Thursday, January 17, 2019

1-16-2019 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

1-16-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, it is such a wonderful time, and it is a wonderful feeling on this call that you have risen up into these higher vibrations.  And yes, we see an anticipation happening all over your Beloved Planet. 

And mass meditations happening at this time of your solar eclipse.  This is such a wonderful feeling to allow yourself to start bringing in right now.  And that is what you’ve been doing with Mother the last few minutes. 

And I would just like to shine these high vibrations into your heart right now.  So coming together in our circle once again and shining it from heart to heart, to the left hand, through the circle, back into the right hand and up into your heart with the Intention of raising the level of the vibration for yourselves and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And to take it step by step through the dimensions in preparation for these high-vibe energies circulating and intensifying and cycling and raising the level of the vibration in harmonious union with your hearts and allowing yourself really to rise up at this time, while still putting forth your Intentional Requirements for change in your lives on your Beloved Planet, for the Announcements to transpire, for this new financial system to be activated & all of these things that are the provisions of NESARA. 

As you know, they will allow you to anchor in the 5th Dimension very fully and very totally.  And yes, this is what we have been working on for so very long. 

And in that lifetime with Sananda some 2,000 years ago, we knew that it could happen at that time whereby your hearts would open to such a level and degree that there would be a transmission all over your Beloved Planet from heart to heart.  Well, we see that time happening right now on your Beloved Planet once again. 

So, it is up to us to allow ourselves to let go of limitations, to let go of all of the negative programming that we have been fed in order to feel like we would be able to survive.  And yes, I include myself into this too, because I had lifetimes on your Beloved Planet, as Mother Sekhmet has, as each and every one of you have.

And now we see that this can be the time of letting go of all of these restrictions that you have had perpetrated upon you while testing out this density of duality in these many thousands of years and all of the different incarnations that you have allowed yourselves to experience, all in the name of Spiritual Evolution and reaching that place of Ascension where you will really be able to be fully connected with Creator Source and realize that part of you that is the Godhead by having this connection and communication with your I AM Presence and all of those higher aspects of your being.

So we ask you to continue this meditation and to carry it on, circulating these energies through your heart and sending it out exponentially to all of the Beloved Beings and the kingdoms on your planet so that when this lunar eclipse happens in a few days in your time, your whole planet will be very receptive to these higher vibrations coming in, lifting you up and bathing your consciousness and everyone on your Beloved Planet in such a way that the level of Light and Love will permeate each and every atom of your Beloved Planet in a way that it has never happened before.

The opportunity exists.  And we ask you to help manifest these conditions on your Beloved Planet.  And we feel that your hearts and your Intentions are pure.  And this is what it takes to create miracles!  And yes, we created some of those in that lifetime with Sananda. 

And we’re telling you that this sending of the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the different beings on your planet creates this exponential transmission and effect, and you’ll be helped by these high vibrations coming into your planet at this time.  And we feel that it is already starting.

So, Beloveds, we thank you very much for being here with us tonight and allowing us to come in and feel your energies heart to heart and talk to you.  We love you so very much.

Namaste and Good Night.

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