Thursday, July 2, 2020

7-1-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be here with you. 

Ah yes, such a splendid time of change. And it has been a gradual change, we see, in the waves of Love and Light, that have been coming in for these many years, that we have been with you in Mission. 

And yes, we are talking about thousands of years, even before that lifetime, when I was on your planet with Maria, and my Mother Mary, doing my Passion Play in that lifetime, doing the miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, and what have you.

And being a focal mouthpiece for the initiation of higher vibrations, to allow your civilization to take more and more responsibility, for being here and for waking up, and for returning into the higher dimensions once again, on your Beloved Planet.

Beloveds, this is what it has been all about, healing that separation between the Light and the Dark. Beloveds, it is all One, all emanating from Creator Source. And you are always One with those higher aspects of your being, your I AM Presence, and other aspects of your being in the higher dimensions.  There is no separation, between yourselves and the Godhead, Beloveds. 

You are waking up, we feel, to that realization more and more, each and every day, with each and every breath, that you take in this Now Moment. But that is it, Beloveds, allowing yourself to be present, to be in this Now Moment. This is where your Power is. This is the place, that you have these realizations with how to empower yourself with the Love and Light, that you are in your conscious, physical states of being, to carry on your Mission, so that all of the Beloved Beings, on your Planet, wake up in this Now Moment, and enlighten themselves with the Love and Light, that they are. 

Ah yes, the prayers, meditations, and exercises, that you have done and continue to do, these are so very marvelous. And every moment, that you allow yourself to be present, and to fill your hearts with Joy, Bliss, Understanding, all of these higher vibrations, you are becoming more and more aligned with the 5th Dimension.

Yes, the 5th Dimension is leading you into this state of being, of ascending into your next levels, Beloveds. And this is what you have come onto this Beloved Planet for so many incarnations. And your Love and your Dedication, your Passion, your Focus to grow, and to Nurture yourselves, to learn your life lessons, and express and be that Love and Light, that you are, with each other.
This is the Miracle of Creation, the unfolding of the glory of the Love and Light, unfolding on this Beloved Timeline. And yes, all of the tributaries, of this timeline, are coming into the main one, are being absorbed into the main timeline now. And you can feel the Power of this process happening, because more and more, things are coming up in your conscious, physical states of being to heal from the past, and sometimes to heal from past lifetimes. These Soul Contracts, that you have made before you came into this lifetime are playing out, and the last stages of what needs to be healed, before the event on your Beloved Planet can happen.

And you are in it. You are in this Divine Beloved Change, my brothers and sisters. We could have not done this without you.

And we love you so very much. We are always here for you. Please just call us in, and feel our Love, our Dedication and Support, on the same Mission of what you have been allowing yourselves to empower your conscious knowing with, and to bring this Mission to completion, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night, my brothers and sisters.

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