Thursday, May 9, 2019

5-8-2019 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-8-2019 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are so happy to be with you tonight on this call. And yes, more and more every day from our vantage point on the ships, we feel these high-vibrational energies coming into your planet, coming into your hearts, because Beloved Brothers and Sisters on this call, you have made the commitment, to being heart centered, to fulfilling the Missions that you came in to partake in, and complete in this Beloved Lifetime. 

And you are so honored for your sacrifices, because yes, you have left yourself open to be judged, to be shunned, and to be treated in many cases unfairly and meanly by people, who really do not know any better, because they are living their lives in this matrix, that keeps them at a very low level of consciousness. We would say that they are pretty unconscious and that is where you come in. Because you have been injecting this matrix with massive waves of this LoveLight in the Collective Consciousness, Beloveds. 

And with what is coming, through from the Galactic Center, these high vibrations of the LoveLight in this magnamous way, in vibrations of Love and Light, you can feel the Joy of the unfolding of these energies, that are here to augment the Beloved Effects of your Intentional Requirements for completing your Mission here in this lifetime. And yes, everyone who wants to ascend on your Beloved Planet, by way of this Divine Decree, will be able to. And yes, we’ve been working with you for such a very long time to make this the reality. And we honor you so very much, because you have made such great progress. And we are here to give you inspiration, love, and support whenever you feel yourself losing the battle with staying in those high vibrations of the LoveLight.

So, Beloveds, we say to you, we love you so very much. We honor you for all of your efforts, all that you are learning, opening your hearts to, and engendering the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and spreading it out into the Collective Consciousness continuously with all of your prayers, meditations and exercises.
Namaste, Beloveds. We love you so much. Good night.

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