosphere, to the surface, below the surface, up, down, around and
through, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness
And now, shifting back over to North America and going into the
elevators beneath the surface in Mexico and going into this underground
network. And shining the LoveLight horizontally all through the tunnels, up,
down, around and through to all of the bases, the honeycombed chambers that
comprise these bases where so much advanced technology, wealth, secrets of the
ritual sacrifices and all of the different slaves that they have down
And this was always supposed to be their escape valve. But we
found out about that soon enough. And they
are losing so many bases to us. But when the Truth is uncovered and when all of
the crooks are taken to the internment camps to await their tribunals, we will
be able to take over this last complex, not just on this continent but all over
the world wherever they exist.
And yes, a lot of underground chambers exist in Europe and they
have for a very long time. And they have achieved the same purpose of hiding
secrets and wealth, so that this Deep-State Cabal would rule over you without
very much resistance at all. Well, of course, up until this point, because now the
consciousness on your planet is practically blaring the news of how they have
deceived you all, enslaved you, and that they’re hiding so much that would make
your life so, so much better.
So, just breathing into your Heart Centers here and shining the
LoveLight on all of the beautiful brothers and sisters who have been captives
here underneath the surface in these bases and have been made by the Cabal to
do the Cabal’s bidding whether it be of a sexual nature or working down there
in various ways to implement very dark designs of ritual sacrifices, hidden
technology, hidden wealth.
We say to all of your Beloved Brothers and Sisters, “We love you
so very much. We honor you and your time of being rewarded for completing your
Contracts is very close to being upon you.”
And we’re so happy we have been here with you here tonight to
raise the level of the vibration and to share in the LoveLight heart to heart.
Brothers and sisters, we honor you so for all of your efforts, your Meditations
and your prayers.
Namaste and good night.
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