Thursday, May 2, 2019

5-1-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-1-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it is our very joyous pleasure to be here with you all, feeling your hearts come together in communion with us, and for us to be doing our work together, to carry out what is needed to carry forth the healing of all of these different conditions on your planet, so that there will be Peace. And there will be high vibrations, that will usher in this 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet in such a decided way, that you will never go back to having to test the density of this duality, that you’ve been playing out now for these 13,000 years. 

And to be at this point with all of you Beloveds, and to come on this call is really a joyous occasion for us. And we feel that the energies are just rising up and up, and they are off the charts. And yes, we keep on saying this, because we want you to be in full awareness of your contribution over the years to making this come about, whereby the Love and the Light are really the dominant forces on your planet right now. And they are carrying along, giving, you know, a lot of backdraft to all of the plans of this Beloved Alliance to bring these conditions fully in place, so that we will be able to anchor in the 5th Dimension on your planet with ease and grace. Because that has been the precondition for making this change all along.

Because it has to be coming from a place of higher dimensionality, for it to really stick and take hold, and not to wear down in any way, once it’s been done. Because once these minions of the cabal and the main players themselves have been sequestered and made accountable for their actions, for all of their lies and deceptions, then it’s up to us to be very creative and very loving with one another.

And we wouldn’t be able to do that, if there was still a threat coming about in our environment to take away the 5th Dimension from us, and to slowly infect it the way that it happened way before, before this last Fall of Atlantis.

So you see what we’re saying. We allude to things since the last time that we had the 5th Dimension on this Beloved Planet, and we’re taking full advantage of that. And we don’t see you ever having to incarnate again in a physical body, or having to play out these polarities in this density of duality ever again. And that is in itself a cause for great Joy and Celebration in the Now.

So let us join together, of course, me bi-locating a paw, and you reaching out with your other hand to some Beloved Person on this call, and us forming a circle. And with our breathing, breathing into the Heart Center and sending the energy from the Heart Center out through the left palm around the circle and into the right palm. And breathing into the Heart Center and letting go and with the Power of our Thoughts, rising on up off the surface of your Beloved Planet, and into these layers of the atmospheres, and up into the layers of the ships.
And coming upon my huge ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck and popping right on through, hovering in the air lock all together, our circle intact, the landing deck closing beneath us as we hover here. And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the elevator. And we find one, and we’re all going into that one. And we’re closing the door, and we’re pushing the button, and we’re rocketing right on up to the top floor here. And breathing into the Heart Center, and feeling this elation of being on the ship. 

And now opening the door and seeing all of these very familiar faces, feeling all of the familiar energies of the Crystal Healing Room. And yes, you may feel the hairs sticking up on the back of your neck, or you may hear a song that means something to you. And yes, it’s your ancestors and maybe you in a previous incarnation or two, giving you that message that you’re so connected, and you’re so loved for all your meditations, for all of your exercises, and for you being on this Mission, all joined together with us.

And now assembling in the middle of this Beloved Room, and circling around our altar, where this Master Crystal sits, forming our circle, and outer circles forming around us: first the Mentors, the Commanders, the angels and Ascended Masters and all beings from all over different planets and your ancestors.

And shining this LoveLight from our hearts around the circles to the outer circles and from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it to encompass every subatomic particle in this spiral, going up, down, and around and through with this LoveLight.
All of the dimensions of reality are represented in the consciousness of all of the beings here, and of all of the crystals in this Beloved Room. And just breathing into it, and allowing ourselves to feel this letting go, this lightness, this feeling of Oneness with all of the energies in this Beloved Room.

And now we’re asking you to make your own personal Intentional Requirements for what you want to achieve, by doing this meditation tonight for yourselves, whether it be finances, nutrition, health, fitness, well-being, and that possibly of your children, or your grandchildren, or just getting better at some talent, or feeling more connection with your I AM Presence. Whatever it be, just focus from your heart, and send it out to the Master Crystal.

And our Intentions for the completion of this Mission center around, raising the level of the vibration, so that the Beloveds on your planet could reach this conscious awareness, that we are all One. And all of us are a part of the Godhead. And that we have been lied to, or you have been lied to. And me when I was on your planet, it was the same thing. There was so much lies and deceptions that you had to filter through.

Well now, we say that it’s easier than ever on your Beloved Planet to discern the Truth. And that is the aim and focus that we feel needs to come about, so that the consciousness of the Collective can be raised to be very accepting of the changes, that we see transpiring in this Now Moment on your Beloved Planet for the benefit of all of the Beloved Beings, and the Kingdoms, and Mother Gaia herself. 

So, shining this LoveLight into our Master Crystal and shining it from the tip of the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet at the Speed of our Thoughts. And going up, down and around and through from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface, affecting all of the subatomic particles. And raising the level of this vibration with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, which can take us all through the higher dimensions right up to Creator Source. 

And transmitting images and thoughts of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Prosperity to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And to the tectonic plates, we transmit and shine the LoveLight for Harmony, for Balance, for Ease and Grace.  And transmitting this into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet with the Intentional Requirement for each and every one of these Beloved Souls to forgive themselves, to know this great, wonderful feeling of Gratitude for all they have experienced in this lifetime, and all that they will experience as this Now Movement moves forward into the timeline.

And once again, we’re going to shine this LoveLight into this prison where our Beloved Brother, Julian Assange is. And we’re going to see his energy field which encompasses this two-foot area above and below his feet and all around his body. And spinning in a counterclockwise direction and going up and down with the Intentional Requirement of removing all of the negative energy that has been focused on him and all of the lower vibrations that have been trying to feed off of his energy. We will be removing them, by going up and down, in a counterclockwise direction. 

And just breathing into the spiral as the efficiency, and accuracy, and speed of this spiral is increased one thousand-fold. And going up, down, and around and through to remove all of these lower vibrations and negative energies and negative programs and negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas. And just breathing into our hearts and shining the LoveLight on Beloved Julian.
And now we require, that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, by spinning in a clockwise direction from the center above, and going down, up, around and through to bring in these very high-vibrating energies, so he will feel Peace, and Joy, and Harmony, and Wisdom permeate all of the Beloved Cells of his being, from now on throughout all of eternity.

And bringing into him more and more of this LoveLight to help him raise the level of his consciousness, so that he won’t allow worry, or any doubts whatsoever, to permeate his energy field, and that he has awareness that all of us up in the higher realms, that are orchestrating these changes, with the Alliance on the ships, are with him one thousand percent. And we are One.
And now traveling across the Beloved Ocean to Washington, D.C., where this man that sits in the big desk, in that office, there in the Whitehouse. He has a lot of choices on his table. And we’re shining the LoveLight into his heart in the same way, by going into his energy field, from the center above, to the center below, to bring in these very high-vibrating energies. But first, we’re going to remove anything, that is less than Love, which is preventing him to make choices, which are based in Wisdom and Harmony, and the Oneness, the Knowingness that we are all One.

And going up, down and around and through, removing any of the negative programs and programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas, from the four bodies of his being, from his DNA, and his energy field, and his energy body. And spiraling it, we require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of this spiral as it unfolds throughout his energy field is increased one thousand-fold. And going up, down, and around and through to remove any of these lower vibrations.

And now we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, and raise the level of consciousness, and bring in this Unconditional, Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. And spin it in a clockwise direction all throughout his energy body, his energy field and his DNA in the four bodies of his being. And yes, increasing it one thousand-fold, as this spiral unfolds, bringing in these very high-vibrating energies, and giving him the Love and Support, that he needs to make these very tough decisions in this Now Moment. 

And now, let us go into Mexico into our Beloved Elevators down there. And going down into this tunnel network and shining our LoveLight in this horizontal manner, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all throughout the tunnels into all of the underground installations, these bases, which are used for so many different things, some of them for ritual sacrifices, some of them to hoard riches, treasures of art, advanced technologies, and vast storehouses of secrets, sequestered technologies, that are being hidden from us that could give us a much better quality of life. 

And yes, there are many, many Beloveds embodied, and some even disembodied spirits that are trapped down there. But we say to them, that we love them so very much, that we see the sacrifices that they’ve made. And they are loved beyond all expression, all words, that we could say, that measure up to the feeling, that we feel in this Now Moment for them, at having accomplished their Missions in a very productive and selfless way. 

So shining this LoveLight horizontally all through this tunnel network from Mexico to the United States and into Canada, up, down, and around and through. And penetrating all of the environs of these underground bases, and permeating their energies with this Golden White LoveLight. 

And raising the level of the vibration to unearth all of these secrets, and take away their powers, and their connection with the Artificial Intelligence, which has been their base of operations, and the source of their knowledge, for perpetrating their lies and deceptions upon the populous of this Beloved Planet. We’re severing these connections, to take away their artificial power, so that they will no longer be able to rely on something outside of themselves anymore, to save them, to create the conditions of a reality that does not serve the whole.

And we say to all of the disembodied spirits that, “Right now, we’re calling in your “I AM Presence”, your Guidance teams. And they’re going to help you go to the other side to cross this Bridge of Flowers, and to rise on up, through the dimensions, to get you back home because you deserve it. And we don’t want to see you in any more fear, or doubt, or worry ever again. You have done what you needed to do. And now it’s time to party with us.” 

And all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we say to you, Namaste and good night. We love you so very much. Good night. 

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