Friday, July 24, 2020

7-22-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-22-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Maria Magdalena, and I am shining my LoveLight into your hearts, Beloveds.

You are really going through the thick of it, as we say on the ships. And this is a most marvelous time, because each and every day, there are certain realizations, that are coming into your consciousness about who you are, and what you have done to be at this moment, where your consciousness, on this Beloved Planet, is expanding in ways, that you possibly didn’t realize that it ever could in this lifetime. Well, Beloveds, it is happening. And it is all part of the process of Ascension, and is what you have called forth, in being here, in this Beloved Lifetime. 

Because, as you can see, the lies and the deceptions of the beings who have controlled the energies, and systems, and forms of government and business, on your planet, have not been honest with you. They have not been allowing you to be the free, sovereign beings, that you are. And they have done everything in their power, to shut down this process of you rising back up into the 5th Dimension.

And each and every day, the rhetoric rings upon hallow ears, because you can feel and see, that it is not the Truth. And that the Love and Light, and this feeling that is coming into your heart, about your being One with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and all of Creation. You can feel that, that is the Truth, and that fear, lies, deceptions, and separation are not the Truth of who you are, and not the Truth of what you want to give your energy and your power to. You want to expand your Love and your Light, and let it reign all over this Beloved Planet. 

And we are so very happy and proud of you, because every day you are faced with hard choices and realizations, about what you want to give your energy to, what you want to create with the Power of your Love and Light, and what you want for all of your Beloveds, for them to wake up in these realizations, that Love is the strongest force on the planet.

And yes, that you are supported in your survival, and that you do not have to make deals with the dark forces to survive. You can be your Truth, express it from your heart, with the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds. This is the time, when each and every one of you, on the planet, have the Power more and more love coming into their hearts and with the flow of this high vibe energy.

In the state of being in the Unified Chakra, you become a conduit into this flow, into this connection, with the higher aspects of your being, in Oneness with Creator Source. And this is carrying on each and every day, until this Event fully culminates on your Beloved Planet.

We are here with you, Beloveds, every step of the way. Our hearts are open in the Rhythm, Harmony, and Timing of your Divinity, being made manifest on this Beloved Planet.

We love you so very much. And we are always with you whenever you call us in consciously.
Namaste, Beloveds, and good night. 

And now Sananda will come in.

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