Thursday, May 16, 2019

5-15-19 Mother Mary by Eli Galla

5-15-19 Mother Mary by Eli Galla

My Dear Children, this is Mother Mary. I am so very happy to be coming through on this call tonight. Because yes, a few days ago, it was Mother’s Day. And yes, this is our day. This is a day not only for the mothers, but for all of us who have made our commitments to doing this Mission to bring the Light forth on your Beloved Planet. 

Because it is you, my brothers and sisters, my children, who have the courage to be your Truth, to take chances, to disseminate, and be the Love and Light that you are, and to raise the level of this vibration on your Beloved Planet. 

And this enables our plans for bringing in the 5th Dimension to accelerate, and to spread all throughout, not just on your planet, but all over Creation, because so many Beloved Beings on other planets are awaiting your Ascension to commence in the totality, that they know that heaven has decreed that it shall ensure. And that it shall perpetuate the splendor, and the grace, of the 5th Dimension taking over this Beloved Planet and allowing you so much more freedom than you have ever enjoyed before. 

And that will correspond to so many Beloveds who are ready to rise up a higher octave in vibration, all over Creation, with their Ascensions. Because up until now, they have only been able to rise so high. There has been the AI holding back the process, to take them further up into these high vibrations of feeling this total connection with the consciousness of Creator Source.

So my Beloveds, you are playing such an important role at this time. Your Love and your Light is gathering such Light to it, magnetizing such beauty, and enabling you to remember deep down into your DNA, into your cells, to permeate this LoveLight there to all, to transmit to yourselves, to your DNA, to wake them up, to activate these centers in the right lobe of your brain, and to have them in concert with your DNA programming, to allow yourself to rise up in vibration at this time. 

And yes, the stimulation of the photon energy coming into your Beloved Planet is a magnificent catalyst for this. And we are so very happy as to how we see this unfolding in the Now Moment, my Beloveds.

We honor you so very much. We feel your great heart, your commitment to this Mission, that we are all on together. And we say we Love you far beyond any expression, that we can utter with our words. We love you so very much. 

Namaste and good night.


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