Thursday, January 24, 2019

1-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

1-23-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good Evening. Once again, we are joined together and experiencing these high vibes coming into your Beloved Planet. And we can say that your acceleration of your Ascension Process; it has taken an upswing since this latest mass meditation a few nights ago. And we see so much Joy when you and all of the Beloved Lightworkers on your planet were feeling these energies and bringing them in. And this is what your reality is going to be in the 5th Dimension. 

And you may wonder why I like to party all the time. Well, that’s what it is when you don’t have a survival game to be enslaved by and you can let go up into the higher dimensions. And you’re still on task with playing through all of the Requirements of the Missions in the Now Moment that we came here to do. We do this up on the ships and pretty soon you all are going to be doing it up in the higher dimensions on your Beloved Planet.

So, the future promises a whole lot of exciting changes. And your ability to manifest in the Now Moment will become greatly enhanced. And yes, we’ve been working up toward this upswing in consciousness so that these high vibrations can come in and help you upgrade all of the different connections, the circuits in your Akashic Records, in your Nervous Systems. 

And this is transpiring each and every moment now. So we’re very joyful and we are coming together once again heart to heart to create this reality in the 5th Dimension. And yes, it’s a big part of our Mission of being together here at this time with you all. 

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw and with the other hand, reaching out to somebody on the call here to form our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center and with the Power of our Thoughts, sending this LoveLight from our hearts through the palm of the left hand, around the circle and back into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our heart and Intentionally Requiring now that we’re rising up above the surface of your Beloved Planet at the Speed of our Thoughts through the different layers of atmospheres, through the layers of the ships and coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. 

Opening up the landing deck right at the belly of the underside of the ship and popping through, hovering in the airlock and closing the landing deck beneath us as we hover. And now it’s closed. We can touch down and we’re walking on back to the elevators. And we’re getting inside one of them now and all together we enter at the same time. And we push the button and we’re jetting right on up to the top floor.

And now, we open the door. And once again we’re met by so many Beloved Beings of the LoveLight. And we can feel and see the Mentors, many other Ascended Masters, many beings from the ships, various angels from all around Creation, and of course, some of your ancestors and perhaps you in an incarnation or two. 

And maybe you’re feeling a little buzz at the back of your neck or at your temples or hearing a tune or feeling the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. And they’re just trying to tell you that they’re right here with us and helping us on this meditation tonight.

And now we assemble ourselves once again around the altar here and the inner circle joining together with the Mentors ringing around us and being filled in by Ascended Masters and angels and ancestors in the circles around them.  And breathing into the heart, sending it around the circle again. 

And multiplying it every time it gets sent around into the outer circles and all up, down, and around and through this Beloved Crystal Room, starting from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, feeling all of these high vibrations and energies transmitting to us from the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings assembled here. 

And feeling the transmission from the crystals which represent all of the dimensions of reality also. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to feel this Peace, Ease, Grace and Joy, this Harmony of all of our energies intermeshing with one another and rising on up in frequency and vibration at this time. 

And yes, each and every one of you, go ahead and place your Intentional Requirements for what you require to receive from this Divine Meditation tonight, whether it be in the realm of personal relationships, curing financial difficulties, health concerns or simply feeling more Love and Light in every Beloved Moment from now on. And just breathing into it. 

And we require that we multiply these energies of the Super Blood Full Moon and that we continue to raise the level of the vibration and change the dynamics on your Beloved Planet so that it is easier for us, each and every one of us, and for you, Beloveds, living on your Beloved Planet to be in your flow of energy without anything anymore to hold you back. 

No guilt, no hang-ups for allowing yourself to let go, and to be in the flow and to trust your intuition, and to be present. Because, Beloveds, you are so well supported at this time. Just breathing into the Heart Center.  You are loved so totally, there is nothing to be afraid of now with allowing yourself to rise up into these high vibrations, because you are more than capable of handling these three-dimensional reality requirements that you still have to partake of. 

Well, right now we see that it’s becoming easier and easier. So, we’d just like you to ease into it, all of these high vibes at tighter and shorter intervals coming in. And this can really play a major part in allowing yourself to be more flexible and completely let go of the fear dynamics that you have all been programmed with. And sending the LoveLight around the circle one more time, in our inner circle, out to the outer circles and all up, and down, and around and through the Crystal Healing Room. 

And shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy right into the Master Crystal on our altar and shooting it up through the tip of the crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of my Beloved Ship and shooting it right down onto your Beloved Planet. 

And when we get to the atmosphere, starting to spiral it down into the surface and underneath the surface and all up, down, and around and through. And feeling this LoveLight expand through every subatomic particle and lifting up the vibration here all over your Beloved Planet. 

And you know what that creates is all of the Beloved Beings in your family starting to feel like they’re home, because this energy now within them is becoming so natural without tension, without feeling like they’re living in a little box anymore. 

Just breathing into the Heart Center with the Intention of healing all of the negative programs, all of the lower vibrations and allowing the Ego to rise up into the Heart Center and beyond to magnify these high-vibrational energies coming in. 

And sending this LoveLight all through all of the hearts of the Beloved Beings on your planet, spiraling it up, down, around and through. And feeling the Peace, Ease, Grace, and Joy dominate in the hearts and minds of all the Beloveds on the planet and sending it into all of the kingdoms of your planet.

And now we’re going to send this LoveLight, first to the North Pole to the axis. And we’re going to spin in a spiral from the atmosphere, to the surface, and underneath the surface to balance these energies, to aid in the axis readjusting itself at this time. Up, down, around and through here. 

And now sending it down into the Southern Pole of your Beloved Planet, into the axis point there. And balancing these high-vibrational energies and harmonizing with the magnetics there so that these transitions occur with Ease and Grace on your Beloved Planet. And that they harmonize with the weather patterns on your Beloved Planet and with the tectonic plates.

So spiraling the energy all through the planet here, up, down, around and through one more time.  And just harmonizing all of these high-vibe energies that are coming in, letting go of all the resistance and allowing this Peace, Ease, Grace and Joy to become dominant vibrations on your Beloved Planet along with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And now, going into Mexico, into the elevators here, to the underground passageways and going down into the tunnels. And shining this LoveLight from the beginning down in Mexico in a horizontal fashion, in a spiral, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 

And now sending it through all of the tunnels, the underground bases, through the United States up into Canada and back and forth, over and over, spiraling it up, down, around and through. Permeating this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy into all of the bases, all of the places where the secrets, the caches of weapons, of wealth, of advanced technology, healing techniques that haven’t been released yet, all of these places where the spas have seen ritual sacrifices take place, shining this LoveLight releasing any of the pain, suffering and turmoil. 

And still spiraling it all up, down, and around and through, getting on a very deep subatomic-particle level here, releasing all pain, tension, regrets, any and all of the low vibrations with our spiral of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And now, shining this energy into the hearts of all of the Beloveds who have ever been kept in these underground chambers against their will, no matter where they are today. And we say to them, “You are so honored. You are so loved and respected for all that you have done, in all of your lifetimes and particularly in the lifetimes when you assisted the cabal in allowing your Soul Contract to let you be down there and taking care of them. Because it has brought us to this place of revelation of just what they have been doing for these many thousands of years.” 

And now shining the LoveLight on it, we are releasing them and all of their secrets, their caches of gold, the armaments, you name it. It’s all being ferreted out and brought into the light so these transgressions against humanity can now be healed for all time. And we say to you that, “Yes, your time of liberation is upon you and we so honor you for all that you’ve done.” 

And now shining the LoveLight on all of the spirits that haven’t crossed over yet. “We’re lifting you up, right in this Now Moment across the Bridge of Flowers and handing you off to your Guidance Teams, your I AM Presence. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You are so loved. Your guides and angels are so joyful to be able to have the opportunity to show you the way back home. And there you go. And so it is.”

And to all of the Beloveds on this call, we thank you. And to all of the beings who will hear this later or read it, we love you so very much.  Namaste and good night. 

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