Thursday, January 31, 2019

1-30-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

1-30-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is such a pleasure for us to be joined here together heart to heart with all of you. And yes, we feel these energies cascading down, bombarding your planet with high-consciousness encodements in this Golden White Light of this Christ Consciousness Energy that has been spreading and multiplying all throughout your planet, now more than ever before.

And so, yes, we ask you to take a deep breath into the Heart Center once more. And all of us Mentors shining this LoveLight into your hearts, allowing you to resonate up into the highest frequencies all through the different dimensions of reality. So, it is ever easier for you to shine this LoveLight all throughout your Beloved Planet and to manifest your desires, by using the Law of Attraction to create the reality you desire.

Because yes, now is the time to familiarize yourself with this dynamic of co-creation. In these high-vibrational energies, it is really starting to be entrained with us, and allowing us to have more and more of an understanding, more and more of a connection with our Intuition in every Now Moment. 

So it’s in this place of discernment, of knowingness, of remembering who we truly are that these transmissions, these Beloved Encodements come into your Heart Center and are magnified through your minds, and these high-vibrational energies that you are attracting into the four bodies of your being at this very monumental time for shift on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, this is a time when your imaginations can really serve you. When you could allow yourselves to go all up and down through the dimensions and use various vehicles to do this for yourselves in creating the realities that you truly desire. And yes, we know that first it starts with all of these different plans that are the requirements of meeting the announcements of NESARA. And this is such a Golden Time for these activations to further come in to your Heart Centers, into your DNA, and to transmit these high vibrations all throughout the timeline, all throughout your Beloved Planet.

And we’re talking about the surface and the underground bases, all of these hidden places where so many energies, so many secrets have been sequestered, advanced technologies, riches beyond you wildest imagination. They are there, and they are waiting to be liberated. Because it was never the Intention of Beloved Mother Gaia to be ruled by less than one percent of the population.

And these beings who have been the controllers, they have had very dark intentions, and nefarious means of keeping you as slaves with all of these different institutions that have created a dynamic, a matrix, if you will, that enabled the AI to shed all of its different manipulations, and its ways to use the energies, only for their benefit and to cut you off from the Power of using the Lovelight to manifest instantly, like you will soon be able to do in the 5th Dimension. Ah, yes.

So, this is such a wondrous time for all of us to see the progress that you have made, along with letting us come more and more into your hearts, into your meditations. And we see you calling us when you get a little bit freaked out, you would say. Because certain situations you are encountering are pretty new to you. And sometimes you just want to feel loved and supported.  Because maybe there’s not even so many people in the course of a day that you can really talk to, and particularly eyeball to eyeball, where you feel this energy being raised with one another. And we know how splendid a feeling that is.

And yes, it’s wonderful we can come together on these calls, but soon we’ll really know. We see all of you developing connections within your physical reality, whereby you’ll be able to express from your Heart Centers to your contentment. And this will feel so rewarding for you, because, yes, you’ll be teaching, but you’ll also be learning from all of the LoveLight being shined on you for the parts that you have been playing for these many, many years. Basically since the day you came into this Beloved lifetime, you have been learning and growing. 

And now, you are coming to this place where Mother Gaia is rising on up and meeting its promise to ascend. And yes, we’re all doing this together, us on the ships, along with all of the Beloved Beings from many different galaxies shining the LoveLight on you. Because yes, what you’re going through will affect and raise the level of their vibration too.

So, Beloved Beings, we are so very happy for all of your contributions. And we shine the LoveLight on you continuously, so that you will feel loved and supported all of the time.
We love you so very much that words cannot begin to express how much love and respect and honor that we have for all of you. Thank you so very much. 

Namaste and good night. 

1-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, we are here with you tonight in a Communion of our Hearts joined together in the LoveLight. Yes, we have a Mission to do. And it is so grand for us to feel all of the Beloved High Energies coming into your planet at such a high vibration, at this time. 

Because yes, we can see that it is a continuation of what we started a really long time ago in your Earth time of raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet, and wearing down these barriers of each of your hearts, so that you will be able to assimilate more of this high-vibrational energy into the four bodies of your being.

So, this is a wondrous feeling and a place where we feel so much LoveLight is being disseminated onto your Beloved Planet, and to each and every one of your hearts, though there are still so very many Beloved Beings on your planet who haven’t really woken up yet. Well, we see that most of them are feeling some changes going on. You know, but they don’t really think that it has really much to do with Spirituality, and the Higher Essences of who they really are, and how the timeline is shifting into such high vibration, so that we are really on the cusp of being able to assimilate the 5th Dimension into our conscious reality.

Yes, we’ve been working on the ships with you for such a long time in your dream states. And now we’re coming really close to this place of interface with you where you are starting to consciously feel it in your waking reality. So we are very enthused about this and very happy. And yes, it gives another reason for us to be together with you and to celebrate in this meditation of us coming together heart to heart.

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw and you reaching out your other hand to somebody on this call. And us forming our circle, and breathing into the Heart Center now, and sending it out through the palm of the left hand, around our circle, heart to heart here. And having it come back in through the palm of the right hand and just breathing into it. 

And with our breathing allowing ourselves to rise up with the Power of our Thoughts, raising us up from the surface of your planet, into the layers of atmospheres, into the layers of the ships. Yes, all that high vibration and we’re feeling them now. 

And going right up to my ship, the Nibiru, here, opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now popping right through it and hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to the elevator, all entering with our Beloved Circle intact and closing the door. And now powering right on up, by pressing the button to the top floor here.

And opening the door and coming into this gathering of all the Beloved Beings, who we have done this meditation with for such a long time now. And feeling their LoveLight shine on us. And you may be feeling a tickle, a touch, a song you may be hearing from some of your ancestors, which may even be you in an incarnation or two, while you have been testing out this density of duality here on your Beloved Planet. 

And assembling around our Beloved Altar now. And holding hands and paws and sending the energy once again through the left palm, heart to heart here, into the palm of the right hand, and circling it all around to the other circles, to the Mentors, the Beloved Beings from the ships, the archangels, other Ascended Masters, legions of angels that are represented here and to our ancestors. And spiraling this energy from the floor to the ceilings, the walls, up, down, around and through, spiraling it, intensifying it, multiplying it within the four bodies of our being. 

And now placing your Intentions, your own personal Intentions for what you want to create with this meditation tonight to raise the level of your vibration, to attract things into your environment, so that you may create them in the way that you really desire, whether it be with finances, or relationships, or having clearer communications with being able to have more of a connection with the higher aspects of your Being, your I Am Presence, & your Guidance Teams. 

Just breathing into it, again spiraling it all throughout the circle, to the outer circles, all up, down, and around and through the Beloved Crystal Room.  Spinning in a spiral, allowing these energies to raise us on up into such high vibration. And all of the different dimensions are represented here in the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings, taking part in this meditation, and also in all of the crystals that have been assembled from all over Creation into this Beloved Room. 

And now focusing our LoveLights on the Master Crystal, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into the tip of this Beloved Master Crystal. And shooting it out now through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and shining it right down onto your Beloved Planet. And when we get to the atmosphere, spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface and all underneath the surface, into every subatomic particle of your Beloved Planet, shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And feeling this Golden White Light intensify and transmit into the minds and hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet and all of the Beloved Kingdoms through the crystals, all of the Animal Kingdom, the plants. Just shining it all out, spiraling it up, down, and around and through your Beloved Planet. 

And feeling your heart Centers grow in magnitude, in depth of all the Beloved Energies coming in now. And helping us all to anchor your Beloved Planet into this Golden White Light to enable the 5th Dimension to be anchored in more and more on your Beloved Planet. 

Our Intentions for your Beloved Planet, for all of you, are Freedom and Liberation from survival, from all of the old paradigm of Individuated Consciousness into the new paradigm of Unity Consciousness. Because, yes, dear Beloved Beings of the LoveLight, this is where the true Power, the Joy, the Harmony, and the Brilliance of the LoveLight is made manifest once again by anchoring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.

So, for us, these are very magical times, and we hope that you will continue to assimilate these energies more and more each and every day. Because, yes, the peaks of these waves of energy are coming in very rapidly now, and they are affording you more intensities in these high-vibrational energies than you have ever experienced before. 

So, the proposition being set forth is that you can clear more and more in the timelines, in your DNA and your Akashic Records, not just for yourselves, but for your whole bloodline. And yes, it continues to be a major undertaking for you all, but these are the Joys of being Wayshowers, or Trailblazers, to bring in this LoveLight. 

And now, ah, let us go over to Washington, D.C., one more time here and all of these buildings. And underneath, there are many secrete caverns there that house a lot of the secrets of this cabal, having to do with your Beloved Government. And yes, they’re not too far away from being exposed. 

Because we have put so much pressure by shining our LoveLights up in the higher dimensions on your Beloved Planet and all of these power Centers and all of these underground tunnel networks of the underground bases that, you know, the secrets each and every day, they’re being flushed out with the help of the Groundcrew, whistleblowers, Beloved Beings of the LoveLight, such as ourselves who are channeling the information.
And so many on your Beloved Planet, who have been doing the work, who have been clearing themselves to be receptive to these higher levels of Understanding and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude are feeling those ah-ha moments come in when your discernment really gets activated. 

And you just know you’re on the right path, and the answers start to come in, and your intuition, well, let’s just say it’s really being upgraded, and it has the potential to provide you with more and more answers each and every day now. So just breathing into it. 

And yes, we’re going to go over to China right now, because there are ancient tunnel systems over there that really house a lot of the secrets in that Beloved Part of the World. So, we’re going to start from the atmosphere and touch down on the surface and then go down underneath by shining this spiral over a large, large area, up, down, and around and through vertically. Just breathing into your Heart Center and letting this dynamic of the spiral affect all of these Beloved Areas there.

And shining the LoveLight onto all of the secret bases where armaments, where the secrets of governments are being held. And shining this Love into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings in the underground bases, whether they be part of the cabal, part of government, troops or slaves who have been made to be there against their Free Will.

And just breathing into it and feeling the level of the vibration raise, by spinning this spiral continuously up, down, and around and through from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface in these underground installations, and all through the tunnel systems there.

And now, sending this consciousness over to Mexico, going into the elevators at the beginning of this network here in North America. And shining it vertically by going down underneath in the elevators to these levels here, where the tunnels exist, and the underground bases all through Mexico, through the United States, and up and through Canada, all up, down, and around and through. Shining this LoveLight on the secrets, hidden advanced armaments, advanced technologies that have been hidden away from us, advanced healing modalities, miracle drugs, what have you. Shining the LoveLight onto them, to expose all of the secrets, to make all of their heinous intentions for ritual sacrifices and blood sacrifices be transparent on your Beloved Planet. Because this day of come-uppance with the Truth is upon your Beloved Planet. So, continuously shining this LoveLight, we Intentionally Require, until the 5th Dimension is fully anchored into your Beloved Planet.
And now shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who have been made captive there. And we say to all of them in all of the networks all over your Beloved Planet, “You are not forgotten. You are so honored, and so loved for fulfilling and completing your Soul Contracts in this lifetime, because without you, and the consciousness that you have partaken in, in fulfilling your Soul Contracts, the Truth would not be as transparent as it is right now. 

“So, Beloveds, we love you so very much. We honor you and we say to you that all of you, who have been challenged with crossing over, because you have been in such trauma, now we’re lifting you up, joining you with your I Am Presence and your Guidance Teams, directing the way across the Bridge of Flowers, and up, and through the dimensional gateways over to the other side.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call tonight, we honor you so very much. We thank you once again for all of your contributions, your efforts to raise the level of this LoveLight and spread it throughout your Beloved Planet. 

Namaste and good night.

1-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

~ Sekhmet ~

“Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is once again our very voluminous pleasure to be here tonight with these energies still coming in to your Planet with such Force and Grace and Ease and Beauty.

“And, yes, many of you were participants in mass meditations a few nights ago. And that is wonderful because what transpired was that a very large amount of high-vibe energy was anchored in to your beloved Planet. And this has been a continuous process over the course of many years, alas, taking it step by step, move by move, to fulfill the requirements of bringing our mission to completion. And, of course, this has all to do with liberating your beloved Planet.

“Well, you know all the steps that are needed for us to get from where we were, where we are right now, to where we see ourselves being observers of NESARA being announced. And then, a blast of energy from your Central Sun even much, much stronger than what you witnessed a couple of nights ago for this Super Blood Full Moon Eclipse. 

“And, yes, it was very wonderful, and we see that it really stimulated a lot of your imaginations as to what this new age will mean not only for you, but what the Golden Age will mean for each and every one of you on this beloved Planet and all of the beloved kingdoms.

“So, let us join together, me by rotating my paw and you reaching out to someone else to form a circle on the call. And just breathe into your heart center, feeling the energy go down into your left hand through your palm or right on the circle, back into the right hand into the heart, with the power of our thoughts jettisoning ourselves off the surface of your Planet, up into the many layers of atmospheres, into the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. 

“And, yes, opening up the landing deck and popping right through the belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock, and now it closing beneath us and we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevator. And we’re getting in all at the same time. There’s plenty of room here. We don’t have to break up our circle.

“And we’re pushing a button and we’re going all the way up to the top to my beloved Crystal Healing Room. The doors open now and we are popping right through and seeing all the beloved Souls that have come to participate with us in this grand meditation. And, yes, some of your beloved Ancestors are here, maybe you in an incarnation or two, of yourself from the past.

“And we’re walking over to the middle of the Crystal Room here, and assembling ourselves in a circle, around the Altar. And the Mentors are assembling a circle around us, and then all the beloveds from the ships, other Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and any other Angels that are here tonight, and your Ancestors. 

“And now, sending the energy through the left hand around the circle, back and to the right and just breathing into it. Feeling all this Light come into the heart, radiating it out to the outer circles, and from the floor to the walls, to the ceilings, spiraling it up, down, around and through. And feeling the brilliance of this Light as we ask you to place your intentional requirements for what you want to create for yourself with these energies of this meditation tonight, or just shining them into the Master Crystal here.
“And you can say what you desire to bring about in your reality, whether it be with relationships, your financial situation, and so many other facets of your beloved lives that you would like to see improve - and, of course, for all the truth to come out. 

"And for us, we’re placing our intentional requirement for the Announcements, for the energies to keep on multiplying so that one day very soon we will anchor in this Fifth Dimension and there will be no turning back. And we will firmly witness ourselves being in this Golden Age, in a way we have never endeavored to create this reality for our beloved Planet before.

“And now, focusing our LoveLights on the Master Crystal, shooting it through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in my ship, the Niburu, through the ceiling and shining it directly, right down on to your Planet.

“And while we’re in the atmosphere, we start to spiral it, up, down, and around and through all throughout your beloved Planet, raising the level of the vibration by breathing into it with our intentional requirement here, to shine it into the hearts of all the beloved Beings on your Planet, to shine it into all of your beloved Kingdoms, and into the oceans, the mountains, all the very beautiful places on your Planet that have to coexist with unacceptable levels of pollution. 

“We give our intentional requirement by spiraling the energies up, down, and around and through your beloved Planet for this healing energy to come in at this time, to take away all of the impurities, and to transmute all of these energies into this golden white light of the Christ Consciousness to permeate all of the beloved subatomic particles of your Planet, shining it into the hearts of all of the beloved Beings, with the intentional requirement of Liberation. 

“No more survival games being played upon us. No more of this exclusive ownership for just the less than one percent of the population that are privy to all of the riches because, yes, they’ve been printing money out of thin air, but that dynamic we see has ended. And now we see ourselves going into a precious metals-backed economy, a new financial system.  

“So spiraling the energy, all up, down and around and through the width and breadth of your beloved Planet, affecting all of the interactions of Beings on your beloved Planet in this new financial system, and shining out the intentional requirement of Trust, Unconditional Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude on your beloved Planet at this time of great change.

"Because, yes, your negative programming has been designed to make you afraid of all new conditions. Well, we see this as a glorious new condition that things are transpiring on your beloved Planet, such as people being held accountable for their crimes. And we don’t give any dates.  We just know that all the potentials are there, in place, and they are unfolding. 

“And so just breathe into your heart center, this feeling of Self Love for the part that you have played all these years. From the time of your birth, there was a part of you that knew that this was a very special lifetime and you would have a part to play. Because, yes, it was part of your Soul contract to be here at this time and to make a difference by being in mission by raising the level of Love and Light for yourself and transmitting it to the rest of the beloved Planet.

“And now, let us go into Washington D.C. And once again, starting from the atmosphere and spiraling this golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energy from the atmosphere to the surface, down underneath the surface to underground chambers, special little hidey holes that have kept a lot of secrets over the years, a lot of dark secrets, too.  

“And all of the surrounding area with all of these alphabet agencies that have their share of secrets and dark deeds that will be unearthed. And shining the LoveLight on them, all up, down, around and through and into the hearts of all the beloved Beings that comprise the Congress, the White House, the Cabinet and the alphabet agencies with this intentional requirement of allowing all of these players to know all they have to do is come into the Light and all is forgiven. 

“Because by doing what they have done over the years, they have become very adept at living their lives at a high level of understanding that most people on your beloved Planet don’t really understand, because so much has been hidden. Well, there’s some of these players that have a pretty good overview of what has been transpiring and their perspectives. 

“If they allow themselves to go to the Light, they’d be very welcomed in creating this Golden Age. We are all Children of God. We don’t have any judgments on any one because we just see the Oneness up here in the higher dimensions. And we understand the power of utilizing your free will, especially at this time when the dice are being rolled. 

“So just breathing into your heart center and feeling this Joy, Grace, Ease and Peace of being in this now moment and shining this LoveLight from going down into the elevators in Mexico and traveling all through Mexico, through the United States and up into Canada.

"And spinning horizontally this Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness up, down, around and through this network of underground bases, with the intentional requirement of the Liberation of your beloved Planet, of all the truth coming out that has been hidden down there by these people, these players of the cabal, who have been worshipping their very dark deity – you can call him Molach or Lucifer or Satan – as really the same being. Or you can call it the devil.

“But you know what? There is no reason to be separate any more. This fear and separation has had its day. And now Unity and Divine Love and Understanding and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude is the new paradigm. And coming together in this Unity Consciousness is where our evolution has been leading with you on your beloved Planet.

“And now shining the LoveLight into all the beloved Beings who have been made captive in these underground bases, some of them very, very young, who have been used for sacrifices. Others have been lifelong servants; and telling them we honor them, we love them beyond all verbal expression.  

"And shining the LoveLight into their hearts and saying to them, ‘Yes, your liberation is upon you and we so honor you and celebrate the contributions you have made with your Soul contracts, to making the truth transparent on this beloved Planet.’

“And we say to all of you Beloved Beings on this meditation, on this Ashtar Legacy Call, Namaste! Thank you so very much, and good night!
Transcription by Marta.

Given through Eli Galla on Ashtar Legacy Call, January 22, 2019
Copyright Eli Galla 2019 - All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

1-23-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

1-23-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, we are so happy to be with you. We can feel the energy coming from each and every one of you. And this is a most joyous time on your Beloved Planet.  And we have been witnessing all of the changes that have been happening.
Now, to some degree we were talking about the plans of this Beloved Alliance because, yes, the Ashtar Command is a great part of this Union called the Alliance with the Intentional Requirements of bringing Liberation to your Beloved Planet, so that you can be in the 5th Dimension in this new and very exciting way.

And yes, we’ve been planning of this for such a long time, and so many different elements had to come about and grow in the Love and the Light that we were shining upon them along with your Beloved Selves. Because basically, all through this lifetime that each and every one of you have had, you have had some awareness of what needed to be done on your Beloved Planet and what you needed to do to find that place of Freedom, of Peace, of Joy and Harmony and allow it to grow within the four bodies of your beings. And yes, so on your meditations, all of the exercises and clearing work that you’ve been doing with us these so very many years, we have come to this place.

And we see these changes coming about with ease and grace, the way that we have planned it all along. Because for far too long on your Beloved Planet, there has been war. And where you are going on your planet, there will only be these high vibrations of Love, communications heart to heart between each and every one of you and into Mother Gaia and all up through the higher dimensions and connecting with your I Am Presences, your Guides and your angels now in a very conscious way.
Well, for years and years of you doing your work, and being here, and being a Light Bearer, a Wayshower, you’ve been doing intensive dream-state work with us up on the ships. And many of you are quite aware of this and have called at various times in your evolution, in this lifetime, to be working with us. And so this has been a continuous theme, that when you are in your heavy dreaming states that you feel us, and you feel the healers up on the ships working upon you, because you have had a monumental job of clearing very dark energies on your planet.

And you have been receptive to receiving our help. And this has allowed you to bring in this LoveLight continuously for such a long time. But now, you’re in a place, where it has multiplied so exponentially that the resistance is being taken out in really magnanimous ways that your planet has not seen before, quite in this way ever.

Because the light right now is so dominant and with your Intentions, with your Commitment, and the efforts that you are making to direct these high-vibe energies to bring in the Beloved Announcements, the new financial system, and all of these components that will allow you to fully anchor in the 5th Dimension, yes, you are being successful.

So I along with Mother and all of the Mentors are in a place of such great Joy and celebration. And this is our natural state of being. But watching what is happening to each and every one of you; that are Light Showers, and Light Bearers, and Light Warriors on your Beloved Planet. Really, ah, it brings us such great Joy, because we see that we have this Unity now and this transmission with one another heart to heart that is unstoppable. And we celebrate each and every one of you, and your contributions, that you have made for being in this LoveLight, for playing with it, for learning how to let go to it. And to multiply it on your Beloved Planet and within the four bodies of your being, to make it so dominant that now your physical 3rd-Dimensional reality is starting to change. Because yes, the people who have committed such heinous, criminal acts on your Beloved Planet have been sequestered. They have been called to task and to stand accountable for their actions. And so, this is such a key change on your Beloved Planet, and it has taken such high levels of Unity between so many people on your Beloved Planet that we are so happy to see it manifesting in this Divine Fashion.
And so we say to you, we love you beyond all verbal expression. We love you heart to heart. And we cherish all of the contributions that you have made in your Ascension Lifetime. And we see it as already happened.

Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good Night.

1-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good Evening. Once again, we are joined together and experiencing these high vibes coming into your Beloved Planet. And we can say that your acceleration of your Ascension Process; it has taken an upswing since this latest mass meditation a few nights ago. And we see so much Joy when you and all of the Beloved Lightworkers on your planet were feeling these energies and bringing them in. And this is what your reality is going to be in the 5th Dimension. 

And you may wonder why I like to party all the time. Well, that’s what it is when you don’t have a survival game to be enslaved by and you can let go up into the higher dimensions. And you’re still on task with playing through all of the Requirements of the Missions in the Now Moment that we came here to do. We do this up on the ships and pretty soon you all are going to be doing it up in the higher dimensions on your Beloved Planet.

So, the future promises a whole lot of exciting changes. And your ability to manifest in the Now Moment will become greatly enhanced. And yes, we’ve been working up toward this upswing in consciousness so that these high vibrations can come in and help you upgrade all of the different connections, the circuits in your Akashic Records, in your Nervous Systems. 

And this is transpiring each and every moment now. So we’re very joyful and we are coming together once again heart to heart to create this reality in the 5th Dimension. And yes, it’s a big part of our Mission of being together here at this time with you all. 

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw and with the other hand, reaching out to somebody on the call here to form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center and with the Power of our Thoughts, sending this LoveLight from our hearts through the palm of the left hand, around the circle and back into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our heart and Intentionally Requiring now that we’re rising up above the surface of your Beloved Planet at the Speed of our Thoughts through the different layers of atmospheres, through the layers of the ships and coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. 

Opening up the landing deck right at the belly of the underside of the ship and popping through, hovering in the airlock and closing the landing deck beneath us as we hover. And now it’s closed. We can touch down and we’re walking on back to the elevators. And we’re getting inside one of them now and all together we enter at the same time. And we push the button and we’re jetting right on up to the top floor.

And now, we open the door. And once again we’re met by so many Beloved Beings of the LoveLight. And we can feel and see the Mentors, many other Ascended Masters, many beings from the ships, various angels from all around Creation, and of course, some of your ancestors and perhaps you in an incarnation or two. 

And maybe you’re feeling a little buzz at the back of your neck or at your temples or hearing a tune or feeling the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. And they’re just trying to tell you that they’re right here with us and helping us on this meditation tonight.

And now we assemble ourselves once again around the altar here and the inner circle joining together with the Mentors ringing around us and being filled in by Ascended Masters and angels and ancestors in the circles around them.  And breathing into the heart, sending it around the circle again. 

And multiplying it every time it gets sent around into the outer circles and all up, down, and around and through this Beloved Crystal Room, starting from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, feeling all of these high vibrations and energies transmitting to us from the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings assembled here. 

And feeling the transmission from the crystals which represent all of the dimensions of reality also. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel this Peace, Ease, Grace and Joy, this Harmony of all of our energies intermeshing with one another and rising on up in frequency and vibration at this time. 

And yes, each and every one of you, go ahead and place your Intentional Requirements for what you require to receive from this Divine Meditation tonight, whether it be in the realm of personal relationships, curing financial difficulties, health concerns or simply feeling more Love and Light in every Beloved Moment from now on. And just breathing into it. 

And we require that we multiply these energies of the Super Blood Full Moon and that we continue to raise the level of the vibration and change the dynamics on your Beloved Planet so that it is easier for us, each and every one of us, and for you, Beloveds, living on your Beloved Planet to be in your flow of energy without anything anymore to hold you back. 

No guilt, no hang-ups for allowing yourself to let go, and to be in the flow and to trust your intuition, and to be present. Because, Beloveds, you are so well supported at this time. Just breathing into the Heart Center.  You are loved so totally, there is nothing to be afraid of now with allowing yourself to rise up into these high vibrations, because you are more than capable of handling these three-dimensional reality requirements that you still have to partake of. 

Well, right now we see that it’s becoming easier and easier. So, we’d just like you to ease into it, all of these high vibes at tighter and shorter intervals coming in. And this can really play a major part in allowing yourself to be more flexible and completely let go of the fear dynamics that you have all been programmed with. And sending the LoveLight around the circle one more time, in our inner circle, out to the outer circles and all up, and down, and around and through the Crystal Healing Room. 

And shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy right into the Master Crystal on our altar and shooting it up through the tip of the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship and shooting it right down onto your Beloved Planet. 

And when we get to the atmosphere, starting to spiral it down into the surface and underneath the surface and all up, down, and around and through. And feeling this LoveLight expand through every subatomic particle and lifting up the vibration here all over your Beloved Planet. 

And you know what that creates is all of the Beloved Beings in your family starting to feel like they’re home, because this energy now within them is becoming so natural without tension, without feeling like they’re living in a little box anymore. 

Just breathing into the Heart Center with the Intention of healing all of the negative programs, all of the lower vibrations and allowing the Ego to rise up into the Heart Center and beyond to magnify these high-vibrational energies coming in. 

And sending this LoveLight all through all of the hearts of the Beloved Beings on your planet, spiraling it up, down, around and through. And feeling the Peace, Ease, Grace, and Joy dominate in the hearts and minds of all the Beloveds on the planet and sending it into all of the kingdoms of your planet.

And now we’re going to send this LoveLight, first to the North Pole to the axis. And we’re going to spin in a spiral from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface to balance these energies, to aid in the axis readjusting itself at this time. Up, down, around and through here. 

And now sending it down into the Southern Pole of your Beloved Planet, into the axis point there. And balancing these high-vibrational energies and harmonizing with the magnetics there so that these transitions occur with Ease and Grace on your Beloved Planet. And that they harmonize with the weather patterns on your Beloved Planet and with the tectonic plates.

So spiraling the energy all through the planet here, up, down, around and through one more time.  And just harmonizing all of these high-vibe energies that are coming in, letting go of all the resistance and allowing this Peace, Ease, Grace and Joy to become dominant vibrations on your Beloved Planet along with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And now, going into Mexico, into the elevators here, to the underground passageways and going down into the tunnels. And shining this LoveLight from the beginning down in Mexico in a horizontal fashion, in a spiral, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 

And now sending it through all of the tunnels, the underground bases, through the United States up into Canada and back and forth, over and over, spiraling it up, down, around and through. Permeating this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into all of the bases, all of the places where the secrets, the caches of weapons, of wealth, of advanced technology, healing techniques that haven’t been released yet, all of these places where the spas have seen ritual sacrifices take place, shining this LoveLight releasing any of the pain, suffering and turmoil. 

And still spiraling it all up, down, and around and through, getting on a very deep subatomic-particle level here, releasing all pain, tension, regrets, any and all of the low vibrations with our spiral of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And now, shining this energy into the hearts of all of the Beloveds who have ever been kept in these underground chambers against their will, no matter where they are today. And we say to them, “You are so honored. You are so loved and respected for all that you have done, in all of your lifetimes and particularly in the lifetimes when you assisted the cabal in allowing your Soul Contract to let you be down there and taking care of them. Because it has brought us to this place of revelation of just what they have been doing for these many thousands of years.” 

And now shining the LoveLight on it, we are releasing them and all of their secrets, their caches of gold, the armaments, you name it. It’s all being ferreted out and brought into the light so these transgressions against humanity can now be healed for all time. And we say to you that, “Yes, your time of liberation is upon you and we so honor you for all that you’ve done.” 

And now shining the LoveLight on all of the spirits that haven’t crossed over yet. “We’re lifting you up, right in this Now Moment across the Bridge of Flowers and handing you off to your Guidance Teams, your I AM Presence. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You are so loved. Your guides and angels are so joyful to be able to have the opportunity to show you the way back home. And there you go. And so it is.”

And to all of the Beloveds on this call, we thank you. And to all of the beings who will hear this later or read it, we love you so very much.  Namaste and good night. 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

1-16-2019 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

1-16-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, it is such a wonderful time, and it is a wonderful feeling on this call that you have risen up into these higher vibrations.  And yes, we see an anticipation happening all over your Beloved Planet. 

And mass meditations happening at this time of your solar eclipse.  This is such a wonderful feeling to allow yourself to start bringing in right now.  And that is what you’ve been doing with Mother the last few minutes. 

And I would just like to shine these high vibrations into your heart right now.  So coming together in our circle once again and shining it from heart to heart, to the left hand, through the circle, back into the right hand and up into your heart with the Intention of raising the level of the vibration for yourselves and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And to take it step by step through the dimensions in preparation for these high-vibe energies circulating and intensifying and cycling and raising the level of the vibration in harmonious union with your hearts and allowing yourself really to rise up at this time, while still putting forth your Intentional Requirements for change in your lives on your Beloved Planet, for the Announcements to transpire, for this new financial system to be activated & all of these things that are the provisions of NESARA. 

As you know, they will allow you to anchor in the 5th Dimension very fully and very totally.  And yes, this is what we have been working on for so very long. 

And in that lifetime with Sananda some 2,000 years ago, we knew that it could happen at that time whereby your hearts would open to such a level and degree that there would be a transmission all over your Beloved Planet from heart to heart.  Well, we see that time happening right now on your Beloved Planet once again. 

So, it is up to us to allow ourselves to let go of limitations, to let go of all of the negative programming that we have been fed in order to feel like we would be able to survive.  And yes, I include myself into this too, because I had lifetimes on your Beloved Planet, as Mother Sekhmet has, as each and every one of you have.

And now we see that this can be the time of letting go of all of these restrictions that you have had perpetrated upon you while testing out this density of duality in these many thousands of years and all of the different incarnations that you have allowed yourselves to experience, all in the name of Spiritual Evolution and reaching that place of Ascension where you will really be able to be fully connected with Creator Source and realize that part of you that is the Godhead by having this connection and communication with your I AM Presence and all of those higher aspects of your being.

So we ask you to continue this meditation and to carry it on, circulating these energies through your heart and sending it out exponentially to all of the Beloved Beings and the kingdoms on your planet so that when this lunar eclipse happens in a few days in your time, your whole planet will be very receptive to these higher vibrations coming in, lifting you up and bathing your consciousness and everyone on your Beloved Planet in such a way that the level of Light and Love will permeate each and every atom of your Beloved Planet in a way that it has never happened before.

The opportunity exists.  And we ask you to help manifest these conditions on your Beloved Planet.  And we feel that your hearts and your Intentions are pure.  And this is what it takes to create miracles!  And yes, we created some of those in that lifetime with Sananda. 

And we’re telling you that this sending of the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the different beings on your planet creates this exponential transmission and effect, and you’ll be helped by these high vibrations coming into your planet at this time.  And we feel that it is already starting.

So, Beloveds, we thank you very much for being here with us tonight and allowing us to come in and feel your energies heart to heart and talk to you.  We love you so very much.

Namaste and Good Night.