Friday, July 31, 2020

7-29-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-29-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again.

And yes, so much Love and Light is coming into your Beloved Planet. And it is overtaking the spells, and the mechanisms, the delivery systems, the devices, all of the aspects of the negative programming, that have kept you in the density of duality for such a long time. 

That 3rd Dimensional matrix structure is coming apart. It is disassembling. It is de-fractalizing by way of all of the higher dimensions of reality, being reflected through these photon particles that are transmitting the Light and the Love, that accompanies it onto your Beloved Planet, so that yes, your Collective Consciousness rises up in vibration. And it becomes self-aware. 

This is what has been taken away from you, by way of that last Fall of Atlantis, Beloveds, because you were plunged, as a species, into the depths of despair. And you did not remember, or want to remember that level of fear.  And you disassociated from that fear. And it allowed the mechanism of the Artificial Intelligence to mutate your DNA, and take away the ability to activate other stands of the DNA, that helped you to connect with all of those parts of the right lobe of your brain, which made you so very powerful and knowledgeable, about who you are, and allowed you to access your Akashic Records.

Well, Beloveds, we are so very happy, that you are on the cusp of making these broad, sweeping changes, to see change on your Beloved Planet, to regain the full capacity of the transmission of the Higher Aspects of your being, within your DNA, within the right lobe of your brain, with bringing it altogether, so that once again you will be fully functioning vitally, and thriving in the 5th Dimension, once again.

Yes, Beloveds, we see you do your daily meditation, be in the rhythm of your daily routines. And now, we are seeing more Love and Light come in into your hearts, even though you have had to deal with this lockdown, and the perpetration of fear and separation into the masses. The light within you is so much stronger. Every day it accumulates, because every day, Beloveds, you make your choices in harmony, with your soul Contracts to bring in the 5th Dimension, and anchor it onto this Beloved Planet.

Kudos, Beloveds, we love you so very much. We honor you for all that you do, and for the continuity of you knowing, why you are here, and what your Mission is, toward the completion of your Soul Contracts, And We are with you, as Mother says, every step of the way. And call us is in whenever you want to feel our Love.

Namaste and good night. 

And now, my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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