Thursday, January 31, 2019

1-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-22-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

~ Sekhmet ~

“Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is once again our very voluminous pleasure to be here tonight with these energies still coming in to your Planet with such Force and Grace and Ease and Beauty.

“And, yes, many of you were participants in mass meditations a few nights ago. And that is wonderful because what transpired was that a very large amount of high-vibe energy was anchored in to your beloved Planet. And this has been a continuous process over the course of many years, alas, taking it step by step, move by move, to fulfill the requirements of bringing our mission to completion. And, of course, this has all to do with liberating your beloved Planet.

“Well, you know all the steps that are needed for us to get from where we were, where we are right now, to where we see ourselves being observers of NESARA being announced. And then, a blast of energy from your Central Sun even much, much stronger than what you witnessed a couple of nights ago for this Super Blood Full Moon Eclipse. 

“And, yes, it was very wonderful, and we see that it really stimulated a lot of your imaginations as to what this new age will mean not only for you, but what the Golden Age will mean for each and every one of you on this beloved Planet and all of the beloved kingdoms.

“So, let us join together, me by rotating my paw and you reaching out to someone else to form a circle on the call. And just breathe into your heart center, feeling the energy go down into your left hand through your palm or right on the circle, back into the right hand into the heart, with the power of our thoughts jettisoning ourselves off the surface of your Planet, up into the many layers of atmospheres, into the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru. 

“And, yes, opening up the landing deck and popping right through the belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock, and now it closing beneath us and we’re touching down and walking on back to the elevator. And we’re getting in all at the same time. There’s plenty of room here. We don’t have to break up our circle.

“And we’re pushing a button and we’re going all the way up to the top to my beloved Crystal Healing Room. The doors open now and we are popping right through and seeing all the beloved Souls that have come to participate with us in this grand meditation. And, yes, some of your beloved Ancestors are here, maybe you in an incarnation or two, of yourself from the past.

“And we’re walking over to the middle of the Crystal Room here, and assembling ourselves in a circle, around the Altar. And the Mentors are assembling a circle around us, and then all the beloveds from the ships, other Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and any other Angels that are here tonight, and your Ancestors. 

“And now, sending the energy through the left hand around the circle, back and to the right and just breathing into it. Feeling all this Light come into the heart, radiating it out to the outer circles, and from the floor to the walls, to the ceilings, spiraling it up, down, around and through. And feeling the brilliance of this Light as we ask you to place your intentional requirements for what you want to create for yourself with these energies of this meditation tonight, or just shining them into the Master Crystal here.
“And you can say what you desire to bring about in your reality, whether it be with relationships, your financial situation, and so many other facets of your beloved lives that you would like to see improve - and, of course, for all the truth to come out. 

"And for us, we’re placing our intentional requirement for the Announcements, for the energies to keep on multiplying so that one day very soon we will anchor in this Fifth Dimension and there will be no turning back. And we will firmly witness ourselves being in this Golden Age, in a way we have never endeavored to create this reality for our beloved Planet before.

“And now, focusing our LoveLights on the Master Crystal, shooting it through the tip of the Master Crystal, up through the opening in my ship, the Niburu, through the ceiling and shining it directly, right down on to your Planet.

“And while we’re in the atmosphere, we start to spiral it, up, down, and around and through all throughout your beloved Planet, raising the level of the vibration by breathing into it with our intentional requirement here, to shine it into the hearts of all the beloved Beings on your Planet, to shine it into all of your beloved Kingdoms, and into the oceans, the mountains, all the very beautiful places on your Planet that have to coexist with unacceptable levels of pollution. 

“We give our intentional requirement by spiraling the energies up, down, and around and through your beloved Planet for this healing energy to come in at this time, to take away all of the impurities, and to transmute all of these energies into this golden white light of the Christ Consciousness to permeate all of the beloved subatomic particles of your Planet, shining it into the hearts of all of the beloved Beings, with the intentional requirement of Liberation. 

“No more survival games being played upon us. No more of this exclusive ownership for just the less than one percent of the population that are privy to all of the riches because, yes, they’ve been printing money out of thin air, but that dynamic we see has ended. And now we see ourselves going into a precious metals-backed economy, a new financial system.  

“So spiraling the energy, all up, down and around and through the width and breadth of your beloved Planet, affecting all of the interactions of Beings on your beloved Planet in this new financial system, and shining out the intentional requirement of Trust, Unconditional Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude on your beloved Planet at this time of great change.

"Because, yes, your negative programming has been designed to make you afraid of all new conditions. Well, we see this as a glorious new condition that things are transpiring on your beloved Planet, such as people being held accountable for their crimes. And we don’t give any dates.  We just know that all the potentials are there, in place, and they are unfolding. 

“And so just breathe into your heart center, this feeling of Self Love for the part that you have played all these years. From the time of your birth, there was a part of you that knew that this was a very special lifetime and you would have a part to play. Because, yes, it was part of your Soul contract to be here at this time and to make a difference by being in mission by raising the level of Love and Light for yourself and transmitting it to the rest of the beloved Planet.

“And now, let us go into Washington D.C. And once again, starting from the atmosphere and spiraling this golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energy from the atmosphere to the surface, down underneath the surface to underground chambers, special little hidey holes that have kept a lot of secrets over the years, a lot of dark secrets, too.  

“And all of the surrounding area with all of these alphabet agencies that have their share of secrets and dark deeds that will be unearthed. And shining the LoveLight on them, all up, down, around and through and into the hearts of all the beloved Beings that comprise the Congress, the White House, the Cabinet and the alphabet agencies with this intentional requirement of allowing all of these players to know all they have to do is come into the Light and all is forgiven. 

“Because by doing what they have done over the years, they have become very adept at living their lives at a high level of understanding that most people on your beloved Planet don’t really understand, because so much has been hidden. Well, there’s some of these players that have a pretty good overview of what has been transpiring and their perspectives. 

“If they allow themselves to go to the Light, they’d be very welcomed in creating this Golden Age. We are all Children of God. We don’t have any judgments on any one because we just see the Oneness up here in the higher dimensions. And we understand the power of utilizing your free will, especially at this time when the dice are being rolled. 

“So just breathing into your heart center and feeling this Joy, Grace, Ease and Peace of being in this now moment and shining this LoveLight from going down into the elevators in Mexico and traveling all through Mexico, through the United States and up into Canada.

"And spinning horizontally this Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness up, down, around and through this network of underground bases, with the intentional requirement of the Liberation of your beloved Planet, of all the truth coming out that has been hidden down there by these people, these players of the cabal, who have been worshipping their very dark deity – you can call him Molach or Lucifer or Satan – as really the same being. Or you can call it the devil.

“But you know what? There is no reason to be separate any more. This fear and separation has had its day. And now Unity and Divine Love and Understanding and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude is the new paradigm. And coming together in this Unity Consciousness is where our evolution has been leading with you on your beloved Planet.

“And now shining the LoveLight into all the beloved Beings who have been made captive in these underground bases, some of them very, very young, who have been used for sacrifices. Others have been lifelong servants; and telling them we honor them, we love them beyond all verbal expression.  

"And shining the LoveLight into their hearts and saying to them, ‘Yes, your liberation is upon you and we so honor you and celebrate the contributions you have made with your Soul contracts, to making the truth transparent on this beloved Planet.’

“And we say to all of you Beloved Beings on this meditation, on this Ashtar Legacy Call, Namaste! Thank you so very much, and good night!
Transcription by Marta.

Given through Eli Galla on Ashtar Legacy Call, January 22, 2019
Copyright Eli Galla 2019 - All Rights Reserved.

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