Thursday, May 30, 2019

5-29-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-29-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, and we come to you tonight with a Special Intention of doing this meditation. 

Ah yes, ah, just breathing into the Heart Center, and forming our circle once again, and holding hands, breathing into the Heart Center, and sending this LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy out the left hand, around the circle, into the right hand, breathing into the heart. And allowing ourselves to rise up, with our breathing, into these high frequencies of Love and Light.

Ah yes, just breathing into it, and feeling the Love and Light that you are.  Yes, you are in that space of knowingness where you have the Love and Light activated to such a degree, on your Beloved Planet, whereby it is no mystery that the Power of your Intentions, to wake up the masses, for them to fully recognize the Love and Light that they are, that they are a part of the Godhead in Divine and Eternal Communion with Creator Source. 

And first of all, to do what you are asking of the Universe in helping you in this meditation with the angel. We ask you to open up your heart, by breathing into it, by giving yourself permission to use your imagination in a most Divine and inspired way. We ask you to take into your consciousness, and integrate within the four bodies of your being the ability to fly up among the clouds, the planets, the stars, up through the portal into the Solar Sun, and travel on this pipeline of Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. Let yourself thrive in the playful frequency of high vibration, and merge with the consciousness of the angels, in a most Divine union of your heart to theirs.
Our angels encircle you with the sound frequency of the Divine Om Mantra. It penetrates every subatomic particle of your being, within all four bodies of your being, as you rise up and through the Central Sun, into the Galactic Center. Now you flow with the grace and beauty of the double rainbow helix of DNA, setting your destination dial to that place in the multiverse where crystals abound in many colors.

You come to this one pool that is lined with, and the surrounding areas are all comprised with, Andara Crystals. The Andara Crystals are all record keepers. They have such clarity, and vision, and purpose, and will activate the power of your vision, and Intentional Requirements, in such a way that your healing, whatever part of your body, within the four bodies of your being, whatever part of your life, where you feel consumed by fear, either now or then, and when, and where you were out of sync with completing your Soul Contract at the time.
Anything less than Love, the energies of the Andara Crystals will dial back that place in the timeline, to give you the Divine opportunity, to heal whatever was the root cause of your misalignment with the energy at that time. Now you step into this pool of crystalline healing waters. The pool is just only deep enough to cover your body with water, to your neck while you sit in it lying back, resting your head on bunches of lotus blossoms which are laid, stretched out directly in front of you.

These crystals, that comprise the pool of these crystal and healing waters have been blessed by all of the Mentors, and the loving angels. They have come straight from the Beloved and Divine consciousness of Creator Source.

Now breathing into the Heart Center, allowing yourself to slow down and relax, into the Joy and Bliss of being here now, in this everlasting, eternal moment of Divine Harmony with the Soul of all of Creation. Now we call in Mother Mary, Maria Magdalena, and they walk to you letting you choose whatever Kumara roses that you would like. You can have as many as you want, to take into your heart with the Intentional Requirement for Divine Healing of any and all polarities, from now on throughout all of eternity. 

We talk for you and we say, “I consciously, intentionally require that all polarity, at the root of its inception into my memory and conscious awareness disappear, of all of these polarities and anything less than Love disappear, every fractal disincorporating into the nothingness, which it sprang forth from. I require that every thought, every memory, and every experience, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, that is less than Unconditional/ Universal Love be removed, and that their Divine Energy be transmuted into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, from now on, throughout all of eternity, in this Now Moment, throughout space and time.”

Feel yourself breathe into your heart and feel the warmth of the crystalline healing waters seeping into every cell within the four bodies of your being, allowing yourself to know you have been healed of all polarity. And that with your Intentional Requirement for healing, and breathing into your Heart Center, feeling Joy, Harmony, and Bliss permeate your conscious awareness.  Feeling Forgiveness, Gratitude, Acceptance, and Knowingness, that you are One with all of Creation, and that you can shine your Love and your Light into the hearts of all others, to show them with Divine, Loving Magic these crystalline healing waters, allowing them to accept the proposition to heal themselves by awakening into the realization, that they too are an integral part of the Godhead, and that they can heal themselves by requiring the removal of all polarities and anything less than love from their DNA, their subatomic particles, the four bodies of their being and transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light with all of their Divine Heart-Centered consciousness, their DNA, within the four bodies of their being, from now on, throughout all of eternity. And so it is.”

Ah yes, this meditation really has to do with the angels, because it is they that constructed these healing pools way over on the other side of the multiverse. And one time we brought Eli here, when he was just beginning his journey of awakening, about sixteen years ago. And we brought him back here, because one of his clients asked for this meditation.

And we knew that this was the time to release it, to all of you, because this is so very soothing. And so many of you are feeling such discomfort from these high-vibe energies, coming into your planet and having to deal with all of the requirements of the 3rd Dimension and duality still, because the Divine Plans haven’t fully taken shape yet, and the requirements, and the active components of NESARA haven’t been implemented. But we see that the more that we can come together and do these healing meditations, the higher that the consciousness on your Beloved Planet will rise.

We thank you so much for your participation. We love you beyond all verbal expression. Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. 

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