Friday, July 24, 2020

7-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Sananda. I come in with a very joyous heart tonight, feeling these LoveLight energies, as they penetrate your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, they are forcing the energies of the darkness on your Beloved Planet, further and further away from the Light, so that their vibration becomes more discernable for all of you, who have made the choice to wake up in this lifetime, and empower the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet, by integrating these high vibrations of the photonic energies, that are coming in through your Central Sun, Beloveds. It is such a joyous procession of high vibration, the LoveLight, that is marching through onto your Beloved Planet.

And we ask you to be in meditation, whenever you can, to be in nature, to allow yourselves to have a full appreciation for the Love and Light, that you are, by opening up your hearts, and giving yourself permission to feel Joy, to feel our blessings; the blessings of Creator Source, coming to you from all corners of the Universe, from all of the star races, that are so affected by your Process of Ascension on this Beloved Planet.

Because, yes, they too will receive an upgrade at this time of your Ascension. And they are feeling your energies being uplifted, in wave after wave of high energies, that penetrate your atmosphere, and the surface of your Beloved Planet, and of course, the consciousness of Mother Gaia, and all of your Beloved Beings on this planet. And it is growing more so.
And we ask you not to be afraid whatsoever, but to know deep within your hearts, within the balance of the four bodies of your being, just how much you are loved and supported, by all of the energies of Creator Source. All of the higher aspects of your being, all of the Beloved Beings of the Light, who are shining their LoveLights onto your Beloved Planet, and into your heart, and into your Akashic Records, at this time, to allow for this seamless flow of the plans of the Alliance to take hold on your material plane, to root out all of the forces of the darkness, so that you may reclaim this Beloved Planet, in high vibration, in the Spirit of Oneness with Creator Source, and your I AM Presence, Beloveds, and all of us, the Mentors, the Ascended Masters, and Archangels, and Angels, and all of the Commanders on the ships.

Ah yes, the changes that are happening, the permeation of all of your cells, coming online with the Crystalline Grid. And this is preparing you in a most-marvelous way, for this Event of being in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds. 
We ask you to open your hearts more and more, with every breath that you take, and allow us in, and all of the Divine Energies, coming into your planet, to allow you to expand them, and transmit them, to those that are still sleeping, to those that are going for the rhetoric of the darkness in some way, or shape, or form and haven’t allowed themselves to wake up fully, and see, that they are the co-creators of their reality, and their time of Ascension is upon them.

We love you ever so much, Beloveds. And we are with you at all times, as my Beloved Maria, and Sekhmet have said.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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