Thursday, May 23, 2019

5-22-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-22-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so very happy to be with you once again, and to feel your Love and Light, that you have shown forth, by coming together in your circle, and shining out your LoveLight in your meditation just now. We find this really to be a marvelous time to come in, and talk to you. 

We so very much want to let you know, that you are carrying forth your Mission in Divine Harmony, that you are observed from the other side, and upon the ships. Well, if you could understand that there is really no limitations in time and space for us, because the level of our consciousness gives us such freedom of movement. And we are hoping, that you are coming to feel this more and more, within your sovereign beings, as these vibrations carry you up into higher and higher frequency. And yes, each and every day, you get closer to bringing your Mission to completion.
And we know, that if you watch the mainstream media, you get frozen into this loop of low vibration. And we ask you not to go there at this time. Okay? But to commune with one another and to open up your hearts.
And ah, yes, just to be walking out in Mother Nature, and feel the energies of Mother Gaia at this time. It is very uplifting to us when we see any of you walking through the parks, or going on hikes, or going out on the water. And you feel such Freedom, such Joy in these high vibrations of Mother Nature.

Ah, yes, we see this as a splendid time of year in the Northern Hemisphere for all of you. And that the energy patterns are recalibrating on your Beloved Planet, because no, weather warfare is not such a threat anymore.  And we are in much celebration, and this feeling of Divine Joy over this, because it was less than a year ago, that there was so much turmoil happening with fires beings spread in some of the most pristine, beautiful areas of your Beloved Planet. And our hearts ached for this. And we mobilized meditations to raise the level of the vibration all, over your planet, to help these Beloved Kingdoms, and all of the Beloved Beings living there.
And we so appreciate you coming together, and doing these meditations with us because, yes, I am right there with all of you doing the meditation with Beloved Mother Sekhmet. And we feel such great Joy and Harmony of being a part of this Blessed Dynamic. Because yes, we are blessing the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and Mother Gaia herself, for her great Compassion, her Wisdom, her Sense of Purpose. And we express our Love to each and every one of you and, of course, Mother Gaia herself.

We love you so very much. We are always here for you, and especially now it is easier than ever for us to connect with you, because your vibrations grow exponentially higher, my Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much.
And now Sananda is going to come in, my Beloved.

Namaste and good night.

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