Thursday, January 31, 2019

1-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-30-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, we are here with you tonight in a Communion of our Hearts joined together in the LoveLight. Yes, we have a Mission to do. And it is so grand for us to feel all of the Beloved High Energies coming into your planet at such a high vibration, at this time. 

Because yes, we can see that it is a continuation of what we started a really long time ago in your Earth time of raising the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet, and wearing down these barriers of each of your hearts, so that you will be able to assimilate more of this high-vibrational energy into the four bodies of your being.

So, this is a wondrous feeling and a place where we feel so much LoveLight is being disseminated onto your Beloved Planet, and to each and every one of your hearts, though there are still so very many Beloved Beings on your planet who haven’t really woken up yet. Well, we see that most of them are feeling some changes going on. You know, but they don’t really think that it has really much to do with Spirituality, and the Higher Essences of who they really are, and how the timeline is shifting into such high vibration, so that we are really on the cusp of being able to assimilate the 5th Dimension into our conscious reality.

Yes, we’ve been working on the ships with you for such a long time in your dream states. And now we’re coming really close to this place of interface with you where you are starting to consciously feel it in your waking reality. So we are very enthused about this and very happy. And yes, it gives another reason for us to be together with you and to celebrate in this meditation of us coming together heart to heart.

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw and you reaching out your other hand to somebody on this call. And us forming our circle, and breathing into the Heart Center now, and sending it out through the palm of the left hand, around our circle, heart to heart here. And having it come back in through the palm of the right hand and just breathing into it. 

And with our breathing allowing ourselves to rise up with the Power of our Thoughts, raising us up from the surface of your planet, into the layers of atmospheres, into the layers of the ships. Yes, all that high vibration and we’re feeling them now. 

And going right up to my ship, the Nibiru, here, opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And now popping right through it and hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to the elevator, all entering with our Beloved Circle intact and closing the door. And now powering right on up, by pressing the button to the top floor here.

And opening the door and coming into this gathering of all the Beloved Beings, who we have done this meditation with for such a long time now. And feeling their LoveLight shine on us. And you may be feeling a tickle, a touch, a song you may be hearing from some of your ancestors, which may even be you in an incarnation or two, while you have been testing out this density of duality here on your Beloved Planet. 

And assembling around our Beloved Altar now. And holding hands and paws and sending the energy once again through the left palm, heart to heart here, into the palm of the right hand, and circling it all around to the other circles, to the Mentors, the Beloved Beings from the ships, the archangels, other Ascended Masters, legions of angels that are represented here and to our ancestors. And spiraling this energy from the floor to the ceilings, the walls, up, down, around and through, spiraling it, intensifying it, multiplying it within the four bodies of our being. 

And now placing your Intentions, your own personal Intentions for what you want to create with this meditation tonight to raise the level of your vibration, to attract things into your environment, so that you may create them in the way that you really desire, whether it be with finances, or relationships, or having clearer communications with being able to have more of a connection with the higher aspects of your Being, your I Am Presence, & your Guidance Teams. 

Just breathing into it, again spiraling it all throughout the circle, to the outer circles, all up, down, and around and through the Beloved Crystal Room.  Spinning in a spiral, allowing these energies to raise us on up into such high vibration. And all of the different dimensions are represented here in the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings, taking part in this meditation, and also in all of the crystals that have been assembled from all over Creation into this Beloved Room. 

And now focusing our LoveLights on the Master Crystal, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into the tip of this Beloved Master Crystal. And shooting it out now through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and shining it right down onto your Beloved Planet. And when we get to the atmosphere, spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface and all underneath the surface, into every subatomic particle of your Beloved Planet, shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And feeling this Golden White Light intensify and transmit into the minds and hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet and all of the Beloved Kingdoms through the crystals, all of the Animal Kingdom, the plants. Just shining it all out, spiraling it up, down, and around and through your Beloved Planet. 

And feeling your heart Centers grow in magnitude, in depth of all the Beloved Energies coming in now. And helping us all to anchor your Beloved Planet into this Golden White Light to enable the 5th Dimension to be anchored in more and more on your Beloved Planet. 

Our Intentions for your Beloved Planet, for all of you, are Freedom and Liberation from survival, from all of the old paradigm of Individuated Consciousness into the new paradigm of Unity Consciousness. Because, yes, dear Beloved Beings of the LoveLight, this is where the true Power, the Joy, the Harmony, and the Brilliance of the LoveLight is made manifest once again by anchoring in the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.

So, for us, these are very magical times, and we hope that you will continue to assimilate these energies more and more each and every day. Because, yes, the peaks of these waves of energy are coming in very rapidly now, and they are affording you more intensities in these high-vibrational energies than you have ever experienced before. 

So, the proposition being set forth is that you can clear more and more in the timelines, in your DNA and your Akashic Records, not just for yourselves, but for your whole bloodline. And yes, it continues to be a major undertaking for you all, but these are the Joys of being Wayshowers, or Trailblazers, to bring in this LoveLight. 

And now, ah, let us go over to Washington, D.C., one more time here and all of these buildings. And underneath, there are many secrete caverns there that house a lot of the secrets of this cabal, having to do with your Beloved Government. And yes, they’re not too far away from being exposed. 

Because we have put so much pressure by shining our LoveLights up in the higher dimensions on your Beloved Planet and all of these power Centers and all of these underground tunnel networks of the underground bases that, you know, the secrets each and every day, they’re being flushed out with the help of the Groundcrew, whistleblowers, Beloved Beings of the LoveLight, such as ourselves who are channeling the information.
And so many on your Beloved Planet, who have been doing the work, who have been clearing themselves to be receptive to these higher levels of Understanding and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude are feeling those ah-ha moments come in when your discernment really gets activated. 

And you just know you’re on the right path, and the answers start to come in, and your intuition, well, let’s just say it’s really being upgraded, and it has the potential to provide you with more and more answers each and every day now. So just breathing into it. 

And yes, we’re going to go over to China right now, because there are ancient tunnel systems over there that really house a lot of the secrets in that Beloved Part of the World. So, we’re going to start from the atmosphere and touch down on the surface and then go down underneath by shining this spiral over a large, large area, up, down, and around and through vertically. Just breathing into your Heart Center and letting this dynamic of the spiral affect all of these Beloved Areas there.

And shining the LoveLight onto all of the secret bases where armaments, where the secrets of governments are being held. And shining this Love into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings in the underground bases, whether they be part of the cabal, part of government, troops or slaves who have been made to be there against their Free Will.

And just breathing into it and feeling the level of the vibration raise, by spinning this spiral continuously up, down, and around and through from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface in these underground installations, and all through the tunnel systems there.

And now, sending this consciousness over to Mexico, going into the elevators at the beginning of this network here in North America. And shining it vertically by going down underneath in the elevators to these levels here, where the tunnels exist, and the underground bases all through Mexico, through the United States, and up and through Canada, all up, down, and around and through. Shining this LoveLight on the secrets, hidden advanced armaments, advanced technologies that have been hidden away from us, advanced healing modalities, miracle drugs, what have you. Shining the LoveLight onto them, to expose all of the secrets, to make all of their heinous intentions for ritual sacrifices and blood sacrifices be transparent on your Beloved Planet. Because this day of come-uppance with the Truth is upon your Beloved Planet. So, continuously shining this LoveLight, we Intentionally Require, until the 5th Dimension is fully anchored into your Beloved Planet.
And now shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who have been made captive there. And we say to all of them in all of the networks all over your Beloved Planet, “You are not forgotten. You are so honored, and so loved for fulfilling and completing your Soul Contracts in this lifetime, because without you, and the consciousness that you have partaken in, in fulfilling your Soul Contracts, the Truth would not be as transparent as it is right now. 

“So, Beloveds, we love you so very much. We honor you and we say to you that all of you, who have been challenged with crossing over, because you have been in such trauma, now we’re lifting you up, joining you with your I Am Presence and your Guidance Teams, directing the way across the Bridge of Flowers, and up, and through the dimensional gateways over to the other side.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call tonight, we honor you so very much. We thank you once again for all of your contributions, your efforts to raise the level of this LoveLight and spread it throughout your Beloved Planet. 

Namaste and good night.

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