Thursday, July 2, 2020

7-1-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is such a pleasure for me to be with you once again tonight. Ah yes, everything is moving so fluidly in your timeline. And all of the things that you are experiencing in each of your daily routines, everything is in Divine Rhythm, Timing and Synchronization. Each of you are experiencing what you need in the Now Moment, to allow yourself, to rise on up into higher vibrations, and be ready for this completion of bridging the gap into the 5th Dimension.

Yes, this is what we have been working for, for so many eons. And you can feel the shift in consciousness, by the way people are expressing themselves in social media, when you meet them, when you talk to them on the phone. Whether it be your friends, or first-time acquaintances, you are noticing this change, this shift in your reality. And yes, some people are calling it the Great Awakening. Well, you are getting closer and closer, every time you have a solstice, an eclipse, one of these double dates, such as the next one will be the 7/7.

And it is truly an auspicious time, because yes, you want to feel the Love and Light, that you are, in your manifested reality, in your physical, material reality. You want to feel, that there is no separation, between that part of you that is the Godhead, and being able to be in a reality, that supports the Truth of who you are and your Divine Birthrights.

So, a long time ago we all had that. And yes, I was on this planet in those periods of time also, when we were in the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis. But as we have been telling you, this time, that you will have the 5th Dimension once again on your Beloved Planet. That it will be so very wonderful, because you will reap the rewards of all the experiences that you have endured and, humm, assimilated in this density of duality.

And so, right now your hearts are opening, more and more, with each and every meditation. With each and every day, you are getting blasted from the Galactic Center, traveling through your Solar Sun, and coming onto your planet in waves and waves of jubilant, high-vibrational photonic energy.

And yes, it is up to you in the Now Moment, how you want to direct this energy, to create your reality in the Now Moment. This is very important, Beloveds, that you allow yourself to let go of all of the distractions and the confusions, that the Cabal want to seduce you with, to get you to be in that low-vibrational fear/separation state, to once again let your ego have a voice in the choices, that you are making in the Now Moment.

Well, you don’t have to let it be. You can just breath into your heart. And now more than ever, it is easier to bring in these high vibrations. It is easier for you to see, when you are out of alignment, and just stop, and let go, and let this high-vibrational energy come in with your breathing, through your Heart Centers.

So, Beloveds, let me bi-locate my paw to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach out with your other hand to someone else on this call, and let us form our circle. Breathing into our Heart Centers, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, to be in this Now Moment, to bring in these waves of high-interdimensional LoveLight, and to send it out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our hearts. 

And now rising on up, and with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck, and we are popping through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, we are able to touch down safely, and walk on back to this open elevator.

And getting all in at the same time with our circle joined together still, and closing the door. And I’m pushing the button to take us up to the top floor here. And we are jetting right on up. And now we come to a stop. We are opening the door here at the Crystal Healing Room of the Nibiru.

We are greeted by all of the Beloved Beings, who have joined together tonight to do this meditation with us. The Beloved Mentors are here, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, many other beings from the ships, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a lifetime or two from the past.

And walking on over into the middle of the room, and forming our circle around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And feeling these high-vibe energies, this LoveLight emanate from the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings here, with the air of anticipation for what we will create tonight, for the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

Forming our circle, sending it around, and to the outer circles, that have assembled around us and the Mentors. And spiraling this energy to expand our field of energy, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Bringing in all of these high-vibrational energies, represented the consciousness of all of the beings in the room, and those who have projected their consciousness from all over the Cosmos into the Nibiru here tonight. And of course, from the consciousness of all of the crystals, that represent areas from all over Creation, and that represent all of the higher dimensions. Breathing into our hearts.
And now, we ask you to intentionally require, what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, for yourself. To sustain yourselves in these very important days of completion, of bringing in the Love and Light, which is the main focus of our Missions together, to wake up all of the Beloveds on your planet, who will decide to Ascend. And for the Liberation of your Beloved Planet. 

And for you personally, whether it be financial, having to do with your relationships, having to do with having more clarity in making your choices, and achieving an understanding of what is going on, so that you can connect up the dots, and tell your stories to your family and your friends. And share with them from your hearts, at this most-auspicious time, of the energy shifting into high vibrations.

And for all of us, we intentionally require the Liberation of your Beloved Planet. For all of the beings who have been supporting the darkness, for them to be removed from the stage, and for the Truth to come out. For all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to be shown, how they have been manipulated by these dark energies. And that this phase of your reality no longer has to define you, and the human race, any longer. That you are ready for the 5th Dimension once again, to be the Love and Light that you are, and express it, and create with it instantaneously within your reality.
And oh yes, to have all of these high-technological advancements to make your life in alignment with the 5th Dimension. And yes, this is so very wonderful and powerful for you, in knowing. that you have been working lifetime after lifetime to bring about this change for yourselves, as well as for all of Creation, who will benefit from your Ascensions.

So, Beloveds, shining our LoveLights into this Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And shining it, spiraling it down, onto your Beloved Planet, from the layers of the atmospheres to the surface. Enabling the Crystalline Grid around the surface of your planet, and penetrating underneath the surface of your planet into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Breathing into it, spiraling it up, down, and around and through, with the focus of our LoveLight being one of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 

And shining this transmission, opening up the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, raising the level of consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, in this Now Moment. Whether it be in their subconscious or unconsciousness, or in this conscious state of being, in the Here and Now. For them to take it within the four bodies of their being, so that they may allow themselves to rise on up, and to start making those choices, which will make it easier for them to hook up the dots, and to come to the realizations of why they are here, and why this time is so very wonderful.

And yes, that all of you Beloved Beings are supported by the Universe, by Creator Source. There is absolutely no separation. This is a part of you enabling yourselves to be in mastery. Because this is one of the main lessons for all of you Beloved Beings to learn, that you are here to make that bridge once again, with the connection to the higher aspects of your being, which you call your I AM Presence, and all of the other higher-dimensional selves that you are in parallel, and higher-dimensional realities.

To bring it all together and allow yourself to have that feeling of knowingness, of omnipresence, of being in continuity with all of the other lifetimes, that you have had, with all of the experiences, that you’ve had in this cycle of playing out duality.

And let us shine our LoveLights into the hearts and psyches of all of the Beloved Beings, with these realizations, to wake themselves up. That there is no reason any longer to be afraid, because of these high-vibrational frequencies coming into their reality. And that it is just them knowing who they truly are, which will allow them to let these high vibrations awaken them into this knowingness, and to make choices, and express themselves from their hearts, to be in alignment with these high-vibrational revelations, which are available to them in every Now Moment. 

Ah yes, let us shine our LoveLights into all of the capitals of the countries of your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and minds of all of the leaders, the ministers, the senators, the magistrates, the policy makers, decision makers. And let us shine the LoveLight into all of the journalists, the ones who are in integrity, and the ones who have been bought off by the CIA, or whatever arm and tentacle or the Cabal, that has corrupted them. Because basically, they are all doing the same thing, being a conduit for a story. 

But it is up to you, Beloveds, to use your discernment to know which story is in integrity, with your Intentional Requirements, and who you are as part of the Godhead. So, this is another test and challenge of your mastery, in this Now Moment, in rising up into the 5th Dimension.

So instead of being intimidated, and being in low-vibrational states, about the opinions of the puppets of the Cabal, it is just another opportunity we would like you to consider, for you to be in high-vibration and for you to see the process of aligning your knowingness with the Truth of who you really are, and allowing yourselves to feel it within your hearts.

Ah yes, and to work on these connections in your meditations, to practice making these bridges into the higher dimensions of reality. And shining the Love and Light into the hearts and minds of all of these Beloved Beings, who are playing such a major part, in the shifting of your reality, in this Now Moment.

And we call for the Truth to be disseminated, and all of the indictments to be unsealed. And all of the plans of the Alliance, supporting the Announcements of NESARA, to come about in this Now Moment. And feeling the Joy that the Liberation of your Beloved Planet brings, not just for all of the humans and hybrids on your planet, but for all of the Creation, Beloveds.

And once again shining our LoveLights, spiraling the energy down beneath the surface of your planet, into all of these underground bases, where so many Beloved Beings have been enslaved, where advanced technologies have been sequestered away, and where absconded wealth has been hidden, and the underworld has been thriving for thousands of years. 

We intentionally require for the Liberation of all of these Beloved Beings.  And we support all of the actions of the peacekeepers to liberate them, and to win against the forces of darkness, to drive the power sources of the Reptilians, of the AI out from their lairs, and expose them to the realities of the Love and Light on the surface of this planet. And to make everything transparent, that they have been doing in manipulating and controlling the energies against the people on this Beloved Planet. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done, Beloveds.

We love you so very much. Anytime you want to feel our Love and Support, just call us in. We are always here, ready to be with you.

And now we’ve going to call in Maria Magdalena. Namaste and good night.

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