Thursday, May 30, 2019

5-29-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-29-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, and we come to you tonight with a Special Intention of doing this meditation. 

Ah yes, ah, just breathing into the Heart Center, and forming our circle once again, and holding hands, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy out the left hand, around the circle, into the right hand, breathing into the heart. And allowing ourselves to rise up, with our breathing, into these high frequencies of Love and Light.

Ah yes, just breathing into it, and feeling the Love and Light that you are.  Yes, you are in that space of knowingness where you have the Love and Light activated to such a degree, on your Beloved Planet, whereby it is no mystery that the Power of your Intentions, to wake up the masses, for them to fully recognize the Love and Light that they are, that they are a part of the Godhead in Divine and Eternal Communion with Creator Source. 

And first of all, to do what you are asking of the Universe in helping you in this meditation with the angel. We ask you to open up your heart, by breathing into it, by giving yourself permission to use your imagination in a most Divine and inspired way. We ask you to take into your consciousness, and integrate within the four bodies of your being the ability to fly up among the clouds, the planets, the stars, up through the portal into the Solar Sun, and travel on this pipeline of Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. Let yourself thrive in the playful frequency of high vibration, and merge with the consciousness of the angels, in a most Divine union of your heart to theirs.
Our angels encircle you with the sound frequency of the Divine Om Mantra. It penetrates every subatomic particle of your being, within all four bodies of your being, as you rise up and through the Central Sun, into the Galactic Center. Now you flow with the grace and beauty of the double rainbow helix of DNA, setting your destination dial to that place in the multiverse where crystals abound in many colors.

You come to this one pool that is lined with, and the surrounding areas are all comprised with, Andara Crystals. The Andara Crystals are all record keepers. They have such clarity, and vision, and purpose, and will activate the power of your vision, and Intentional Requirements, in such a way that your healing, whatever part of your body, within the four bodies of your being, whatever part of your life, where you feel consumed by fear, either now or then, and when, and where you were out of sync with completing your Soul Contract at the time.
Anything less than Love, the energies of the Andara Crystals will dial back that place in the timeline, to give you the Divine opportunity, to heal whatever was the root cause of your misalignment with the energy at that time. Now you step into this pool of crystalline healing waters. The pool is just only deep enough to cover your body with water, to your neck while you sit in it lying back, resting your head on bunches of lotus blossoms which are laid, stretched out directly in front of you.

These crystals, that comprise the pool of these crystal and healing waters have been blessed by all of the Mentors, and the loving angels. They have come straight from the Beloved and Divine consciousness of Creator Source.

Now breathing into the Heart Center, allowing yourself to slow down and relax, into the Joy and Bliss of being here now, in this everlasting, eternal moment of Divine Harmony with the Soul of all of Creation. Now we call in Mother Mary, Maria Magdalena, and they walk to you letting you choose whatever Kumara roses that you would like. You can have as many as you want, to take into your heart with the Intentional Requirement for Divine Healing of any and all polarities, from now on throughout all of eternity. 

We talk for you and we say, “I consciously, intentionally require that all polarity, at the root of its inception into my memory and conscious awareness disappear, of all of these polarities and anything less than Love disappear, every fractal disincorporating into the nothingness, which it sprang forth from. I require that every thought, every memory, and every experience, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, that is less than Unconditional/ Universal Love be removed, and that their Divine Energy be transmuted into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, from now on, throughout all of eternity, in this Now Moment, throughout space and time.”

Feel yourself breathe into your heart and feel the warmth of the crystalline healing waters seeping into every cell within the four bodies of your being, allowing yourself to know you have been healed of all polarity. And that with your Intentional Requirement for healing, and breathing into your Heart Center, feeling Joy, Harmony, and Bliss permeate your conscious awareness.  Feeling Forgiveness, Gratitude, Acceptance, and Knowingness, that you are One with all of Creation, and that you can shine your Love and your Light into the hearts of all others, to show them with Divine, Loving Magic these crystalline healing waters, allowing them to accept the proposition to heal themselves by awakening into the realization, that they too are an integral part of the Godhead, and that they can heal themselves by requiring the removal of all polarities and anything less than love from their DNA, their subatomic particles, the four bodies of their being and transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light with all of their Divine Heart-Centered consciousness, their DNA, within the four bodies of their being, from now on, throughout all of eternity. And so it is.”

Ah yes, this meditation really has to do with the angels, because it is they that constructed these healing pools way over on the other side of the multiverse. And one time we brought Eli here, when he was just beginning his journey of awakening, about sixteen years ago. And we brought him back here, because one of his clients asked for this meditation.

And we knew that this was the time to release it, to all of you, because this is so very soothing. And so many of you are feeling such discomfort from these high-vibe energies, coming into your planet and having to deal with all of the requirements of the 3rd Dimension and duality still, because the Divine Plans haven’t fully taken shape yet, and the requirements, and the active components of NESARA haven’t been implemented. But we see that the more that we can come together and do these healing meditations, the higher that the consciousness on your Beloved Planet will rise.

We thank you so much for your participation. We love you beyond all verbal expression. Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. 

5-29-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-29-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Mary Magdalene, and I am so very happy and grateful to be here tonight, at this time. Ah, yes, the Mission, that we are all on together plays out in your Now Moment, and the energies are in flux, we would say. They rise and they ebb, but on the whole so much of this LoveLight is permeating your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, we know that it causes some of you to feel very uncomfortable. And we say to you, that the more that you allow yourself to be heart centered, to be in the flow of your energy, and to realize, that now is the time to let go to these high vibrations in fuller, deeper ways. And the way that you do this is feeling the Love for yourself and Compassion for all that you have been through. 

And this Compassion is understanding, that we are all One, and that no matter what we have done in the past, it doesn’t matter, because we are here together in this Now Moment with the opportunity to bring in more of this Beloved LoveLight into the Collective Consciousness, to help it rise, to go into the deeper meanings within the Collective Consciousness, so when the Truth is disseminated on your Beloved Planet, that people will take it into their hearts, and feel it, and not judge themselves, or judge anyone else for the changes, that they are experiencing in their biology, in their minds, their hearts, their souls. 

Because yes, when this energy comes in, you’re going to feel it in a very etheric or spiritual way, and you are going to be called upon to go with the flow of this energy into the higher vibrations, up into the higher dimensions, so that you may integrate it more fully. Because yes, Beloved Beings, you are the First Wavers. You are the teachers. You are the ones who have been doing this work for such a long time now. 

And you have many insights, many gifts of healing, of intuition, of being able to talk to the Beloveds who are afraid, who have been traumatized, to help them to ease their pain and discomfort, and to help hold their energy with the Intention of them being centered in these high-vibrational energies, that are coming into the planet, so that they can achieve more detachment, that they can understand really, what is happening at this time, by allowing themselves to connect with your heart, and to see and feel in the way that you perceive these energies. And to feel your Joy, your Love, and your Compassion, and be inspired by this at this time. Really isn’t this what a great teacher does and is all about?

So Beloveds, we know that so many of you are finding opportunities each and every day to transmit, and help other people integrate these high-vibrational energies.

We love you so much. We honor you for all of the work that you do. And we say to you, Namaste and good night.

5-29-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-29-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our very joyous pleasure to be with you here tonight. Ah, yes, this Schumann Resonance, it keeps on peaking and sustaining the high-vibrational energies from the photons. Yes, because we’re going into the Photon Belt deeper and deeper. Of course this may take quite a long time, or maybe not so long, until we get to really saturating the planet with these high vibrations of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.
Well, everything, as we keep on saying, and maybe it gets a little boring for you to hear, but everything is in Divine Timing, playing out in Divine Order the way that it needs to in the flow of this very beautiful and life-affirming energy, that is visiting your planet and raising you up higher and higher, it seems with each and every breath. 

And yes, this is a time of much celebration for us, because we see these little bits and pieces of the Truth leaking out. And we see that the Beloved Souls, such as yourself, are getting more and more involved. Whether it be in their own communities, whether it be in the UFO community sharing information, doing the research, doing the healing work, doing the meditations.

And we keep on saying this, and it is ever so true that the more Love and Light that you bring in -- Well, this is really what your Mission of being here at this time is all about. Because the more that each and every one of you can do this, the quicker that these energies are going to raise the level of consciousness, of the collective, on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, this has never been about how many of you are doing these meditations and being in the higher dimensions. It is about the level of consciousness that you are allowing yourselves to rise up into and transmit all over the Beloved Planet, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms, such as we do on the meditation here. And yes, this is Divine, really integral work for bringing about, not just your Ascension, but raising the level of Ascension Energies for all of the Beloveds throughout the multiverse.

And now, let us come together in our circle, me bi-locating my paw, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody else on this call. And just breathing into the Heart Center. And sending this energy, from the heart out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and back into the heart. And feeling this Love, and this Light, come in and permeate every cell of your being, and lifting you up. And at the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts rising up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, and up into the layers of the atmospheres and now up through the layers of the ships. And coming upon my ginormous ship, the Nibiru. 

And I’m opening up the landing deck here. It’s in the belly of the ship, the underside of it. And we are all popping through and hovering in the airlock.  And now this landing deck is closing beneath us. And it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to the elevator here, and we’re popping through it all at the same time. And we are hitting a button, and we’re rising up very quickly now and opening the door. And here we are again. 

And yes, all of the Beloved Souls are here to greet us, and maybe some of your ancestors, or yourself from a previous incarnation or two greeting you. And we are walking, meeting their smiles, and feeling their energies, very high vibrational. And we are assembling our circle around, being at the inner circle, right around the alter in this Crystal Healing Room, and with the Mentors assembling around us, forming their circle, and all of the other Beloved Beings from the ships, the Archangels, other Ascended Masters, your ancestors, and anyone that has joined us from all over the Cosmos tonight for this Beloved Meditation. And now sending it from your heart, through the left hand, around the circle, into the outer circles, allowing yourself to breathe into it, and feeling this Love and Joy permeate your consciousness.

And rising on up from the floor to the walls to the ceiling, spiraling it all up, down, and around and through to allow these high vibrations of all of the different dimensions of reality, being represented through the consciousness of the beings here and of all the crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room, as well as the crystal setting on our alter here. 

And again we’re asking you to send your personal Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create from the Magic and the Power of this Divine Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, health related, having to do with relationships, having to do with the health and wellbeing of your family, or just allowing yourself to feel more Joy, and bring in more Love and Light, or have more connection with your I AM Presence.
Whatever it be, just shining it into this Master Crystal, and letting go, and feeling the Love and Light that you are. And allowing yourself more and more Love for yourself. Because we see you, we honor you, we know all of the different choices that you had to make to get here, and to be at this level of vibration, that you are at now.  And so we celebrate with you. 

And our Intentional Requirements for this meditation tonight, altogether, has to do with bringing in more Peace and, of course, disseminating the Truth in a seamless, flawless manner, because we don’t want to foment any violence on your Beloved Planet. We never have. We want everything to happen with so much Love, that people will not have any resistance to being the Love and Light that they are, in telling their Truth, their stories with one another and raising the level of their vibration into the 5th Dimension, when this Truth is disseminated, when the different components of NESARA start to be revealed and implemented.

So, just breathing into the Heart Center and shining it out into the Master Crystal, and shining it through the tip of the Master Crystal through the opening in this ceiling of the Crystal Healing Room, and spiraling it down at the Speed of Thought, onto your Beloved Planet, all up, down, and around and through, through every cell, through every subatomic particle. And feeling this Golden Thread, whic unites all of the Beloved Beings on your planet heart to heart. And feeling that framework, that tapestry of Genetic Energy, transmitting to one another these high frequencies of the LoveLight, raising the level of the vibration, to be in harmony, to be very accessible, to integrating the Photon Energies, which are coming into your Beloved Planet through this pipeline of the Galactic Center.

Spiraling it once again, all up, down, and around and through to all of the oceans, the mountains, underneath the sea, to all of the hidden underground bases, to all of the ancient artifacts. And the portals that are hiding underneath the surface of your planet, and that soon, many, many of them shall be revealed, whether it be in Antarctica or other places.

And now, let us go into the Vatican City, because, yes, there’s still a lot of secrets that are being maintained there.  And we see that the decisions that are being made in these secret underground chambers of the Black Pope and his ministry that -- Well, let’s just say, we’re going to shine the LoveLight and spiral the energy from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, to these catacombs, to wake up these Beloved  Brothers and Sisters, and to nudge their hearts, and to open them up and realize, that they have the Power to make choices inundated by the consciousness of this LoveLight, for the good of all humanity, that once was, is no more. And it is time to let go of the old ways and to allow themselves to merge with the Love and Light that they too are.
So spiraling this energy down into all of these secret places, unearthing all of the secrets, shining the LoveLight on them, so that very soon all of these secrets will be a part of the common knowledge on your Beloved Planet and that there will be nothing to fear anymore, because everything will be revealed.

And now let us go over to London in the UK, and into this jail, where our Beloved Julian Assange is. And again mirroring his energy field, calling it in, to spiral this high-vibrational energy, which we are multiplying within the four bodies of our being. And spinning a spiral from the center above, which is two feet above the head, to two feet below the feet, in this two-foot area, that comprises his energy field all around his body, forming this pod of light. 

And with the Intentional Requirement of removing, any and all of the lower vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas in his energy field. And spinning counterclockwise, and going down and up. And we require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the unfolding of this spiral be increased 1000-fold. And just breathing into your Heart Centers, and shining the LoveLight into his energy field, and his energy body. And so it is.

And we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and other high-vibrating energies such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance and Clear Communication within the four bodies of his being, and his DNA, his energy body and his energy field.
And spinning from the center above to the center below, now in a clockwise direction to bring in these high-vibrating energies. And we require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the unfolding of this energy spiral be increased 1000-fold. And just breathing into it, from your heart, sending it into his Heart Center, and all throughout his energy field, and his energy body with the intention of giving him all of the Love and support he needs in playing his role to disseminate this Truth on your Beloved Planet. And so it is.

And now, let us trek on over to Beloved Mexico and this secret passage that we have to get into the elevators there, to go down underneath the surface, and enter the tunnel system of the underground network of these underground bases. And shining this LoveLight horizontally in a spiral all the way from Mexico, through the United States, and up and through Canada, up, down, and around and through. 

And feeling it, and seeing it being disseminated. And this very high-powered wind, carrying the consciousness of this LoveLight all throughout all of the honeycomb chambers of these underground bases, permeating all of the layers, where the secrets are kept, the hidden treasures, the ritual places, where ritual sacrifices have been performed, untold riches and wealth, weapons, secret advanced technologies. And shining this LoveLight up, down, and around and through with the conscious Intentional Requirement that all of these secrets be revealed in this Now Moment.

And above all, to reveal all the ritual sacrifices, that have taken place in many of these underground facilities. And we shine our LoveLight into the hearts of all of the people taken against their will, for no matter how long they have been enslaved in these compounds, in this underground complex. We say to them,

“We love you so very much. We honor you for carrying out your Soul Contracts in the way, which you have, because you have exhibited such courage, such heart, such compassion for yourself, for each other, and for all of us. And we love you so very much. And your time is coming for Ascension. Your time is coming for liberation from your bodies.” 

We say to all of the people on this call, we love you far beyond any verbal expression, for your commitment to the Light, and all of the prayers, thoughts, words, actions, meditations and exercises, that you perform each and every day.
Namaste, Brothers and Sisters and good night.    

Saturday, May 25, 2019

5-25-19 Angels Healing Meditation

Angels Healing Meditation 

The Angels Healing Meditation with the Divine Crystalline Healing Waters

Yes, you are in that space of knowingness, where you have the love & light activated to such a degree on your beloved planet, whereby it is no mystery, that the power of your intentions to wake up the masses, for them to fully recognize the love & light they are, that they are part of the godhead in divine and eternal communion with Creator-Source.

First of all, to do what you are asking of the universe, in helping you in this meditation with the angels; we ask you to open up your heart by breathing into it, by giving yourself permission to use your imagination in a most divine & inspired way.

We ask you to take into your consciousness, and integrate within the 4 bodies of your being, the ability to fly up among the clouds, the planets, the stars up through the portal into the solar sun, and travel on this pipeline of beloved golden/white light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, let yourself thrive in the playful frequency of high vibration and merge with the consciousness of the angels in a most divine union of your heart to theirs.

The angels encircle you with the sound frequency of the divine OM mantra. It penetrates every sub-atomic particle of your being within all 4 bodies of your being, as you ride up and through the Central Sun into the Galactic Center. Now you flow with the grace & beauty of the double rainbow helix of DNA. Setting your destination dial to that place in the multi-verse, where crystals abound in many colors.

You come to this one pool that is lined with, and the surrounding areas, are all comprised of Andara Crystals. The Andara Crystals are record keepers, they have such clarity of vision & purpose, and will activate the power of your vision, and intentional requirements in such a way, that your healing of whatever part of your body, whatever part of your life, where you felt consumed by fear, and when & where you were out of synch with completing your soul contract at that time, anything less than love; the energies of the Andara Crystals will dial you back to that place in the timeline, to give you the divine opportunity to heal whatever was the root cause of your misalignment at that time.

Now you step into this pool of crystalline healing waters. The pool is just only deep enough, to cover your body with water to your neck, while you sit in it, lying back, resting your head on bunches of lotus blossoms, with your legs stretched out directly in front of you.

These crystals that comprise the pool of these crystalline, healing waters have been blessed by all of the mentors, and the loving angels, they have come straight from the beloved and divine consciousness of Creator-Source.

Now breathing into your heart center, allowing yourself to slow down and relax into the joy and bliss, of being here /now in this everlasting eternal moment, of divine harmony with the soul of all of creation. Now we call in Sananda, Mother Mary, & Maria Magdalena, and they walk to you, letting you choose whatever Kumara Roses that you would like to take into your heart with the intentional requirement for divine healing of any/all polarities from now on throughout all of eternity.

We talk for you and we say, “I consciously, intentionally require, that all polarity at the root of its inception, into my memory, & my conscious awareness, remove the programming of all of these polarities, and that anything less than love disappear, every fractal dis-incorporating into the nothingness, which it sprang forth from. I require that every thought, every memory, and every experience: Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual, that is less than unconditional/universal love be removed; and that their divine energy be transmuted into the highest frequencies of love & light, from now on, throughout all of eternity in this Now moment throughout space/time.”

Feel yourself breathe into your heart and feel the warmth of the crystalline healing waters seeping into every cell within the 4 bodies of your being, allowing yourself to know you have been healed of all polarity, and that with your intentional requirement for healing, and breathing into your heart center, feeling joy, harmony, & bliss, permeate your conscious awareness; feeling forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance and the knowingness, that you are One with all of Creation, & that you can shine your love & light into the hearts of all others to show them, with divine loving magic, these crystalline healing waters, allowing them to accept the proposition to heal themselves, by awakening into the realization, that they too are an integral part of the godhead, and that they can heal themselves, by requiring the removal of all polarities, and anything less than love, from their DNA, their sub-atomic particles, the 4 bodies of their being, and transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of love & light with all of their divine heart-centered consciousness, their DNA, within the 4 bodies of their being, from now on throughout all of eternity and so it is.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

5-22-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-22-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, coming in once again to express my profound Joy at the Feelings that come up while observing, and being a part of, this meditation, that we have come together for tonight, on this conference call. Ah yes, to bring about such Peace, Harmony, Devotion and Understanding with our meditations, with our Intentional Requirements at this time. 

This, my Beloveds, is your Divine Opportunity to raise the level of the vibration more and more, each and every day. And we say, that it becomes easier, that the flow of energy, heart to heart, and from the Galactic Center gets stronger, exponentially so, and that your Intentional Requirements gather more and more weight, and high vibration, to attract high vibrations all over the Beloved Cosmos.

And this is a dynamic that will not be turned back. This is like the dam having been burst. And the Divine Flow of our LoveLight, all joined together, with one another is rushing onto your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and consciousness of each of you Beloved Beings. And yes, it has taken a long time to reach this level of conscious flow, heart to heart, we would say, subatomic particles, radiating it from deep, inside of your DNA, outward through your Heart Centers, to all of Creation. Because yes, your vibrations are raising the Collective Consciousness on your Divine Planet, but also they’re being broadcast all over Creation. And they are being felt so very strongly at this time.

So please take heart, into your heart of hearts, into that space that you know yourself, that you know you are a Divine Part of the Godhead, and that you know that the seed of your Creation, in this Now Moment, spreads forth throughout all of Creation, to bring you to this place of Ascension, not just for yourselves, but for all of Creation. Because to an everlasting, Divine Degree, this is what you are enabling with your conscious meditations at this time, My Beloveds. 

Yes, each and every one of you are in meditation, in all of your waking moments, with the Divine Opportunity to raise the level of consciousness all throughout creation. So, we ask you to remember this any time you get triggered, into low vibrations, any time people come into your reality, to give you the opportunity to be challenged, to be tested. And you know exactly what’s happening, because of your conscious intents to raise the level of the vibration, and not allow yourself to go back to consciousness levels where you were, that were lower.

Ah yes, let’s form our circle one more time. And sending this LoveLight from our hearts, ah, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the right hand. And breathing into our hearts, and feeling this Oneness, in the highest frequencies of this Golden White Light. 

And using our hearts as a Divine Elevator to raise up ever higher. And all of the Mentors, now, are in your hearts, shining their LoveLight into you. And spinning your chakras from your heart to your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, the palms of your hand, back into your heart and your solar plexus, your sacral, your hips, your knees, all in a clockwise direction, your ankles. Ah, spinning in high vibration and frequency, and in the soles of your feet. 

And then bringing it up, again through the ankles, the knees, the hips, the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, into the Heart Center, into your throat, your mouth, spinning your nose, you eyes, your ears, your third eye, this connection between your Pineal and your Pituitary Gland. And spinning your Crown now, and shooting this Golden White Light out into your center above.

And starting from your Center above, spinning in a clockwise direction two feet around your body, to two feet below your body to your center below. And going down and up. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movement of this spiral be increased 1000-fold, to bring in this Divine LoveLight, to permeate it through every subatomic particle, every particle of your DNA, for you to resonate in conscious awareness for manifesting your Intentional Requirements from now on in each and every moment, my Beloveds. 

And up, down, around and through, raising your vibration into the highest frequencies of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and these other high vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of our being, in our DNA, our energy body and our energy field.

Ah, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we celebrate all of your prayers, your meditations, all of your Intentional Requirements. And we celebrate along with you when we feel you being the Joy and Love that you are, in expressing it in your Now Moment.

We love you so very much. We say to you thank you for joining together with us tonight.
And namaste and good night, Beloveds.

5-22-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-22-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to be with you once again, and to feel your Love and Light, that you have shown forth, by coming together in your circle, and shining out your LoveLight in your meditation just now. We find this really to be a marvelous time to come in, and talk to you. 

We so very much want to let you know, that you are carrying forth your Mission in Divine Harmony, that you are observed from the other side, and upon the ships. Well, if you could understand that there is really no limitations in time and space for us, because the level of our consciousness gives us such freedom of movement. And we are hoping, that you are coming to feel this more and more, within your sovereign beings, as these vibrations carry you up into higher and higher frequency. And yes, each and every day, you get closer to bringing your Mission to completion.
And we know, that if you watch the mainstream media, you get frozen into this loop of low vibration. And we ask you not to go there at this time. Okay? But to commune with one another and to open up your hearts.
And ah, yes, just to be walking out in Mother Nature, and feel the energies of Mother Gaia at this time. It is very uplifting to us when we see any of you walking through the parks, or going on hikes, or going out on the water. And you feel such Freedom, such Joy in these high vibrations of Mother Nature.

Ah, yes, we see this as a splendid time of year in the Northern Hemisphere for all of you. And that the energy patterns are recalibrating on your Beloved Planet, because no, weather warfare is not such a threat anymore.  And we are in much celebration, and this feeling of Divine Joy over this, because it was less than a year ago, that there was so much turmoil happening with fires beings spread in some of the most pristine, beautiful areas of your Beloved Planet. And our hearts ached for this. And we mobilized meditations to raise the level of the vibration all, over your planet, to help these Beloved Kingdoms, and all of the Beloved Beings living there.
And we so appreciate you coming together, and doing these meditations with us because, yes, I am right there with all of you doing the meditation with Beloved Mother Sekhmet. And we feel such great Joy and Harmony of being a part of this Blessed Dynamic. Because yes, we are blessing the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and Mother Gaia herself, for her great Compassion, her Wisdom, her Sense of Purpose. And we express our Love to each and every one of you and, of course, Mother Gaia herself.

We love you so very much. We are always here for you, and especially now it is easier than ever for us to connect with you, because your vibrations grow exponentially higher, my Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much.
And now Sananda is going to come in, my Beloved.

Namaste and good night.

5-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so happy to be with you once again in this Now Moment coming together heart to heart, being in the flow of this energy to help enhance the Ease and Grace of our sovereign beings in carrying out our Divine Meditation at this time. 

Ah, yes, on and on it goes, and when that date happens, nobody knows, and least of all me. Because we, the Mentors, we see everything coming together in a constant state of flow or flux.  And we realize that in your meditations,-- now we’re talking about each and every waking minute, that you carry forth your Mission, day to day, moment by moment, breath by breath, that you allow yourselves to let go and to realize that, yes, this is all a hologram. 

You could think of it as all a test, because you have called it forth for yourself, with your Soul Contracts to experience this lifetime, that you know is going to manifest with your Ascension. And rising up into these really high vibrations, but more importantly, being fully conscious inside of these bodies that you came in with. 

And yes, it has never been done in quite this way, in such a short amount of time.  And we keep on saying this in different, umm, textures with different references, because we really want you to fully grasp just how marvelous it is what you are doing, that you are learning to be Masters of creating your reality. 

This is a Divine Decree of Heaven. It is a gift coming from Heaven recognizing all of the many different lifetimes that you have been, ah, put through the mill, they would say. Because it hasn’t been easy. It’s taken a lot of resolve, and using your Free Will, sometimes in a very imaginative and inventive way, to stay the course, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, because you know these forces of darkness, they try their hardest to drive you down in fear and separation every step of the way. 

But over the long haul, it is the Light and Love, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness, which is dominating and shining forth in such a miraculous flow of high-vibrating energy. And we would say, we are permeating your Beloved Planet with these high vibrations. And at some point, the flow of the energies coming into your planet, as well as each and every one of you broadcasting these high vibrations into the Collective Consciousness, are going to enable the rest of the Beloved Beings to wake up and to catch the wave, as it were, of high consciousness, and then these changes will really start manifesting in Now Time.

So, let us come together in our circle, me bi-locating my paw with each and every one of you, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody else on the call. Ah yes, and just breathing into the Heart Center, and with our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down and relax now, and to send it out from the Heart Center, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of your right hand, and feeling this Love and Light that we all are. It is the Power of our Conscious Thoughts that allow us now to rise on up at the Speed of Thought, up through the atmospheres from your surface through the layers of the ships, and into my area where my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru is.

And we’re opening up the landing deck, which is the belly of the ship here. And we’re popping through fully intact, hovering in this airlock, and letting this landing deck close beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, and walk on back to the elevators here. And we’re picking out one here, getting into it, all at the same time and the elevator’s expanding in order to accommodate us. And now we’re in, and we’re pushing up our button to take us to the top floor, which is this Crystal Healing Room. And breathing into our Heart Centers, and now we come to a stop. And opening up the doors, and popping on through, and feeling and seeing all of the Mentors, all of the Commanders from the ships, the Angels, and Ascended Masters, and our ancestors, and perhaps you in a previous lifetime or two.

And feeling perhaps the hair at the back of your neck standing up, or hearing a song, playing in your head. And these are your ancestors letting you know from all over the Cosmos, that they love and support you in your meditations with all of your Intentional Requirements, to bring about Ascension on this Beloved Planet. 

Ah yes, now assembling around our altar in the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where our Master Crystal sets. And forming our circle once again. And giving the Mentors time to form their circle around us, and the other beings that are here tonight assembling around them, as well as your ancestors, all of these beings from the ships, the angels, and ascended masters. We’re coming all together with the same group focus, and these Feelings of Unconditional, Universal Love.

And now, sending the LoveLight from the heart to the left hand around the circle into the outer circles. And spiraling this energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling of the Crystal Healing Room, up, down, around and through. Raising the level of our consciousness all up through all of the dimensions, that are represented here, in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and all of the crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room. And if you would think of every dimension of reality, and every instance of consciousness being raised, as being represented in the consciousness of all of these Beloved Beings and in the consciousness of the crystals, then you would understand really how powerful these energies are. And breathing into our Heart Center, and radiating this LoveLight out into the Master Crystal. 

And we’re asking you to send your personal Intentional Requirements for what you want to create with the energies of this Beloved Meditation tonight. And yes, it could have to do with bringing in more abundance, feeling more health and wellbeing, feeling more harmony within your Beloved Family, or just allowing yourself to have a better connection, a fuller connection with those higher aspects of your being, so that it is easier for you to receive downloads, and trust, and validate the information that you are getting from your I AM Presence and other higher aspects of your being. And just breathing into it.

And now let us say that our Intentional Requirements for this meditation tonight have to do with Freedom, with feeling that Freedom in every Now Moment. And a big part of that Freedom is feeling Peace and Harmony, and interactions with one another based in Unconditional, Universal Love, where we don’t put demands on one another, but we allow for Compassionate Interactions, and respecting the Free Will of each and every being whom we come into contact with. 

And shining this LoveLight now into the Master Crystal in unison, all of us coming together in this high vibration. And shining it out through the tip of the Master Crystal, into the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and shining it down, spiraling it onto your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through, affecting each and every subatomic particle. Raising the level of the vibration into a higher standard of high frequency for this Beloved Planet, from now on throughout all of eternity. And allowing ourselves to feel, and be the Love and Light that we are. And shining it out, heart to heart, to every Beloved Being on your planet, to all of the kingdoms, such as the Animal Kingdom, and the Plant Kingdom, and the Mineral Kingdom, the Insect Kingdom. And feeling this Divine LoveLight multiply and grow exponentially in these high vibrations.

Because, Beloved Beings, these high vibrations are being ratcheted up by this photon energy, coming into your Beloved Planet, from the Galactic Center. And this gives us great Joy, and feelings of wellbeing in being supported, by the Universe at this time, and Feelings of Harmony and Communion with one another, heart to heart, and soul to soul, because Beloved Beings, this is where the Truth, Harmony and Power of the Love and Light, that we are, is being made manifest in the Now Moment.

And shining this LoveLight, spiraling it all up, down, and around and through once again into all of the trouble spots on your Beloved Planet, anywhere where there is disharmony, anywhere where there is tension built up in the tectonic plates, anywhere where there is pollution, and people struggling to get oxygen into their lungs and food into their bellies, and water, pure clean water too. Breathing into it and sending these high-vibrational, Intentional Requirements to raise the quality of life all over your Beloved Planet, to bring us up into these high frequencies of Love and Light. 

Ah yes, and now let us go over to London, England one more time, in the UK, and into this prison, where our Beloved Julian still is residing and allowing himself to go with the flow, in knowing that he still has a major part to play in these Truths being made manifest, on your Beloved Planet, to raise the level of the vibration in harmony with the Cosmic Intentions, to announce NESARA. And seeing and feeling his energy field, and his energy body, and once again spiraling the LoveLight from the center above, two feet above his head to two feet below his feet, in this two-foot extension around his energy body that forms a pod of Love and Light around him.
And now spiraling it counterclockwise from the center above to the center below, removing any and all of the lower vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas within the four bodies of his being. And starting now, going -- and also his DNA, his energy body and his energy field, removing all of these low vibrations with this spiral vertically starting from the center above going down to the center below. We intentionally require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral of energy going from pole to pole be increased 1000-fold, so that the centrifugal force removes, on a subatomic level, all of these lower vibrations, and disseminates them in either the center above or the center below. And going down and up, and just breathing into your Heart Centers, and allowing this dynamic to manifest now. And so it is. 

We require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and other high-vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment, within the four bodies of our being, by shining this Golden White Light, from the center above to the center below.

We require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of our movements through his energy field and energy body be increased 1000-fold, and going down, and up, and feeling the Magic of this LoveLight coming in at very high frequency right now, helping to give him Peace, Confidence to boost his moral, to let him know really how much he’s Loved for his service to the whole. And so it is.

And now, let us go over, across the pond here, down into Mexico, and finding our secret passage, down into the elevators there, and going down, down so that we connect into this network of secret tunnels, that connect up with all of these underground bases. And ah, yes, we’re not supposed to know about this, according to the mainstream media, and your governments, and all of that, but they’re there and they have been the base of operations of the cabal for such a long time all over your Beloved Planet. 

But right now, we’re just focusing in North America here, and shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy up, down, around and through, from Mexico into the United States, and up and through Canada, spinning it in a horizontal way. And going down into these honeycomb chambers of these installations. And not all of them are military installations. Some of them are spas. Some of them are really just stashes for old wealth, and art treasures, and advanced technologies, and places where ritual sacrifices take place. Ah, it’s a combination of all of these things. And our Intentional Requirement is to root out all of the darkness and bring the Truth to the surface. 

And spinning this Golden White Light up, down, and around and through, at the Speed of our Thoughts, spinning in a clockwise direction here, to bring in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, permeating all of the lower vibrations, exposing all of the darkness. Jettisoning it up onto the surface of your Beloved Planet, making it manifest in spirit, energetically for the Truth to very soon come out, about all of the dangerous practices, that this cabal has been doing by the pedophilia and human trafficking, and these ritual Satanic sacrifices, that they have been perpetrated upon the environment for these many thousands of years, to hold the leverage and power, that they possess over the people, over the 99 percent.

And now we see and feel and know that this dynamic is changing, and that the Love and Light are the dominant force on your Beloved Planet. And it’s just a short matter of time, before the Truth is made manifest, and that everyone on your Beloved Planet realizes the sacrifices, that have been made, by all of these Beloveds.

And we’re calling them forth right now, all of the beings, who have been taken underneath the surface into these underground bases, and have played through their Soul Contracts in service to the One, in service to all of humanity, in service to Creator Source. And we say to all of your Beloveds, “We so honor you. We so love you. We recognize your sacrifices, the brilliance of how each and every one of you have handled your situation, so that you have survived, and you have brought to completion the Soul Contracts, that you made to carry out your Intentional Requirements of raising the level of the vibration, by exposing yourself to these forms of darkness, that were perpetrated upon you. 

“We celebrate your courage. We celebrate how you’ve been able to work with one another and feel each and every one of you, heart to heart, raising up in vibration by carrying out your Missions down there. We give you great Joy, Harmony, Peace, and Understanding. And we say to you that very soon, you will feel your Ascensions happening.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on the call, we honor you, we love you. We love you all more, than we can possibly express with our words. 

Namaste, Dear Beloveds, and good night.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

5-15-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-15-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, with a very happy heart, of following my mother onto this call tonight. Because yes, I see the changes in the vibrations coming in and how you are integrating these energies. And we’re going to do a little something here to bring in more of this LoveLight by spinning the chakras.

And we’re going to start with the palms of your hands and both of them at once, spinning them in a clockwise direction. And just focusing on feeling that flow as it rises on up into the wrists, into the elbows, breathing into the rhythm of this spiral, encircling these chakras, and into the shoulders, and coming across the collar bone and meeting in the High Heart Center.
And then going down into your solar plexus, into your sacral chakra. And spinning both hips in a clockwise direction, spinning both knees. And going down into your ankles and spinning them. Spinning the souls of your feet in this clockwise direction, bringing in more of this Golden White Light. And now coming on up, spinning the ankles again, the knees, the hips, the sacral, and the solar plexus.

And bringing it up in the High Heart Center and spinning it. And now bringing it back down into the sacral, to bring it on up to the High Heart Center for a message. And bringing the energy into the solar plexus with the intention of bringing it up to the High Heart Center for this message.

The message is that our Mission here together is to bring in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and raise it to the level of its highest vibration, and multiply it within the four bodies of our being. And then send it out into all of Creation to raise the level of Mother Gaia, and the All That Is, and accelerate the Ascension Process of all of Creation. And so it is.

And just breathing into your heart and feeling this flow intensify, feeling this clockwise spiral bring in more and more of the LoveLight. And now all of the Mentors shining their LoveLight into your Heart Centers allowing you to feel this free-form energy coming in and saturating you with the Golden White Light, lifting you up, allowing you to feel the Oneness with all of us, with our Intentional Requirement of Peace, Joy, and Harmony all over your Beloved Planet. 

And also the Intentional Requirement to bring forth the anchoring of the 5th Dimension onto your Beloved Planet. To enable NESARA and all of its provisions to illuminate the minds and hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to be in harmony with one another, to be free of any fear, to accept the Love that they feel from others, to take it into their heart now, to listen to the words of Love being generated from the other person’s Heart Center, and into the higher chakras, lifting ourselves up together in Oneness into the higher dimensions, with the Intentional Requirements of Prosperity, Abundance, Wellbeing, of healing our bodies, our minds, our hearts, taking the chains off of the hearts, that this AI has perpetrated upon you with its programming. 

Now, allowing yourself to feel Freedom, to feel Liberation, to feel this Oneness with all of us in this Now Moment.

We thank you so much for your participation, for the honoring of your commitments to be in Mission with all of us. We see the changes in your energy, and the energy of your Beloved Planet. And we are most thrilled. We are so very happy. We say to you we love you so very much.

And Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And good night. 

5-15-19 Mother Mary by Eli Galla

5-15-19 Mother Mary by Eli Galla

My Dear Children, this is Mother Mary. I am so very happy to be coming through on this call tonight. Because yes, a few days ago, it was Mother’s Day. And yes, this is our day. This is a day not only for the mothers, but for all of us who have made our commitments to doing this Mission to bring the Light forth on your Beloved Planet. 

Because it is you, my brothers and sisters, my children, who have the courage to be your Truth, to take chances, to disseminate, and be the Love and Light that you are, and to raise the level of this vibration on your Beloved Planet. 

And this enables our plans for bringing in the 5th Dimension to accelerate, and to spread all throughout, not just on your planet, but all over Creation, because so many Beloved Beings on other planets are awaiting your Ascension to commence in the totality, that they know that heaven has decreed that it shall ensure. And that it shall perpetuate the splendor, and the grace, of the 5th Dimension taking over this Beloved Planet and allowing you so much more freedom than you have ever enjoyed before. 

And that will correspond to so many Beloveds who are ready to rise up a higher octave in vibration, all over Creation, with their Ascensions. Because up until now, they have only been able to rise so high. There has been the AI holding back the process, to take them further up into these high vibrations of feeling this total connection with the consciousness of Creator Source.

So my Beloveds, you are playing such an important role at this time. Your Love and your Light is gathering such Light to it, magnetizing such beauty, and enabling you to remember deep down into your DNA, into your cells, to permeate this LoveLight there to all, to transmit to yourselves, to your DNA, to wake them up, to activate these centers in the right lobe of your brain, and to have them in concert with your DNA programming, to allow yourself to rise up in vibration at this time. 

And yes, the stimulation of the photon energy coming into your Beloved Planet is a magnificent catalyst for this. And we are so very happy as to how we see this unfolding in the Now Moment, my Beloveds.

We honor you so very much. We feel your great heart, your commitment to this Mission, that we are all on together. And we say we Love you far beyond any expression, that we can utter with our words. We love you so very much. 

Namaste and good night.


5-15-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-15-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Oh, it is such our pleasure, a great pleasure for us once again to be with all of you tonight. And, yes, you are in that place of a monthly cycle that we feel is taking place. Well we can see it from the ships, all of this energy from the photon belt coming in through your Central Sun onto your Beloved Planet. And yes, it has been the 17th of your month, when you have been experiencing these greater-than-normal peaks of this photon energy coming in and being measured in the Schumann Resonance.
So, we are almost at the peak of that cycle, and we feel really a whole lot of Blessed Divine Ascension Energy tonight. And yes, our mission has been for such a very long time to bring back the 5th Dimension onto your Beloved Planet. But as we say, this time you’re going to experience the 5th Dimension in a much different, and more profound manner than you have ever experienced it before on this Beloved Planet.

So, yes, there is a bit of anticipation. But of course, the way to effectively propagate the Divine Splendor of our Mission is to be at this point of Zero Point, where we are letting go in our Heart Center, and rising on up into the higher vibrations, and being heart centered, so that we can find balance, and integrate these very high-vibrational energies, that are coming in at this time. 

And yes, it is a big part of your learning process, in mastering the tests and challenges of duality. Well, you have almost graduated. And the way that you’re bringing in these high vibrations is only meant to teach you more patience, more Unconditional/Universal Love. Because instead of focusing on all that you feel, that you’ve earned with your meditations, with all the work that you’ve been doing, we just ask you to feel all the Joy of loving yourselves so completely, so totally, that you become this beacon of the LoveLight, this light house, if you will, that, of course, it affects the Collective Consciousness, and it accelerates this whole Ascension Process.

Because being the Love and Light that you are, this is the core essence of your being. And allowing yourself to flow with the rhythms that are coming in, that are helping you to rise up higher in vibration, it’s going to help everyone.

And so, me bi-locating my paw to you, and you reaching out to someone else on the call to form our circle now. Ah, yes, and breathing into the Heart Center, and sending this LoveLight energy from your Heart Center out through the left palm of your hand, around the circle, and into the right palm, and into your Heart Center once again. And breathing into this Heart Center, and allowing ourselves, with the Speed of our Thoughts, to rise on up, off of the surface of your planet into the atmospheres, the many layers of atmospheres, and bringing us up to the layers of the ships.

Ah, yes, you are a hot topic all over Creation right now. Well, it’s been this way for a pretty long time, and we’re just jetting through and up to my ship, the Beloved Nibiru.
And I’m opening up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck, and we’re popping through all intact, our circle intact, and we’re hovering in this air lock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it’s safe to touch down, so we’re walking on back to the elevators, and we’re getting in the middle one here. We’re getting all in at the same time, and we’re punching a button. And we are just going really quickly up through all of the layers on my Beloved Ship, and to the top-most floor. And opening up the door, and walking on through, and entering the Crystal Healing Room, and feeling all of these Beloveds, that are here tonight to share in this adventure of doing this meditation at this time.

And ah, yes, perhaps you can feel some of the ancestors, and maybe you in an incarnation or two, who are joining you. And maybe you feel the hairs standing up on the back of your neck, or your arms, or a song coming into your consciousness. And it’s all designed to tell you, that they are right here with you, feeling your Love and Light, and they want you to feel their Love and Light, and to know, that we’re all One here, and we’re on the same Mission.

And yes, assembling around the altar in the middle of the Crystal Healing Room taking up our circle again, me bi-locating my paw to you, and forming our circle once again. And the circles of the Mentors, and the Commanders, the Archangels, and other Ascended Masters, and your ancestors forming around in other outer circles.
And just allowing the energy to flow in the same way from the Heart Center out through the left palm, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand, and then to the outer circles. And spiraling it from the floor, to the walls to the ceiling to bring in all of these high vibrations of the crystals, of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings here which represent all of the dimensions of reality all over Creation. And just spiraling it again and again, allowing ourselves to rise on up and integrate with these energies. And feeling this Divine flow into our hearts. 

And now, sending your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create for yourself in this Meditation tonight. Ah, yes, it may have to do with finances. It may have to do with health issues. It may have to do with just sleeping better at night, or remembering where you go at night in your dreams, when you’re doing the work with us. Or it may be giving yourself permission to be more creative in manufacturing works of art or what have you, so that you enjoy your process there on the planet even more. 

And we have our Intentional Requirements of finding and permeating that place of Peace into the hearts of all of the Beloveds of your planet, so that the Truth may come forward and be disseminated. And that people will really be able to see and feel, how no one is against them, that at this level of consciousness, you all can trust one another.
Because when the people see the underlying foundational manipulations and strategies of the cabal, aided by this artificial intelligence, it will become very clear to them that it hasn’t been the Beloved Brothers and Sisters that are in the same situation, as they are, doing these really dark deeds against them. But it has been from the data base of the AI, which has accumulated this information over many, many millennia on other planets.
So beloveds, shining your LoveLight from your heart into our Master Crystal now, and focusing it through the tip, and out through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, all up, down, and around and through from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface. And yes, affecting all of the subatomic particles, affecting the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings, which we’re shining this LoveLight into the hearts of.

And all up, down, and around and through, encompassing all of your Beloved Planet, and allowing yourselves to be in the Oneness of this flow of energy, heart to heart, soul to soul. And feel this LoveLight expand in ever-greater proportion, throughout all of your Beloved Planet, and into the oceans and the mountains, into the underground bases, into the rooms layered beneath the surface of your planet, into the crystal cities into the core of your Beloved Planet. 

All up, down, and around and through, and again into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on your planet, and into all of the kingdoms, shining this LoveLight, with the Intentional Requirements of all of these Beloveds, feeling the Oneness, heart to heart, with each and every other being, on this Beloved Planet. And we call forth our Intentional Requirement for Peace, for Understanding, for Forgiveness and for Gratitude in this Now Moment. 

And now let us go to the UK into this, we would say, jail basically, where our Beloved Brother Julian Assange is, where he is still being challenged and tested, with what will unfold as to how his Truth is allowed to be disseminated. And picturing Beloved Julian, his energy field, which emanates two feet above his head, to two feet below his feet, and all around his body, forming this pod of energy, and shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness, from his center above to the center below, now in a counterclockwise spiral, vertically, up, down, around and through removing any and all of the lower vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas from his DNA, his energy body, his energy field, and within the four bodies of his being. 

And now starting from the center above, going up, down and around and through, we intentionally require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral unfolding throughout his energy body, and energy field be increased 1000-fold, the speed, efficiency and accuracy of it. And just breathing into it and feeling the vibrations shake loose all of these negative aspects of programming, curses, vows, you name it, ill intent, projections of a mean and nasty manner, shaking them all free, depositing them in the center above, and the center below. And so it is.

And now we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and other high-vibrating energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of his being, his energy body, his energy field and the subatomic particles of his DNA.

And spinning in a clockwise direction from the center above, and to the center below in this spiral, spiraling in these high vibrations of the Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness Energy. We intentionally require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the unfolding of this spiral be increased 1000-fold now. And starting from the center above, going down, and bringing in these high vibrations up, down, and around and through into his energy body and all throughout his energy field.

And now scooting on over to Mexico and finding our secret passage down underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet into the network of these underground tunnels where these bases are. And yes, spiraling in a horizontal manner this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all up, down, and around and through starting in Mexico, through the United States, all the way up into Canada. And stretching out from the East Coast to the West Coast, up, down and around and through shining this Love Light through all of the tunnels into the bases, these honeycomb chambers that have been the hideouts of all of the advanced technologies, all of the really nasty secrets, that this cabal has held over us for many thousands of years, all of the sequestered wealth, that they have stolen from us, the people, and their spas, their pleasure palaces, where they do their ritual sacrifices. And shining this LoveLight to expose all of these secrets, to expose these very dark deeds, and to enable the Truth in totality now to come to the surface of your Beloved Planet.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who have been kept underneath, in these installations against their will. Well, it was part of their Soul Contracts to let this drama encompass their being, and whisk them away to this very intensified state of slavery, we would say. But each and every one of you, we’re calling you forth right now. And we’re telling you,

“We love you so very much. We honor you. We give you great Love, and the totality of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness. We’re shining it into your heart with the Intentional Requirement of you remembering who you truly are. 

“Yes, we are so very proud and at the same time humbled by your devotion, you dedication to the fulfillment of your Mission and shining this LoveLight all over the Beloved Planet by you playing out your contracts at this time, at this point of separation between the 3rd Dimension and the 5th Dimension. And now the time is ripe for you, to contemplate your Ascensions.”

So, Beloved Beings, and all of you together with us on the call tonight, we say to you we love you so very much.

Namaste and good night.