Thursday, January 24, 2019

1-23-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

1-23-19 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, we are so happy to be with you. We can feel the energy coming from each and every one of you. And this is a most joyous time on your Beloved Planet.  And we have been witnessing all of the changes that have been happening.
Now, to some degree we were talking about the plans of this Beloved Alliance because, yes, the Ashtar Command is a great part of this Union called the Alliance with the Intentional Requirements of bringing Liberation to your Beloved Planet, so that you can be in the 5th Dimension in this new and very exciting way.

And yes, we’ve been planning of this for such a long time, and so many different elements had to come about and grow in the Love and the Light that we were shining upon them along with your Beloved Selves. Because basically, all through this lifetime that each and every one of you have had, you have had some awareness of what needed to be done on your Beloved Planet and what you needed to do to find that place of Freedom, of Peace, of Joy and Harmony and allow it to grow within the four bodies of your beings. And yes, so on your meditations, all of the exercises and clearing work that you’ve been doing with us these so very many years, we have come to this place.

And we see these changes coming about with ease and grace, the way that we have planned it all along. Because for far too long on your Beloved Planet, there has been war. And where you are going on your planet, there will only be these high vibrations of Love, communications heart to heart between each and every one of you and into Mother Gaia and all up through the higher dimensions and connecting with your I Am Presences, your Guides and your angels now in a very conscious way.
Well, for years and years of you doing your work, and being here, and being a Light Bearer, a Wayshower, you’ve been doing intensive dream-state work with us up on the ships. And many of you are quite aware of this and have called at various times in your evolution, in this lifetime, to be working with us. And so this has been a continuous theme, that when you are in your heavy dreaming states that you feel us, and you feel the healers up on the ships working upon you, because you have had a monumental job of clearing very dark energies on your planet.

And you have been receptive to receiving our help. And this has allowed you to bring in this LoveLight continuously for such a long time. But now, you’re in a place, where it has multiplied so exponentially that the resistance is being taken out in really magnanimous ways that your planet has not seen before, quite in this way ever.

Because the light right now is so dominant and with your Intentions, with your Commitment, and the efforts that you are making to direct these high-vibe energies to bring in the Beloved Announcements, the new financial system, and all of these components that will allow you to fully anchor in the 5th Dimension, yes, you are being successful.

So I along with Mother and all of the Mentors are in a place of such great Joy and celebration. And this is our natural state of being. But watching what is happening to each and every one of you; that are Light Showers, and Light Bearers, and Light Warriors on your Beloved Planet. Really, ah, it brings us such great Joy, because we see that we have this Unity now and this transmission with one another heart to heart that is unstoppable. And we celebrate each and every one of you, and your contributions, that you have made for being in this LoveLight, for playing with it, for learning how to let go to it. And to multiply it on your Beloved Planet and within the four bodies of your being, to make it so dominant that now your physical 3rd-Dimensional reality is starting to change. Because yes, the people who have committed such heinous, criminal acts on your Beloved Planet have been sequestered. They have been called to task and to stand accountable for their actions. And so, this is such a key change on your Beloved Planet, and it has taken such high levels of Unity between so many people on your Beloved Planet that we are so happy to see it manifesting in this Divine Fashion.
And so we say to you, we love you beyond all verbal expression. We love you heart to heart. And we cherish all of the contributions that you have made in your Ascension Lifetime. And we see it as already happened.

Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good Night.

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