Thursday, May 2, 2019

5-1-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-1-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Oh, yes, that was very powerful. And we’re so happy to be together with you once again. And yes, another month, and this Beloved Day of the worker, May Day, and the struggle that has been ongoing on your planet for such a long time for all of you Beloveds, to be treated fairly and with respect from this cabal, who has been the overseer of your planet, and who have lied and deceived to keep the Balance of Power in their control. 

And now we see that changing. And we are so very happy for this. And we’re so very happy that we get to join you, and to send out the energies that are making a difference in bringing these plans to fruition. Because we have been on these calls with you for quite a long time now, for about fifteen years in this community here, which this call is an offshoot of. And we are very happy that you have continued with this work, and that you are willing to do it every week. Because right now is no time to slack off as they would say.

Right now is the time to go for it, because of the way that it feels. There is so much energy and momentum behind all of the energies, that are coming into your planet, that are in very high vibration. And the plans, yes, they have been laid. They have been focused on, and the fine tuning, believe me, is there from everything that we have witnessed from the ships on the other side. Many, many conditions have been met and the rhythm, timing and synchronization is there.

We say this to you, because we want you to take this to heart, that you have played a major role in bringing all of these plans to this place, where you will see them unfold before you on your Beloved Planet. And this is so very wonderful because, as Mother was saying, when the change is made, you won’t have to incarnate again. And you won’t have to test the density of duality ever again. This is your graduation. This is something that you have earned with your courage, with being heart centered and knowing that we are all One and we are all part of the Godhead. 

So Beloveds, we say to you we love you so very much. We’re so happy to feel this Oneness with you heart to heart every time we come into your call. And now Sananda is going to come in, so we say Namaste and good night. 

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