Thursday, July 16, 2020

7-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-15-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I come to you tonight to join together with you in your circle, and to lift us all up off the surface of your Beloved Planet, through the portal of your Solar Sun, through your Central Sun, and up through the Galactic Center, over, up, and through multiverses. 

And coming upon the Angelic Crystalline waters healing pools. And feeling ourselves, submerging our bodies up to our necks, sitting in a circle with our legs outstretched in front of us, and observing these high-inter-dimensional frequencies of the LoveLight, across all of Creation. We bring you here tonight to revitalize you, as you are going through this great shift because, Beloveds, we see the stress, that this has been put on you within the four bodies of your being. 

And we want you just to enjoy this feeling of being One with us, in this Now Moment of opening up your hearts, to these high-interdimensional frequencies, and feeling how much you are loved all over Creation for the work you have been doing so fearlessly. You are so brave, and so courageous.
We are so happy for you, that the Light is becoming so dominant on your Beloved Planet, and that you are becoming more and more receptive with working with us, to raise the level of consciousness, of the Collective Unconscious, on your Beloved Planet. 

Yes, all of these plans of the Alliance are working in harmony in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. Beloveds, there is nothing to be afraid of. The narratives, that these agents of the Cabal, of Satanism, of darkness, that are purporting as the Truth do not stand a chance, in these high vibrations and frequencies of Love and Light, that are coming into your hearts. 
Just breathing into it, Beloveds. And we ask you to envision yourselves continuously as the shining beacons, the light houses, that will attract all of the other Beloveds on your planet for direction, as this scenario of the final days of this war being played out, where the Light is victorious, Beloveds.

We are so happy for you, that you are on the planet, and that you feel this Oneness with all of us, with your I AM Presence, and your Guidance Teams at this time. This is truly a momentous phase in your spiritual evolution, and that of your Beloved Mother Gaia.
We ask you to continuously focus on breathing into your hearts, allowing yourself to expand your field of energy. And allow this inner flow to become a seamless experience, of building up this Light on your Beloved Planet, to help all of your Beloved Beings awaken, and give the momentum to the peacekeepers, to all of the other agents of our Ground Crew, bringing about the completion of these Divine Plans of the Alliance on your Beloved Planet.

Yes, Beloveds, the Light is victorious! And each and every one of you are playing out your roles in such a beautiful and magnificent way.

We love you so very much. Please call on us whenever you want to feel our Love and Support.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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