Thursday, December 20, 2018

12-19-18 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

12-19-18 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I’m so happy to be here tonight with all of you. We are going through an incredible time of shifting, of raising the level of the vibration and feeling it on your Beloved Planet. And yes, this is a magical month in your calendar, because of all of the celebrations and the anticipation of the Holy Days which have yet to come. And we’re only a couple of days away from the Solstice. And about at the same time is a full moon.
So this is quite a peak period for the completion of your year on your Beloved Planet. And we know that you’re feeling this shift in your heart with all of the upgrades that you have brought forth this year for yourselves and for all of humanity. It is most wondrous for us to see all of you playing your part and to see what you have cleared for yourselves in the space of these last twelve months. 

And yes, the level of Love and Light is rising and permeating your planet & into the hearts and minds of all the Beloved Beings who are waking up. And a lot of these Beloved Beings are very young and some of them are very old. 

And some of them are even going through what you would call near-death experiences when they are crossing over. And, ah, and then they come back for a little while to say goodbye to their families one last time. And then the angels and their guides and their “I AM Presence” already have them. So they have a very wondrous and smooth transition. And yes, they won’t have to reincarnate any more. Their Mission will be done. 

But we see that the people in this group have decided to stay here and that want a regenerated body, they want opportunities to see their Beloved Family grow in the magnificence of this LoveLight, which will enable them to ascend also. So this, yes, as we have said is a very magical time, a time when miracles can manifest. 
And so we ask you to allow yourself to feel, to shine this LoveLight no matter what challenges or obstacles you may perceive. Please look at them as opportunities to realize and bring into focus this Power that you have to shine the LoveLight and to shift gears and to go up into the higher vibrations of Love. And that is where you feel the Oneness. And you feel no resistance to creating in the Now Moment what you truly desire. You just have to allow this vibration to permeate your being within the four bodies of your being. And you become a transmitter, such as a lighthouse, shining this beacon of the LoveLight out to so many to raise the level of the consciousness.

And we encourage you to do this at this time. Because yes, all of the different puzzle pieces have been laid out and they are in place. And it just takes a few more moves on the game board here for it to become actualized and to become your reality. So just breathing into the Heart Center and sending it around your circle here and feeling that it’s already done. Because us, the Mentors over here up in the higher vibrations and the higher dimensions, that’s what we see. We see it already being done. The momentum, the shift, the shear magnificence of the Power of Love has permeated your Beloved Planet. And it is inevitable that everyone that opens their heart will feel this and allow themselves to make the choice to ascend. And that is so marvelous for us to see because, no, this has never played out in this same way that it’s playing out right now, because of this Divine Decree that has been made.

So, Beloved Ones, we say Namaste and good night. And we cherish you, your contributions, the integral part that each of you play as a part of the Godhead. Good night. 

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