Thursday, May 16, 2019

5-15-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-15-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, with a very happy heart, of following my mother onto this call tonight. Because yes, I see the changes in the vibrations coming in and how you are integrating these energies. And we’re going to do a little something here to bring in more of this LoveLight by spinning the chakras.

And we’re going to start with the palms of your hands and both of them at once, spinning them in a clockwise direction. And just focusing on feeling that flow as it rises on up into the wrists, into the elbows, breathing into the rhythm of this spiral, encircling these chakras, and into the shoulders, and coming across the collar bone and meeting in the High Heart Center.
And then going down into your solar plexus, into your sacral chakra. And spinning both hips in a clockwise direction, spinning both knees. And going down into your ankles and spinning them. Spinning the souls of your feet in this clockwise direction, bringing in more of this Golden White Light. And now coming on up, spinning the ankles again, the knees, the hips, the sacral, and the solar plexus.

And bringing it up in the High Heart Center and spinning it. And now bringing it back down into the sacral, to bring it on up to the High Heart Center for a message. And bringing the energy into the solar plexus with the intention of bringing it up to the High Heart Center for this message.

The message is that our Mission here together is to bring in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and raise it to the level of its highest vibration, and multiply it within the four bodies of our being. And then send it out into all of Creation to raise the level of Mother Gaia, and the All That Is, and accelerate the Ascension Process of all of Creation. And so it is.

And just breathing into your heart and feeling this flow intensify, feeling this clockwise spiral bring in more and more of the LoveLight. And now all of the Mentors shining their LoveLight into your Heart Centers allowing you to feel this free-form energy coming in and saturating you with the Golden White Light, lifting you up, allowing you to feel the Oneness with all of us, with our Intentional Requirement of Peace, Joy, and Harmony all over your Beloved Planet. 

And also the Intentional Requirement to bring forth the anchoring of the 5th Dimension onto your Beloved Planet. To enable NESARA and all of its provisions to illuminate the minds and hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to be in harmony with one another, to be free of any fear, to accept the Love that they feel from others, to take it into their heart now, to listen to the words of Love being generated from the other person’s Heart Center, and into the higher chakras, lifting ourselves up together in Oneness into the higher dimensions, with the Intentional Requirements of Prosperity, Abundance, Wellbeing, of healing our bodies, our minds, our hearts, taking the chains off of the hearts, that this AI has perpetrated upon you with its programming. 

Now, allowing yourself to feel Freedom, to feel Liberation, to feel this Oneness with all of us in this Now Moment.

We thank you so much for your participation, for the honoring of your commitments to be in Mission with all of us. We see the changes in your energy, and the energy of your Beloved Planet. And we are most thrilled. We are so very happy. We say to you we love you so very much.

And Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And good night. 

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